Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 29 Jan 2019 05:55 PM PST

"Happening all over France. Paris is one of many cities where the protests take place, for the 11th week in a row. Toulouse and Bordeaux are the most attended (more than Paris, that is), and it is growing week after week. The more the government threatens the citizens not to go march or risk police violence, the more people are coming out of their homes and joining the movement. Thousands wounded, arrested and 11 deaths so far. Not one police officer was questioned for abuse. The Macron ministers didn't have a single kind word for the people who lost eyes, hands or were disfigured by exploding grenades and huge rubbet bullets, or had their skulls broken from being often gratuitously hit. A grandmother was killed by a stray police bullet in her own home. One leader of the movement was shot in the eye last Saturday, and is still is calling to peaceful action and marching. Our own Gandhi! Might work too. The revolution is starting to be exported worldwide. Feel free to join and help." Peace 1 hour ago (edited)

Geo Engineered California Fires – 27 “Anomalies” in 27 Minutes & the Winds Came Up out of Nowhere, the grand solar minimum

Posted: 29 Jan 2019 05:41 PM PST

via AIRCRAP ... Bankrupt PG&E Seeks to Pay Out $130 Million in 2018 Bonuses

Roger Stone: Let CNN Say 'They Weren't Tipped Off' Under Oath "For some strange reason this was not aired on CNN who had a camera crew at Stone's home during the arrest."

When The American People find out.. They won't pay.

WOW! Temperatures Plummet to -75 Degrees F in North Dakota

meanwhile, IN SAUDI ARABIA
"As it goes he was walking in Chicago somewhere at 2am, hmmm I live in Chicago and at or around 2am it was something like -21° with the wind chill so I'm a bit confused as to why this guy was walking around and because it was freezing and because he's a so called celebrity and why he didn't just use uber or lift or a taxi? This story sounds very strange. Maybe he got beat up by his lover and is covering for somebody...." usmcProud1183

BLM reissues permits to Dwight & Steven Hammond, THE DAY LAVOY FINICUM DIED

Posted: 29 Jan 2019 02:29 PM PST

WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW WILL KILL YOU: Blocking Out the Sun all over the World, &, TSA, millimeter wave machines & the 5G Future

Posted: 29 Jan 2019 01:24 PM PST

What does research tell us about the biologic and health effects of millimeter waves? "In sum, the peer-reviewed research demonstrates that short-term exposure to low-intensity millimeter wave (MMW) radiation not only affects human cells, it may result in the growth of multi-drug resistant bacteria harmful to humans. Since little research has been conducted on the health consequences from long-term exposure to MMWs, widespread deployment of 5G or 5th generation wireless infrastructure constitutes a massive experiment that may have adverse impacts on the public's health."

GOD BESS THE PATRIOTS OF VENEZUELA. Happening in France, A President Unlike Any Other!, Catching Rosey B4 he Escapes, ( IS RGB REALLY DEAD? ) SLEAZY KAMALA, These spells don't work on me anymore.

Posted: 29 Jan 2019 11:21 AM PST

Pray, Patriots. We need Divine intervention to get out from under this. Not by might, nor by power, BUT BY MY SPIRIT, saith the Lord. are we dangerously close to a "Public Great Awakening"?

FUBAR: catching Rosenstein before he can escape the coming shitstorm he created

Raid on Stone Home

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Obama's Forged Birth Certificate

The people of Venezuela have a deal for President @realDonaldTrump.

While people on here waste their time hurling profanity laden insults back and forth with shills, this is happening in France - coming to a United States near you. Better be getting be getting ready! via voat

54 Days Since Public Has Laid Eyes On 85 Year Old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Trump Defies Godless Left Again, Openly Backing New Bible Classes in Public School

Fear porn. They have to go back. End of story: One of the children in custody has bacteria flesh eating disease. It most certainly should be about immigration and not vaccinations.
SLEAZY KAMALA: "Willie Brown is a sleaze-bag who led one of the most corrupt mayoral offices ever seen in San Fransico, but that was fine with Harris, who went on to steal the election for California's Attorney General in 2010. "Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes," reports Daily Caller.

At one point, Cooley was up by 62,000 votes, and in panic mode, Harris reached out to her good buddy California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose role was to certify the votes. That's when thousands of Cooley's votes just disappeared." TurquoiseLover

Dirty Kamala
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