Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:52 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 15:09:07 2ec7b2 (5) No.6047501
This is FAKE NEWS from politico.
Watch the video in the following link to see what Trump actually said!

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 15:20:14 2ec7b2 (5) No.6047635
It looks like the bread is full of shit from the shills replying to a post from Politico. How low have we fallen? We must be over the target here with all this influx of false concern fags and shills. BAKER: MAKE THE TRUTH (WITH VIDEO) FROM POST 6047325 NOTABLE PLEASE.
Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:56:03 895c05 (4) No.6047325

Watch the video. he is giving them a year for to get the drugs shut down not immigration. He will tariff Mexico now if they don't deport illegals from their country
Start watching video at 20:15.
Also good stuff on China trade deal start at about 18 minutes for that.

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 15:28:58 15489e (14) No.6047723
Below are Potus' words. No where in it does he says he was doing anything about immigration NOW. He said Tariffs or border closure in one year. If you try pushing anything different it is cognitive dissonance because you don't want it to be true what the rest of us acknowledge. Potus has categorically stated he is giving them one year. What do you not understand about that?

"Mexico understands that we're gonna close the border or I'm going to tarriff the cars. I'll do one or the other and probably start off with the tariffs. That'll be a very powerful incentive because Mexico has the strongest immigration laws anywhere in the world. They don't have courts like we do. We have a stupid system of courts. It's the stupidest thing."

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 15:06:34 885b94 (7) No.6047468
Okay after listening closely I think you are right that's POTUS was saying we'll place tariffs or close the border now in regards to illegal immigration and in a year from now concerning the drugs if they are not stopped we'll again consider more tariffs and closing the border. The distinction was there just not real clear….

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 15:00:23 625f73 (6) No.6047382
Earlier in this bread or PB when anons were shitting themselves over the politico article, I was racking my brain trying to figure out why.

If you ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE MAN SPELL IT OUT.  Fix immigration NOW, get your shit together on the drugs within the year. Mexico will get hammered if they dont lock the back gate today.

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:49:23 895c05 (4) No.6047239
No watch the video. He says Mexico has already started deporting people back over their southern border after announcing shut down of border and if they stop he will put tariffs on cars and then shut down border. He gave them a year to get the drugs shut down not illegal immigrants. The drug trade isn't going to happen over night. The cartels literally run Mexico and half of our government right now.

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 15:22:50 bb57e5 (2) No.6047654
Not sure he could shut he border down tomorrow if he wanted to.

So, we take a year for military to secure wall construction and facilities built to close border at a moment's notice. Plan a year for infrastructure.

In the dead time keep MX busy cleaning up their act and keep foreign businesses wondering WTF is happening. Good bet drugs coming over in cars. EOs in place to strip assets for such behavior. Uncertainty is good sometimes to keep the fuckers worried.

Have to watch the dems election ploy at work. Fuck up every possible way to secure the border and then run elections ads that Trump broke his border promise. People falling for it already.

Looks like he's decided to set up a fortified border. Think military base type security and access. A year from now will be perfect to launch the border plan with everything in place. He couldn't close the border tomorrow anyway. Better they were warned to not look dictatorial. MSM was most likely setting up the Maduro comparisons. JMO

mah avocados!: Fentanyl & drug-smuggling creativity, GOLD is New Green, “Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime. You watch.” BREXIT GETS FLUSHED BY TAG-WEARING THUG

Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:05 PM PDT

Netanyahu: 'I Offered Gaza to Arab leaders – They Didn't Want It'
▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:27:09 25223b (1) No.6046970


partition of palestine = 2 state solution

has been on the table since 1993 with zionist then israel agreement for a deal

NOT ONE arab leader has ever agreed to a 2 state solution

WHY? cuz they only want one state - no israel

that is why POTUS has ejected palestinian "leaders" from the peace deal to be made with eqypt, SA jordan and syria via russion help to expel iran

deal will be made this time

Herman Cain to be nominated to the FED...for the new GOLD STANDARD

#AuditTheFED The Federal Reserve, Central banks, World Banks, Creating money from thin air.

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:15:34 6ad547 (5) No.6046818
>>6046834 >>6046862 >>6046881 >>6046901 >>6046938

With how potent fentanyl is, it would make sense if avocados are being hollowed out (where the pit is), and having compressed fentanyl placed there. On a scanner, it would look like a normal avocado. This would also explain both why the [media] is so focused on avocados coming in from Mexico, as well as the listeria like symptoms from "contaminated" avocados.

The symptoms of listeria and fentanyl exposure are nearly identical and I posted about it a while back.

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:19:00 6ad547 (5) No.6046862
>>6046881 >>6046915 >>6046919 >>6046957


"…new level of drug-smuggling creativity was reached this week when hundreds of grams of cocaine were found hidden inside pineapple skins. Portuguese and Spanish police busted 745 grams of the powder as part of an ongoing investigation. Almost one tonne of the drug was found covered in yellow wax and disguised inside the hollow fruit en route from Panama to Europe."


They've done it with ALL kinds of produce. Produce has a limited shelf life, which means there is a high degree of time-sensitiveness. NOBODY wants it hung up in customs, so its faster than most things and thus subject to less scrutiny.

If I recall they mention MANGOES in the EMAILS, right?


▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:20:52 6ad547 (5) No.6046881
>>6046901 >>6046919 >>6046957



"At a checkpoint at the military base, soldiers used X-rays to inspect the cargo and found the drugs in plastic containers and wrapped in paper, hidden among the 27 tons of mangoes, according to the newspaper. About 250 kilograms (about 550 pounds) of drugs were seized."


They are using XRAYS, and since the pit in an avocado would look the same as compressed fentanyl they think they can slip them past.

Fuck them.

▶Anonymous 04/04/19 (Thu) 14:16:43 410e74 (8) No.6046834


>With how potent fentanyl is, it would make sense if avocados are being hollowed out (where the pit is), and having compressed fentanyl placed there. On a scanner, it would look like a normal avocado. This would also explain both why the [media] is so focused on avocados coming in from Mexico, as well as the listeria like symptoms from "contaminated" avocados.


that would make sense as to why they are so upset about their avocados.

RECORD RAID: 280 arrested during surprise ICE operation at Texas tech company

700 Armed DHS Agents Ordered to the Border!! Ulterior Motives Behind the Illegal Immigrant Invasion: Dirty Bombs Being Smuggled in too?



UK Police ready 10,000 riot officers as fears Brexit tensions could worsen

Criminal MP 'Wearing a Tag' Helps Anti-Brexit Bill Pass by One Vote

the yellow vest uprisings, soldiers are given permission to open fire on protesters.

"Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime.
You watch." Macaulay Culkin
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