Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

FED & Your TAXES, Executive Order 13865, Yujing Zhang, Brussels City to Halt 5G, Iran floods, TONY sick fk PODESTA, 'MAGA Coalition' psyop.

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 07:19 PM PDT

A whopping $1.5 trillion in reserves are now sitting in Fed reserve accounts. We, the taxpayers, are paying $36 billion annually to private banks for parking them, rather than lending them out. "Had the Fed not mistakenly raised interest rates, especially since there is very little inflation, and had they not done the ridiculously timed quantitative tightening, the 3.0% GDP, & Stock Market, would have both been much higher & World Markets would be in a better place!" DJT
▶Anonymous 04/02/19 (Tue) 21:41:50 882400 (8) No.6025288

▶Anonymous 04/02/19 (Tue) 21:07:21 44adc2 (1) No.6024826
Interesting dig on the 'MAGA Coalition' psyop. Very likely this is run by some kind of Intel behind the muppets who are attacking Q. 'Fire hose' is the same method used to spread Khashoggi disinfo last year.

American Revival: 70 Ways President Trump Has Changed the Nation Over the Past Two Years

Executive Order 13865 - Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses

"I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt."
Céline Fremault, Minister of the Government (Brussels-Captial Region), responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy
▶Anonymous 04/02/19 (Tue) 18:01:20 cc3537 (1) No.6022253
>>6022426 >>6022676

Done workfagging and back to digging. Q team was right, there is so much open source info out there. Back to the TONY sick fuck PODESTA dig I started here >>6020445 turned up even more juicy info:

This pedo fuck was employed by both the Serbian and Georgian governments and may still be. The Podesta group (with the registrant of Roberti + White LLC) was being paid 100K a month plus ecpenses for among other things: "facilitating, at the request of the principle, meetings with members of congress and their staff, as well as executive branch officials and non governmental organization."

Since eastern bloc countries, especially SERBIA, have been associated with all manner of trafficking, I wonder what those in congress and the executive branch were discussing when these meetings occurred. I will keep digging this and report any important info I find. God's love to all involved. WWG1WGA.

Serious THAUCES:
▶ https://efile.fara.gov/docs/5926-Short-Form-20100203-46.pdf
▶ Https://efile.fara.gov/docs/6065-Exibit-AB-20110923-1.pdf


▶Anonymous 04/02/19 (Tue) 15:50:04 620954 (23) No.6020578
>>6020636 >>6020826 >>6021061 >>6021089 >>6021123

Yujing Zhang: Woman with Chinese passports who was stopped inside Mar-a-Lago facing federal charges

Apr 02, 2019

A woman carrying two Republic of China passports, four cellphones, a laptop, a hard drive and a thumb drive with malware on it made her way past an initial security checkpoint at Mar-a-Lago when President Trump was in town on March 30, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court.

>two passports, four cellphones, a laptop, a hard drive and a thumb drive with malware on it

The woman, identified as Yujing Zhang, said she was there to "go to the pool," when first approached by a Secret Service agent, an affidavit said.

Mar-a-Lago security could not find her on the access list so security contacted the manager of the Beach Club who said Zhang [DIG THE NAME!] is the last name of a member of the private club, the report said.

Because of a perceived language barrier, it was believed she was a relative of a club member and allowed on the property, an investigator said.

A valet driving a golf cart picked up Zhang and asked her where she wanted to go but she didn't know, the affidavit stated.

She ended up in a main reception area where she told a curious receptionist that she was there to attend a United Nations Chinese American Association that evening, a Secret Service agent said.

The receptionist knew that event didn't exist and determined Zhang was not on an access list, according to the affidavit.

Escorted off the property and questioned by an agent, Zhang claimed her Chinese friend 'Charles' told her to travel from Shanghai, China to Palm Beach and to speak with a member of President Trump's family about Chinese and American foreign economic relations, an agent wrote in the affidavit.https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-02/trump-called-powell-in-march-as-stocks-slid-amid-growth-worries?srnd=premium

The agent noted that Zhang was able to speak and read English with ease.

Based on her responses the Secret Service determined there was probable cause to charge Zhang with making false statements toward federal law enforcement agents and unlawfully entering a restricted building or grounds.

The first charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The second charge carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Zhang had an initial court appearance Monday morning before federal Magistrate Judge William Matthewman. A detention

hearing is set for April 8.

Read the full criminal complaint below.
▶ https://www.wptv.com/news/region-c-palm-beach-county/palm-beach/yujing-zhang-woman-with-chinese-passports-who-was-stopped-inside-mar-a-lago-facing-federal-charges



Medjugorje: April 2, 2019 Message received by Mirjana Soldo, CHRISTUS VIVIT

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 03:06 PM PDT

Dear Family of Mary!



������ slow-cooked over Creepy Joe's karma, CHEMTRAILS, Nanosized aluminum & CLOUDS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!, Four Horseman of Muh Russia & Evil George

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:40 PM PDT

(notice: above is the propaganda blurb under all 'chemtrail' videos)

Bayer (Monsanto) Loses Billions As Another Jury Determines Roundup Herbicide Causes Cancer

Serial Young Girl-Toucher Joe Biden Says Our Eyes Are Lying

Karma Buffet: Biden Being Eaten by His Own

CREEPY UNCLE JOE ..."by the way, if I was young, i'd want you for myself...." 6:49

but wait, there's more: Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare

meanwhile: Former judge arrested in Asheville on child sex charges

"Lauren Salzman, a top-ranking member of the purported self-help organization and daughter of co-founder Nancy Salzman, told Judge Nicholas Garaufis at the Eastern District Court in Brooklyn that she threatened her slave with deportation and kept her imprisoned in a room between March 2010 and April 2012."

Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Comey : The Four Horseman of the Russian Hoax


KABUKI IRONY: Maddow's staff corrects her Mueller report error in real time

& BREAKING From Minnesota...Little Mogadishu
"Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before, & all their local politicians do is complain & ask for more money. The pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA." DJT


CF, &, Knowing What You know: Inclusiv-Joins-With-Clinton-Initiative-On-Post-Disaster-Recovery-In-Puerto-Rico
& VENEZUELA: "those south American communists light are about to find out what real communism is like ... have fun in the sun down in old Venezuela and lots of luck with asking for help from Uncle Sugar ... them days are gone ... it's pay as you go now" g speed

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