Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

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Posted: 28 Feb 2019 06:11 PM PST

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I'd like to remind the WORLD that Robert Mueller hand delivered HEU. Highly Enriched Uranium. To Russians in Russia. You can read the full classified cable that describes the traitorous act that occurred in 2009 here.

Owners of Company That Bought Aborted Baby Parts From Planned Parenthood are Arrested: "Two wealthy Ecuadorian brothers who were principals in DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, the California companies fined and ordered to shut down for illegally trafficking world-wide in aborted baby parts it obtained from Planned Parenthood, were arrested by ICE on February 13, 2019."

didn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

"There's no such thing as a "fetus" who survives an abortion. There are only newborns. Infants. Children."

No Deal at Trump-Kim Summit is Bad News for China "It is already a big success that Trump was not fooled or tricked by a communist regime. And Trump and Pompeo did not abruptly break the connection with North Korea and still showed the willingness for further negotiation."

At Hanoi summit, China's Xi saw a president willing to walk away"

@sarah_h_sanders - President Trump says goodbye to Chairman Kim at close of #HanoiSummit.

"Or, like here in the US and other countries, the Deep State arranged the framing of a sitting President." Blacksmith21

South Africa: ANC Will Seize White Property in Cities, Not Just Farms, Says President


BREAKING: Republicans refer Michael Cohen to Justice Department for PERJURY


Ocasio-Cortez hit with FEC complaint alleging she funneled thousands in campaign money to her boyfriend: Accused of laundering funds to mask payments

NORTH KOREA SUMMIT 2.0: [They] make lots of mistakes when you scare [them]., 44 out of 44.

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 09:47 AM PST

▶Anonymous 02/28/19 (Thu) 08:50:07 a0502b (1)
the 1st summit ended abruptly and POTUS held a solo conference. Another meeting was scheduled but didn't happen. Instead KJU secretly left and everyone found out he was gone later. You are watching a movie.
What better way to avoid assignation attempt than to tell the world there is a singing ceremony at 2 am. LOL Look here,there , here 
▶Anonymous 02/28/19 (Thu) 08:47:20 ac6677 (2)
I went to bed thinking that the deal would not be made….at least publicly. I actually think the deal is already made.
But think optics.
Trump was not going to allow for a major announcement to take place with Cohen dominating the headlines. Instead, Trump can use this charade against them. He can even possibly point to the act as one of the major reasons the deal was not made because it effected Kim.
Plus, I am thinking that if Kim is truly just an actor and the director is unknown (by us) at the moment, then the "deal" cannot be made until after the day that many anons are waiting for gets here. To a point, the same day we are waiting for, which brings justice, might also be the same show of good faith that Trump will show Kim before any major deal is finalized.
There was just too much that made me think that the timing wasn't right. Venezuela, India/Pakistan, Cohen, etc. It will come in due time.

▶Anonymous 02/28/19 (Thu) 08:52:54 f3f0d2 (2)
If you watched the lil bit of Fake News coverage of Vietnam they were saying Trump was going to make a Schitty deal, lift sanctions, it was a publicity stunt etc. etc……………….
He did the complete opposite. I suspect Kim will show up in Washington soon for the real deal.

▶Anonymous 02/28/19 (Thu) 08:53:24 9f90a9 (9)
I think its a bunch of smoke and mirrors.
If anons are confused, they must be too.
And confusion = panic
and panic = mistakes made

▶Anonymous 02/28/19 (Thu) 08:56:14 cb049b (10)
North Korea is solved as evidenced by NO rockets at all!
and……Q said it was! Nk was one of the first things we learned about and who really controlled it.
The cabal thought they would be stepping on Trump's announcement of success with NK, so they played one of their very last cards…..their Cohen plant.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against World Bank Arm on Immunity


Owners of Company That Bought Aborted Baby Parts From Planned Parenthood are Arrested

44 out of 44.
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