Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

WHAT IT IS: McVeigh will look like a grade schooler when it goes down, -40 Cancer Virus In Original Polio Vaccines,

Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:45 PM PDT

Nunes has said that criminal referrals on #RussiaGate and #FISA abuse will be coming down by the end of next week. Tick-tock.

Sen. Rand Paul: Source says Obama CIA Director forced dossier against Trump – demands hearings

O LOOK, IT'S VALERIE JARRETT & MORE Smollett Drama: ..... Except - they didn't seal the record fast enough,   as CPD responded to a Freedom of Information Act request by CWB Chicago and other outlets - delivering investigative files on Smollett.

"Either Trump starts taking these Nazis down, or the patriots will. Timothy McVeigh will look like a grade schooler when it goes down." Philip

Mystery Explosion Rocks Ukrainian City - Mushroom Cloud Forms Over Area

Rescued migrants hijack cargo ship in Mediterranean Sea

The SV-40 Cancer Virus In The Original Polio Vaccines Given To Millions Of American Children

MUST. STEAL. ELECTION. INCOMING: This isn’t rocket science - GOLAN, Roths, Anons! POTUS is no globalist, MANDATORY VACCINES!

Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:40 PM PDT

Mandatory vaccination is the surrender of your body to complete Strangers.  "...one hundred years of orthodox research shows that vaccines represent a medical assault on the immune system".

Montana Legislator Calls for $1K a Day Fines and Jail for CPS Workers who Kidnap Children

WTF??? MASSIVE DOJ LEAK Reveals Mueller Finished Trump-Russia Probe MONTHS BEFORE 2018 Elections; Kept Silent While DEMS Swept Midterms

report:  us-officials-predict-1-million-border-crossings-in-2019-alone/

voice of europe: italian-teen-girl-was-likely-dismembered-alive-by-nigerian-migrant-drug-dealer/

Maxine does the backpeddle

Chicago Police Department's complete investigative file of Jussie Smollett case

▶Anonymous 03/27/19 (Wed) 10:16:55 9aa402 (2) No.5920677



"I'm a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they'd never been hit like that."

In a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with The Post, President Trump said Wednesday that if House Democrats launched probes into his administration — which he called "presidential harassment" — they'd pay a heavy price.

"If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me. I'm a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they'd never been hit like that," he said during a 36-minute Oval Office sitdown.

The commander-in-chief said he could declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents from Robert Mueller's probe — and predicted the disclosure would expose the FBI, the Justice Department and the Clinton campaign as being in cahoots to set him up.

nypost 11/28/18 trump-threatens-to-declassify-devastating-docs-about-democrats/

nypost 3/26/19 trump-ready-to-declassify-everything-from-russia-probe-graham/

Rand Paul: 'Absolutely' Subpoena Obama Officials on Spygate 'Rand Paul told Breitbart News that Trump told senators he backs his call for an investigation into the origins of the Russia scandal.'

#BREAKING: 28 European Union countries reject recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights, says EU won't follow US in changing policy on Golan

▶Anonymous 03/27/19 (Wed) 09:17:48 6e0024 (6) No.5920174
Logical Thinking
All the shills on the board I imagine agree with The EUs stance on this
The European Union = NWO
George soros broke the pound in 1992 to allow for the creation of the EU by breaking the Bank of England
So the shills are NWO supporters working for Soros
This isn't rocket science

▶Anonymous 03/27/19 (Wed) 09:23:59 654009 (11) No.5920234
Genie Energy investment board reads like a who's who of globalists; left and right. Genie Energy has drilling rights. Trump declares Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Seems like a globalist thing to do, right? EU/NWO are going apeshit over that. Anons POTUS is no globalist, but I don't think anons are going to understand this until later on.

Leviathan gas field

▶Anonymous 03/27/19 (Wed) 10:11:34 d66f69 (1) No.5920636
simple explanation
the cabel is screeching cause they're not getting anything out of their syria gambit but israel is getting a payoff.
like many things trump, hes simply acknowledging something israel ALREADY OWNS, hes just saying it publicly, and hopefully getting something out of it for US.
i mean honestly, under what possible scenario does syria kick the JDF off those hilltops and take that land back that doesnt end with somebody eating atoms?
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