Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

FISA GOES BOTH WAYS: OFF THE CHAIN & PEOPLE BETTER STRAP IN, Chinese Deep State PHUKERY, 5th member Lev Tahor Cult charged, Sinking of the Titanic & Federal Reserve Act

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:30 PM PDT


"This is going to be the most vitriolic period in American history since before the Civil War," President Trump is "going to get off the chain... it's going to be payback,... People better strap in & watch it." 

Trump-administration-threatens-sanctions-against-russia-meddling-venezuela "Be schweet to catch the Red Cross Red Handed." c0e938 (12) No.5992594 ... Q - Red Cross, Trafficking Our Children - Pedogate - Finally Exposed

meanwhile: Vice President Mike Pence spoke at Turning Point USA's Midwest Regional Conference on Friday, where he told students and activists that "censorship is the tool of a coward" and that there is a "battle over the closing of the American mind" on college campuses today. Pence added that the Trump administration "will not stand idly by and allow public institutions to violate their students' constitutional rights."



1/17/14  "Mr. Obama defended need for the broad surveillance net assembled by the N.S.A. "

The Newest AI-Enabled Weapon; China is the acknowledged leader: 'Deep-Faking' Photos of the Earth: Step 1: Use AI to make undetectable changes to outdoor photos. Step 2: release them into the open-source world and enjoy the chaos

The Rise of the "Islamic State" (ISIL) Was "A Willful Decision" of the Obama White House: Former DIA Chief

Sweden is now Caliphate: 91-year-old-swede-convicted-anti-islam-hate-speech/ 


Powwow at MSU focuses on missing, murdered indigenous women, girls

5th member of Jewish sect charged in new kidnapping plot
▶Anonymous 03/31/19 (Sun) 11:11:52 223e6e (3) No.5990827
>>5990834 >>5990935 >>5990964 >>5991004 >>5991017 >>5991022 >>5991327 >>5991354 >>5991505 >>5991531

Breaking Down Q Post 142

1 of 2

Let's start with the lead up to WWII. Why does Q continuously post Reagan's "We Must Fight" video?


Reagan repeatedly mentions [appeasement]

"Let's set the record straight. There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only one guaranteed way you can have peace–and you can have it in the next second–surrender.

Admittedly there is a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson in history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face–that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight and surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand–the ultimatum. And what then? …"

Unfortunately, this point is lost on many Americans today because we've forgotten our history. Reagan was talking about the lead up to WWII. I will explain, but first let's tie in the bloodlines - this is an important connection Q wants us to understand.

There are powerful "families" that Q has already introduced us to that hold great influence over finance and geopolitics. Q has mentioned both the House of Saud and the House of Rothschild. There are also others. These powerful families represent Satanic bloodlines. These "families" or "bloodlines" represent the "puppet masters" - they are near the top of the pyramid.

Q Post 133 reveals this (excerpts follow):

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Many governments of the world feed the 'Eye'.

The Rothschild central banking system with its head in Basel (the BIS) is the high level control mechanism that feeds the 'eye' and thus enslaves the world.

The Astors

Q did not ask us to focus on the Astor family as a puppet master, but he did point to this family (and others) in Post 142. John Jacob Astor was born in Walldorf Germany in 1763. He immigrated to America in 1788. John Jacob Astor's grandson, John Jacob Astor IV was the famous Astor who went down with the Titanic on its maiden voyage to America in 1912 (note the year). At the time, John Jacob Astor was one of the wealthiest men in the world.

John Jacob Astor IV proved to be an honorable man that fateful night. He secured a place for his wife and child on a lifeboat, but did not weasel his way to safety by displacing any other woman or child. History is quite clear, however, that his grandfather and others in the Astor family were ruthless businessmen often connected to shady deals - I do not have the space to share this history here. Suffice to say that John Jacbob's early success in America is attributed to his connections with the Rothschild family.

Fritz Springmeier writes "The lPR [Institute for Pacific Relations] was the group that supervised the Illuminati's decision to allow Red China to share in the Opium trade. The puppet strings behind big world events may not be seen by the public, but if we trace the origins of several big events we see the Astors helping pull strings. The IPR helped lay the groundwork for the Pearl Harbor attack. The Astors also were behind the appeasement policy in Europe which allowed Hitler to become a threat."

Now back to Reagan and The Policy of Appeasement

Great Britain, France and the United States had the power and resources to check the aggressive actions of Germany, Italy and Japan during the 1930s but they failed to do so on account of the policy of appeasement followed by them towards the Axis Powers.

Their policy of appeasement reflected their desire for peace, an attempt on their part to recover their bearings and to re-assert their self- respect and "exasperation with anyone who would try to probe that mass of emotional pretense and questionable reasoning."


I believe this is precisely the period of history that Reagan is referring to in his "We Must Fight" speech that Q has posted repeatedly on the board. We must understand this history to prepare for what lies ahead.

▶Anonymous 03/31/19 (Sun) 11:12:28 223e6e (3) No.5990834
>>5990953 >>5990964 >>5991022 >>5991354 >>5991371 >>5991420 >>5991505

Breaking Down Q Post 142

2 of 2

The Titanic sank in 1912. The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913

The American bankers and tycoons attending this Spring 1912 meeting in London had an agenda of how to create a central bank structure in the United States—and whose attendees were John Pierpont (JP) Morgan (the richest man in America), Henry Frick (American industrialist and business associate of J.P. Morgan), Milton Hershey (of Hershey chocolate fame), Benjamin Guggenheim (one of the richest men in America), Isidor Straus (American multi millionaire co-owner of Macy's (with his brother) and former US Congressman), John Jacob Astor IV (one of the richest men in America) and John Mott (one of America most influential evangelists).

One of the main incentives used by JP Morgan to get these powerful people to attend this London meeting was their returning to the United States on the new ocean liner he had just built—called the greatest in the world—and named the RMS Titanic.

The only passengers of the London 1912 meeting to return on the RMS Titanic, though, were those who opposed to the creation of a central bank in the United States in order to finance a war against the German Empire—who were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus and Jacob Astor, and all of whom died when the RMS Titanic sunk on 12 April 1912—as opposed to JP Morgan, Henry Frick, Milton Hershey and John Mott, who all "suddenly" canceled their reservations and survived.

With no powerful opposition left to create a central bank in the United States after the sinking of the RMS Titanic, 18 months later, on 23 December 2013, the Federal Reserve System was created with World War I starting seven months later on 28 July 1914—and that saw, between 1914 and 1917, the American gross national product (GNP) go up an astounding 20%, its manufacturing soar up to 40%, the Allied Powers purchasing over $3 billion dollars in wartime orders and them borrowing from the Federal Reserve over $2 billion in bonds.



George Soros' is Jewish, and his real name was Schwartz. His father changed the family name due to rising antisemitism in Hungary leading up to WWII. At the age of 14, George Soros, while pretending to be a Christian, betrayed his fellow Hungarian Jews and helped deliver many into the hands of Nazis and the Nazi death camps. George Soros has shown no remorse for his actions.


After WWII, George Soros immigrated to England and became a student at the London School of Economics. Soon after, Soros became an acolyte of the House of Rothschild.

Remarkably, a recent article published in the Washington Times reveals that the power and influence of the Rothschilds has not diminished over the past 200 years. In the piece, it is asserted that the various programs promoted and established by George Soros are ultimately funded by the global wealth of this notorious family of financiers, the Rothschilds.

In a story entitled "Geneva Gnome's Global Dread," Arnaud de Borchgrave, the editor at large of the Washington Times and United Press International, identified the various golden Rothschild threads woven into the globalist tapestry held up as an ensign by George Soros.



Was George Soros 'grafted' into the Rothschild bloodline? (Y) is a reference to the Rothschilds (see Q posts 184, 185, 189, 192, 194). Did Soros go rogue?

Soros shorted the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street (the Bank of England) on a $10B bet that he knew he would win. Soros 'broke' the Rothschild Bank of England - biting the hand that feeds him.


We know that the plan includes elimination of the puppet masters - including Soros and OSF. The WW signs of this are now everywhere (SA, US, ASIA, EU). The fight for the border wall in the US, BREXIT, the Yellow Vest Uprising, Ukraine, Syria, NK, Iran and Venezuela all make this clear.

Another interesting aspect of what we are reviewing here is the Panama Papers leaks. The case has been made that George Soros was behind this and the goal was to expose the Rothschild connections throughout the global banking network with the intent of taking control of the global governance process. This attempted coup against the Rothschild's and the more hidden international banking powers which they represent, is now collapsing and the backlash could very well be violent.



These stories reveal how Soros has replaced family Y.
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