Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Is Venezuela Going HOT?, $286 Million w/ The Stroke Of His Pen, MACRON TO CRIMINALIZE ANTI-ZIONISM, Shit hitting fan for pedos, Jussie Hoax goes all the way to Obama?,

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 05:19 PM PST

BOOM: Trump Just Wiped Planned Parenthood Of $286 Million With The Stroke Of His Pen

Shit hitting fan! Finally. With the pedos.

 Border Patrol Criminal Arrest Press Releases 

Human trafficking on the Treasure Coast: Who was arrested?

"I saw the most amazing chemtrails over the DMV (DC/MD/VA) on Wednesday. 8 of them in a straight line heading NNE-SSW with outer 2+2 breaking off at 30 degrees. Then there were another 10-12 random ones in various states. I've never seen so many chemtrails/contrails at one time. We probably just got sprayed. I wish I had taken a photo." Blacksmith21

Venezuelan troops abandon posts amid violent clashes with protesters

Soldiers Defect, Madura to Flee?

"And even when an Acting Attorney General comes right out in a congressional hearing and reveals what people say they want to hear, that all the SpyGate plotters are being investigated by a team of U.S. Attorneys for the shenanigans they pulled with that Carter Page warrant, people either completely miss what he said or instantly dismiss it. They want to stick with the narrative that nothing's been happening behind the scenes."




PROPHECY ~ Dragon & Phoenix Aurora Over Iceland - The Apocalypse of St John † Chapter 12 - † 'Only the Woman … I will always win … satan knows that.' Locutions 2/20/14

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 05:10 PM PST

Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie. Apocalypse (Revelation) 22:15

† Only the Woman … I will always win … satan knows that.  Locutions to the World 2/20/14 Mary

A 'Dragon Aurora' Appeared in the Sky & Then a Phoenix Over Iceland, and NASA Is a Little Confused "Photographers Jingyi Zhang and Wang Zheng were equally surprised to see the mythical beast appear in the sky over Iceland. According to NASA, Zhang's mother was so excited by the unusual auroral activity that she ran outside with the photographers (and ended up in the foreground of Zhang's picture). And the dragon wasn't the only supernatural creature to appear in the aurora that night. "Interestingly, my partner photographed a phoenix at the same time," Zhang told Live Science in an email."

the Woman Clothed in Sun & The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun - William Blake

The Apocalypse of St John (Revelation) Chapter 12 The vision of the woman clothed with the sun and of the great dragon her persecutor.
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