Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN OUR KNOWN HISTORY. Q: Doin'Da #DeadCatBounce, #WakeUp #FactsMatter #YouAreTheNewsNow ,Vlad Tepes Taken Down, H.R.672, FAKE MAGA racist crimes, iPhones' SAR measurments & Diabetes!!, , &, Tommy Big Guns Found The Docs!,

Posted: 18 Feb 2019 12:12 PM PST

Fascist Google Takes Down Vlad Tepes YouTube Channel for Latest Video Mocking Angela Merkel

this...the "Assassination Conversations" 

Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
You are the news now.
seems old Jeff Session really was a sneaky little squirrel

How many FAKE MAGA racist crimes since 2016 have there been that the MSM has run with? Here's 18 in this thread. "Everyone needs to know this because it calls into question the entire narrative of the Resistance movement." ... "Trump has the main media by the balls and they must do as he says, and they are being told to gradually soften up their routine. Along the way everyone will see that their version of reality is bullshit. Then suddenly there will be a unified change of narrative, a complete reversal. The brainwashed will be dumbfounded but their brainwashing will proceed in the opposite direction. People's perceptions will be completely shattered."

FITTON: BIG Speaking of Anthony Weiner, as FBI and DOJ were colluding with yet another Clinton lawyer on Weiner laptop Clinton emails, this same gang was abusing power to spy on Trump. Judicial Watch just found the docs!

H.R.672 "It does nothing of importance. Not even joking. This is what it does.
"To require continued and enhanced annual reporting to Congress in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom on anti-Semitic incidents in Europe, the safety and security of European Jewish communities, and the efforts of the United States to partner with European governments, the European Union, and civil society groups, to combat anti-Semitism, and for other purposes."
Thats it."

"your 4G phone will set off personal RF radiation alarms. when I worked in the industry they ended up taking our RF detectors in for repair and we never got them back. ours got taken away in 2010"  "something that you might find interesting is this............ there is a huge epidemic of diabetes in America, the "scientist" study diabetic rats to learn what they should do for humans. First you have to have rats with diabetes. In order to induce rats to get diabetes the scientist expose them to EMF radiation....but somehow these dumbasses haven't connected EMF radiation to diabetes in humans and would call anyone who points that connection out as...... A QUACK~!"

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