Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

narrative glow: SS dude, Zhang hit man, Ukrainian Evidence Against Dems, NG in N.St.Louis, &, man who tried to #FalseFlag 8chan accidentally outed himself.

Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:03 PM PDT


National Guard called to north St. Louis violence

CHICAGO (CN) – Chicago said it will sue "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett to recover over $130,000 it spent investigating the alleged hate crime against him that the city maintains was a hoax.

US withdraws troops from Libya amid rival militias fighting near capital

Statement from the President on the Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization

May to meet with Merkel in Berlin before potential Brexit. Obama visited Merkel last week. Globalists relaying instructions?

(really?-JPM and it's criminal activity is saying this now….) via ▶Anonymous 04/08/19 (Mon) 12:15:44 508c5d (12) No.6096902
Trump Fires Head Of Secret Service

▶Anonymous 04/08/19 (Mon) 12:23:06 3fac7c (1) No.6096953
>>6096988 >>6097010 Uranium One back in play >>6097211 >>6097255

Nuclear Boom! FARA violation cases lead lobbyist group to admit it is lobbying for Russia's Rosatom (state nuclear company) & not Tenex the US subisidiary of Tenex, a Russian company owned by Rosatom. HT @BabeReflex_8

Ukrainian Officials: DOJ Hasn't Acted on Our Evidence of Dems' Wrongdoing

▶Anonymous 04/08/19 (Mon) 13:53:38 bd395e (7) No.6097954

>>>>6097859 Prosecutors said they found multiple electronic devices in the Mar-a-Lago intruder's hotel room including a signal detector that can detect hidden cameras, another cell phone, 9 USB drives and 5 sim cards. Zhang has no ties--no residential, personal - in the US, per prosecutors

>>6097878 Sounds like a Chinese hit man

Sure does.

>>6097881 This why SS dude got the boot?

Not sure. He was pushing for pay cap increases from 161k annually to 180+.

>>6097715 Looks like Alles was getting political


Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles assured agents that he is "fighting" to get more than 1,000 agents compensated for hundreds of hours they worked in overtime during the Trump administration.

As USA TODAY first reported on Monday, the Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents who have already reached federally mandated caps on salary and overtime allowances, as the agency grapples with protecting a president who has spent almost every weekend in office visiting properties he owns on the East Coast and the 18-member first family's frequent business trips and vacations.

In a memo sent to the agency's 6,800 agents and officers, Alles said he was working with Congress on a "multi-year'' plan that would raise the caps from $161,000 to $187,000.

"Getting legislation introduced and enacted in the current environment is a challenge to be sure,'' Alles said in the memo sent Wednesday evening and obtained by USA TODAY. "But know that I am committed to fighting on your behalf every day to get this done."

>>6097839 >spent almost every weekend in office visiting properties he owns on the East Coast and the 18-member first family's frequent

This is business trips and vacations.

narrative glows

Well, are they? I think the more important question here, is, is there a reason POTUS conducts a great deal of business on his own properties? Seems like it to me. Anons would probably think that POTUS trusts his places more than "official" government facilities. POTUS is making it harder for them to spy on him, hence this Zhang character.
The man who tried to #FalseFlag 8chan, but who is so dense, he accidentally outed himself.

Distracted & Entertained from Birth, & Endless Propaganda

Brice Taylor:  pg. 58 Disneyland


Posted: 08 Apr 2019 11:09 AM PDT

The Lord of every nation was hung upon a tree
His death was our salvation, our sins his agony.
Lord! make me Thine forever & should I fainting be ...
Lord let me never, never, outlive my love for Thee.

1 The royal banners forward go;
The cross shines forth in mystic glow,
Where He, as man, who gave man breath,
Now bows beneath the yoke of death.

2 Where deep for us the spear was dyed,
Life's torrent rushing from His side,
To wash us in that precious flood
Where mingled water flowed & blood.

3 Fulfilled is all that David told
In true prophetic song of old.
How God the nations' King should be,
For God is reigning from the tree.

4 O Tree of beauty, tree most fair,
Ordained those holy limbs to bear:
Gone is thy shame, each crimsoned bough
Proclaims the King of Glory now.

5 Blessed tree, whose chosen branches bore,
The wealth that did the world restore,
The price of humankind to pay
And spoil the spoiler of his prey.

6 O Cross, our one reliance, Hail!
Still may thy pow'r with us avail
More good for righteous souls to win,
And save the sinner form his sin.

7 To Thee, eternal Three in One,
Let homage meet by all be done;
As by the cross Thou dost restore,
So rule & guide us evermore.

translation: John M. Neale 1818 - 1866

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