Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

THE WALL, THE SHUTDOWN, THE IRONY: Holy non sequitur, Batman! NC Senate overrides Cooper’s voter ID veto!, #ClimateChangeBigDogWifeBeaters, &, Iran Snow Storm

Posted: 04 Jan 2019 02:51 PM PST

Iran Snowstorm: Heaviest Snow In 50 Years Blanket Country's North

NC Senate overrides Cooper's voter ID veto

Just like the last 18 times.

"Holy non sequitur, Batman! I came here just to see if this Tweet was real."

GWB/911: This was a ritual done in plain sight.

Last night, freshman Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan said at a MoveOn reception that "they're gonna impeach the motherf**ker." ... Back-up video, in case YouTube deletes original. 
... & THIS

However, Pelosi Said 'We're Not Looking to Impeach You'

meanwhile: Pelosi is setting up a legal activist agency within the House Counsel that will specifically "advocate" for Democrat priorities, against the position of the U.S. Department of Justice, and use taxpayer funds to finance the scheme.

... its very possible you shills are the pedos & pedo protectors themselves .

30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet
"A leading climate change apologist and tenured professor at the University of Minnesota was recently taken into police custody after he was basically caught in the act of beating, choking, and dragging his fiance across the room by her hair during a violent outburst.
Widely recognized as one of the big dogs perpetrating the man-made climate change hoax, 47-year-old Aaron Herbert Doering will likely now go down in history as a raging wife-beater – the same fateful reputation as biotechnology propagandist Jon Entine, by the way, who we previously reported engaged in similar acts of extreme domestic violence against his wife and daughter, causing a restraining order to be filed against him."
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