Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

T Minus 18 & Counting: GEN Z!!, walking w/demons & “Bishop” Talbert Swan, organ harvesting in China, Canada's Deep End, & Juan is MIA this evening

Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:10 PM PST

Carpet Bombs Are Ok, It's All About To Change, T Minus 18 & Counting

We're about to learn who wrote the Dossier, boys.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada ordered that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent. The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of family violence.

Devin Nunes wants public to see full extent of Mueller's arsenal: Emails, wiretaps, and warrants

Pulse Nightclub Ballistics Report: 55 pages quietly dropped in the FBI Vault yesterday.

Rashida Tlaib Paid Herself $45,500 From Campaign Funds

& again, NOTICE THE NAILS: she who walks w/demons

"Bishop" Talbert Swan: Obviously he's not a real man of God, but it's all about that tax exempt status, amirite?

large-scale organ harvesting atrocities in China.
#BREAKING: Read @Jim_Jordan & @RepMarkMeadows's letter to Attorney General William Barr requesting information about the actions of two high profile prosecutors on the Special Counsel's team.

▶Anonymous 03/01/19 (Fri) 13:36:07 78abf9 (5) No.5450217
Dems Lose 'Embarrassing' Gun Control Amendment Vote After Multiple Defections

The House voted Wednesday on H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019. The bill would expand background checks to include all gun sales, rather than just sales by licensed gun dealers as under current law.

Republicans in the minority countered with an amendment to require that federal officials notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement whenever a lawful or unlawful immigrant tried to illegally purchase a firearm. That measure, opposed by most Democrats, was voted down when the bill was still in the House Judiciary Committee.

When Democratic leadership brought H.R. 8 to the full floor for a vote, Republicans made a motion to recommit the bill with the ICE amendment, usually a last-ditch symbolic action taken by the minority party with little chance of success. But in a surprising development, the motion passed 220-209, with 26 Democrats joining the Republicans.  

"You had Ocasio-Cortez, who actually voted yes then switched to no then switched back to present then switch back to yes. So watching them twist themselves in knots trying to decide what's more important to them—protecting illegal immigrants or confiscating guns was pretty funny."

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