Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

full on Scaramucci model: Tommy Guns, Seismic Signal on November 11th 2018: ringing the Earth bell, Q#2527

Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:26 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 04/09/19 (Tue) 19:44:29 9c5b74 (6) No.6113473

I concur.

The shills might have magically disappeared but Q never said they were leaving, and Q has a track record for being very plain and blunt about leaving, if they choose to move elsewhere. Something big happened over the weekend.
The single-sentence Russia bombshell that Attorney General Barr just delivered to Congress

DHS Acting Deputy Secretary Claire Grady has offered the President her resignation, effective tomorrow. 4:17 PM - 9 Apr 2019 "I'm not accusing any one person that has been moved retired or fired. Everyone wonders why the high turnover, they make is seem like it's crazy and hostile. It's brilliant and calm, @realDonaldTrump replaces them before they get blackmailed or bought off. Punch/weave and parry" Nick

JW Sues State Depart for Obama Ambassador Victoria Nuland's Communications Related to Anti-Trump Dossier, JW Sues DOJ for Rodger Stone Aid Documents, IB: De Blasio's FOIL Fail, and more!
lamar Kyle • "ABSOLUTELY CORRECT: Ottmar Georg Edenhofer, who from 2008 to 2015 served as one of the co-chairs of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III "Mitigation of Climate Change", Has revealed that the Climate Change scam is entirely about wealth redistribution. This brings to mind a certain Mr. Gruber revealing that the ACA was also a scam and its supporters were stupid. The Climate Change scam has moved from the false issue of "Mitigation of Climate Change" to the very serious issue of "Litigation of Climate Change"!

German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer gave an eye-opening interview to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, in which he said that "one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy….This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore." Mr. Edenhofer was appointed as joint chair of Working Group 3 at the Twenty-Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

From globalwarming.org CHA-CHING, CHA-CHING, CHA-CHING. LMAO!"

▶Anonymous 04/09/19 (Tue) 19:55:15 f90e36 (2) No.6113610
>>6113662 >>6113686 >>6113797 >>6113842

EMAnon here Legit Notable Deep Dive Dig on 17Hz 11-11 Trumpet, 10Km Earthquake, Tesla: ==UPDATE!!!==

Thank you Anons, who have stepped up and added to this dig! God bless all of you, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!! A certain Anon reminded me of the Q post below. So based on what I put together at https://shepardessoffire.home.blog/ and what other Anons have provided that I have posted there… this is my decode of Q 2527 "Mayotte Mystery Wave Detected World Wide"

[ Q post 2527 ]

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 2 Dec 2018 - 1:26:57 PM



Anonymous 2 Dec 2018 - 1:19:11 PM



Think WAVES.

• Yes, a 1/17Hz signal broadcast through the entire planet for 20 minutes. Powered in Orbit by HAARP Satellites, possibly the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS), an Instrument of HAARP.


• The waves went through the planet.

Define 'unified'

• Unified Field Theory - a theory that describes two or more of the four interactions (electromagnetic, gravitational, weak, and strong) previously described by separate theories. Or more importantly, enough quantity, effects quality – Gravity and Magnetism are the same thing. Proof even I can understand is here: https://youtu.be/h9S3ikiL3Ow Truth Anons. It's whats for dinner. "A magnet is a magnet is a magnet…", no mater the size or shape. Magnetism is coherent energy, organized. Gravity is incoherent and therefore less orqanized and diffuse…and the Earth is a magnet before anything else. Watch the vid, if I can get it any Anon can! We have been lied to for so long! This is the keystone folks!!! FREE ENERGY, it is all around us. We don't even notice it, just like the fish in the fishbowl, it doesn't know it's in water until it flips out of the bowl.


• 1/17Hz Seventeen repetitions of the signal a second…. From an array requiring miles of antenna? How about a set of 4 Satellites instead? That use the Magnetosphere in a targetable, TUNEABLE broadcast shot straight at a super active undersea volcano without causing an eruption of that volcano that the residents of Mayotte didn't even notice. This is SAFE technology, Patriots IN CONTROL, so much so they can delicately and precisely ring the earth like a doorbell – only the button was an erupting volcano… and the bell a Tone so loud the planet resonated with it for 20 minutes. WOW Q. Seriously…. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. The incredible accuracy and precision of that shot, coupled with the power and antenna length requirements – what better place than in orbit where you can move it where you like? Yeah, SPACE FORCE!!!!! And on the 100th Anneversary of the end of the "War to end all wars", or WW1… Coincidence????? (See below) Q gave us a huge hint in the USGS Earthquake Data, it was SCREAMING look at me! 10Km earthquakes to the tune of 40% of all earthquakes over 4.0Mag??? Coincidence that the earthquakes in the area of Mayotte BEFORE 11-11 were occurring due to the erupting volcano… and get this… USGS data for the area recorded 185 earthquakes, guess how many USGS noted at 10km? Just guess. 180/185, like a damn bullseye before Q ever eve lit the area up on the 11th. Coincidence??? (See below) https://watchers.news/2018/05/15/earthquake-swarm-near-mayotte-oldest-volcanic-island-in-the-comoros-basin/

SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

• Seven Dwarves + others taken out causing them to start using DEW weapons to achieve their aims. EX: Paradise CA.

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

• Exquisite control. ABSOLUTE control. Focused or diffused, surface targeted or sub- surface anywhere… it's only a matter of focus and determining the target – PATRIOTS IN CONTROL.

Do you believe in coincidences?

• Like I do the tooth fairy.

Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?

• [CA_J] mirrored is [J_AC] …Jim Acosta on 8chan trolling to disparage Q?

There is a place for everyone.

• Yes, EVERYONE can access the same energy of the Earth, from anywhere on Earth - Q proved it 11-11-2018. Further drawing attention to the NEXT step!!! A Standing Wave between the Ionosphere and the surface….to power EVERYTHING. No more plugins, no power grids, EMP becomes a JOKE: Zenneck Wave Wireless Power Transmission. Nupower Development is the name of a company ALREADY doing it, Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZV7-keRFq8&list=PLrx-ABI52QVyy597N2RkmnAlzTXLGeCOR&index=86&t=0s


God Bless America!!!!! God Bless the WORLD! THANK YOU Q AND Q+ History will remember what YOU did! All of Humanity is in your debt for freeing us!


Defeat Autism Now: Child with autism before & after DMSA chelation therapy, mercury as a preservative in the shots!!

Posted: 09 Apr 2019 05:58 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 04/09/19 (Tue) 18:14:43 34a082 (4) No.6112427
>>6112442 >>6112451 >>6112860 >>6112917 >>6112972 >>6113074

>>6110444 PB

Additional info on Notable: US Troops slowly being poisoned by lead. The question is how to safely get rid of heavy metal poisoning, which also helps parents of autistic children.

Help from autism-mercury detox research:

Going to post a number of historical links to this blow by blow story as it happened in front of me back in the day, so will break each just before [www-dot]

You will have to put them back together. Thanks for not asking me to direct link.

A number of people, especially men are born with low glutathion production (sort of like being born low insulin production. Women are often carriers, but covered by the extra X chromosome, sort of like color blindness).

Glutathion is what the body makes and uses to get the lead out after or during military service, and mercury heavy metals out after infant shots (or numerous military shots as the case may be).

Glutathion is why not all children become autistic. Over-running glutathion production with more and more shots is why more and more children are being diagnosed with autism. At the time of this story below, [the late 90's] already 1 in 196 children were being diagnosed.

Now, it is 1 in 45 nationally, [CDC statistic] unless you look at a vaccine free population where the numbers run from

1/10,000 (Amish) to

1/751 (non vaccinated with an autistic sibling - high risk population)

We never heard of autism when I was young.

The story as I witnessed it and where to find detox help:

Back in 1999ish I witnessed a Doctor named Amy Holmes, a poison control doctor, as she conversed on line with her pediatrician about her son's recent autism diagnosis.

Back then these conversations were held on public web sites, as there were no discussion groups. I am a biologist. I was lurking, because the subject peaked my interest.

The pediatrician handed Dr Holmes the "autism symptom sheet" at the time of diagnosis, to which Dr. Holmes said:

"You gave me the wrong sheet, these are the symptoms for mercury poisoning."

What she KNEW by HEART to answer poison control phones is on the left column of (pic 1 related).

What the pede doc handed her was in column 2, of (pic 1 related).

Notice the symptoms of mercury poisoning and autism are identical in all respects.

Think for yourself:

Question; how can ANY doctor call a diagnosis of autism without first ruling out mercury poisoning?

Answer. Not one doctor can.

The two women doctors realize this. They give Dr. Holmes son a DMSA push test for heavy metal poisoning like mercury and lead. This test result was given to Dr Holmes [patients mom] by the Pediatrician while standing over the boys hospital bed.

God works in strange ways:

At just the same moment, the hospital TV was on and there were 500 parents in Congress on CSPAN, testifying that their children got autism from the MMR shot. (This is in the congressional record, as I witnessed it myself)

The two women were writing to one another each night.

The doctors both wonder… how many of THOSE kids are poisoned with mercury and no one has bothered to look?

They call the parents in Washington DC, and do DMSA push test on each child. Answer: 86% of the children from Washington testifying parents pissed mercury.

Docs both realize the children can not get mercury out of the system after the baby shots, which is why the tests usually showed up negative. It would not come out in the urine on it's own without help. There was not enough glutathion in the system to push the mercury out.

Big Pharma see's the result as they talk about it (lurking, just like me). Next thing you know there is a bill to prevent parents from suing Big Pharma, and the CDC creates this vaccine fund so WE the PEOPLE can pay for the damage. Big Pharma begins to fund all kinds of research/propaganda showing vaccines do not cause autism. (Which is exactly what I would tell them to do if I was their lawyer)

Needless to say those of us watching this story go down have been pissed for a long time.

▶Anonymous 04/09/19 (Tue) 18:16:15 34a082 (4) No.6112442
>>6112572 >>6112646 >>6112860 >>6112942 >>6113074


Where Dr Holmes went for help, and how to find the help she did for heavy metal poisoning that brought her son back from severe autism.

Dr. Amy Holmes gets on line in search of help for her son. She runs into 30 other doctors with autistic children… and together they learn about dealing with heavy metal complications while removing mercury, which will be similar complications while removing lead for our soldiers who are poisoned with lead. These doctors contact Dr. Bernard Rimland at Autism.com. [caveat; not the same site today]

These 30 Doctors with autistic children get together attack autism as a group, multi disciplines, from pedes to toxicology to gastroenterology etc. They call themselves the "Defeat Autism Now" or DAN doctors. Together they figure out what is going on with the children through biomedical tests on their own children and working with the 500 children who's parents had testified to Congress.

The result of their work started the whole outcry against using mercury as a preservative in the shots [disguised under the name thiomerisol or thimerisol] thio=sulfer, mer=mercury, sol = solvent.

Their work is hidden on the internet and is located here:

https:// www.safeminds.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Bernard-et-al-2001.pdf

Dr. Bernard Rimland, headed the group and web site for a long time. As soon as he stepped down, the powers that be started littering the site with psychiatry, spech therapy, and every other protocol, while they pushed the DAN doctors off the site because they did not like their chosen name and found it "offensive".

(Pic 2 related)

From https:// www.verywellhealth.com/dan-defeat-autism-now-is-no-more-3971489

Amy was able to restore her son over a six year time period, last I looked. He was 6 when she started.

Many of their children were no longer autistic last I looked.

They tried hard to get the web site to create an area where they could show before and after movies of their restored children. The site has always refused. Many times you can find your own youtubes of these parents doing the biomedical protocol and uploading the films of their recovering children on youtube. I will post a youtube of a recovering child in one of these links since I found one.

The earlier the children were treated, the faster they recovered. Generally, if diagnosed right away, the protocol goes easier, and faster. The longer the heavy metal is allowed to sit, the harder it is to get out of the bones and other places where it takes up residence. It is important that our troops be tested automatically when they get home. Occupational hazard that can be delt with.

Do test yourself.

If you are a soldier, you have been given multiple shots, you have been exposed to lead, and you have been possibly exposed to depleted Uranium. (See/study the micro-organism in miso soup for depleted uranium detox is critical. The only hospital who's patients recovered from the H-bomb served up a couple cups a day. Globalists would rather you not know this information pic 3 related )


Direct connect to a DAN doctor in the US and maybe elsewhere by now. http:// www. miriamjangmd.com/DefeatAutismNow-protocol.html

XTC, Soetoro's Shadow Government, Blowing Up The FED, FISA LIES, Jihad Caucus Rep Omar, White genocide white pill, &, Candace Takes Mr.Lieu to The Shed!!

Posted: 09 Apr 2019 02:23 PM PDT

XTC "Nonsuch" - Full Album

The Federal Reserve is out of control: "Last week, President Donald Trump set the economics community aflame by suggesting that he will appoint businessman and presidential aspirant Herman Cain to the Federal Reserve Board. Even more than political economist Stephen Moore, the critics maintain, Cain represents a threat to the cabal that has controlled the central bank for decades."

Same People Behind Iraq War Lies Pushed Russian Collusion

Then Devin Nunes Drops A Bunch Of Bombs!!

Hey Nadler, Let's Unseal all of Obama's documents, SSN, school records, etc, as well as the FISA applications! Transparency! Bring it on!

We've Been Tracking Obama & Based On His Meetings It's Time to Question If The Ex-President is Running a Shadow Government

Tax Payer Funded Jihad Caucus Rep Omar

CAMERAS LINKED TO CHINESE GOVERNMENT STIR ALARM IN U.K. PARLIAMENT "British politicians are raising concerns about the technology — and are calling for an embargo on further purchases of it — on the grounds that Hikvision is complicit in human rights abuses and also represents a national security risk, as it is feared that Chinese intelligence agencies could potentially tap into camera feeds in sensitive locations. Some of the company's cameras record audio and are connected to the internet, meaning that they can be monitored from anywhere in the world."

&, Why Xi doesn't want to meet for the upcoming summit at Mara Lago anymore.

CHICAGO: The people only got excited when the man drew his gun.

White genocide white pill

attn: GARDENERS!! Sustainable Seed Company SEED SALE!!

Posted: 09 Apr 2019 02:23 PM PDT

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