Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 30 Jan 2019 05:15 PM PST

alleged warming crisis does not exist, Anastasia Vashukevich's Trump Card, Owen's JunkGrabber Arrested, Other Empire Hoax, Dem Gov. & pediatrician defending born-alive abortions

Posted: 30 Jan 2019 03:03 PM PST


< Photo via WindWatch

the alleged warming crisis does not exist: "The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels. We told you so, 17 years ago. But did you listen? Nooooo! So now you are stuck with high electricity bills." "The only reason renewable energy companies can actually make turbines solar panels etc is because of government subsidies. And a fuckload. Without them they aren't profitable for like 20 years. In addition many of the electronics used consist of rare materials and use hazards chemicals to produce"

Escort who claimed she had dirt on Trump arrested in Moscow

Breaking: Liberal Woman Who Grabbed Infowars Host's Crotch At Women's March Arrested

Anyone remember the OTHER hoax of white racism involving the OTHER star of the TV show Empire, Taraji Henson?


Aborting Babies During Childbirth: the murder of 45,789,558 Americans since 1970. Excommunicating Andrew Cuomo, China Rattles Cali., Swedenistan, Kamala & Smollett

Posted: 30 Jan 2019 01:00 PM PST


the Walk for Life West Coast

On Excommunicating Andrew Cuomo for Heresy ... Fr. Z makes some observations.

Cardinal Dolan to Cuomo Critics: 'You Do Something!' said 'Fat, Balding, Irish Bishop'

Virginia Governor Defends Bill Legalizing Aborting Babies During Childbirth ... "First New York, and now a proposed Virginia bill that would legalize abortion up to the moment of birth" & then left to die ... ...  Why are these people smiling!?

the murder of 45,789,558 Americans since 1970.

HOWEVER: A Lyft rider in suburban Phoenix brutally stabbed his pregnant driver multiple times, killing her & her unborn child, charged with a double homicide

So a work-stoppage by a Chinese property developer due to funding is rattling some nerves in California.


The only image police have found so far shows Smollett standing alone. DUH!

French Revolution General Strike Feb 5 Demanding Macron Resign, DEMOCRATS MUTINY, MADURO'S GOLD HEIST, OBAMA'S WAR LEGACY, Nancy's Big Cartel Adventure, Antifa death squads

Posted: 30 Jan 2019 10:32 AM PST

Yellow Vests Call for General Strike on Feb. 5th: Meanwhile, France & Germany Take Major Step Toward EU Army To Protect "Europe Threatened By Nationalism" An EU Army to Fight Against Europeans???

VENEZUELA: Moving the 20 tonnes of gold bars, worth some $840 million, occurred shortly after the UK denied the Maduro regime's request to retrieve some $1.2 billion in gold being kept in the vaults of the Bank of England.

Using Gold to move away from (it's not a US Dollar it's) a central bank note

OBAMA'S LEGACY: HUMAN COST OF EIGHT YEARS OF WAR - bombed every single day for 8 years and murdered 2MILLION

the continued influx of Illegal Immigrants will continue to destroy America's Sovereignty: Pelosi knows that as soon as President Trump builds the Security Border Wall America's Sovereignty will become stronger


rebellion in the rank & file: 53% of Democrat Districts BACK TRUMP on Building THE WALL While Nan's Approval Ratings Sank!

James Clapper admitted that he lied. Why haven't dozens of agents invaded his home?: As former House Speaker Newt Gingrich put it, "This whole thing has become such a clear, vicious act of destruction that people ask themselves, is this really America when at 6 in the morning somebody who is not violent, has no record of violence, has armed fbi agents in full battle vests pounding on the door at 6 a.m.? While cnn covers it? There is something despicable about what's happening in America today."

Now let's look at what happened at Cascade Middle School: "Antifa Community Armed Self Defense" = Antifa death squads.
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