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The alleged killer of Nipsey Hussle, Eric Holder has been indicted by the jury

Posted: 23 May 2019 12:30 AM PDT

The alleged killer of Nipsey Hussle, Eric Holder has been indicted by the jury 
Reports coming in say the alleged killer of Nipsey Hussle, Eric Holder has been indicted by the jury sitting on his case.

According to TMZ, Eric Holder has been indicted by the grand jury and new charges have added to the already existing ones he is been accused of. The L.A. County District Attorney had previously charged Holder with 4 crimes, including premeditated murder.

The grand jury is said to have revisited the case and has decided to add more charges to the four previous charges.

The new charges added to the lawsuit are 2 counts of assault with a firearm for the victims who did not die.

It would be recalled that Eric Holder was arrested a few days after he was alleged to have murdered Nipsey Hussle.

In This Story: #alleged #killer #NipseyHussle #EricHolder #indicted #jury

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Album art for 'Mandy and The Jungle' by Santi.

Posted: 23 May 2019 12:00 AM PDT

Album art for 'Mandy and The Jungle' by Santi.
Album Review: Santi's 'Mandy and The Jungle' is a banquet in a slow-burn movie

The Nigerian alte crowd is misunderstood.

They're a generation with different ideals in ways that make them a paradigm in Nigerian conversations. They are idealistically creative and confident with tribe mentality and allegiance to each other.

For those reasons, they have problems with the Nigerian mainstream that struggles to understand them. Sometimes, one has to admit that some of them worsen matters for themselves with uncouthness, but that comes with personality and background, not necessarily megalomania.

But when Santi released Suzie's Funeral, it became one of the three seminal alte projects - alongside Odunsi's Time Of Our Lives and Tay Iwar's Passport - that made people genuinely question some of their previously held reservations. Suzie's Funeral was a potpourri of different genres of music – sometimes on one track.

It also found beauty in making distant abstraction seem attractive to critics. The album and the near-perfect execution of it made some refer Santi as the nucleus of the sonically avant-garde second generation of alte. [one of the leading acts of alte music].

When he released 'Freaky,' 'Rapid Fire' and 'Sparky,' critics were reluctant on the trail of fandom, but they definitely showered the adulation as necessary. 2018 was a solid Santi-ed year.

Everyone knew an album was coming, so when he released the artwork and track list for Mandy and The Jungle, everyone couldn't help but break a smile; the boy who was slowly but surely growing into genuine mainstream success was dropping, it warmed the heart.

His penchant for creative album titles again came back to roost – this time, louder. 

On Friday, May 17, 2019, Mandy and The Jungle dropped and here is a review;

This review won't touch songs as that might seem a disservice to the album. Instead, it address the album as one body or work.

Songwriting, Themes and Delivery
Mandy and The Jungle is an album incredibly focused on the themes of love, romance, sex, obsession and adulation. Santi's chameleonic technique flatters the songwriting that you almost don't notice how regular some of his lyrics are – that's a strength.

However, a strong issue is how Santi is usually not audible enough. Sometimes words feel mumbled, other times the mixing makes the voicing seem overshadowed by effects that words are inaudible. A good artist has to be audible. Listeners need words to be easily digestible. And no, it's not about his idiosyncratic style or patois.

Away from that, Santi's ability as a stylistic chameleon is seriously impressive. One minute, he's singing in baritone with a peculiarly Nigerian style on 'Freaky,' the next moment, he's mumble rapping on a trap&B beat. Before you know it, he's flipping out with ease.

If a Santi album is going to be rich on anything, it's production. The steady growth in the kind of music GMK, Genio Bambino, Odunsi, Le Mav and Higo can churn out is quite interesting. It's so surreal sometimes because one can track their growth. These boys understand the importance of instrumentation and harmonies.

There is an original, uniform sound that makes up the album without making it boring for people that like it. But on subsequent listens, listeners might start skipping some songs.

That said, the drums and bass guitar harmonies on 'DSM' are just impressive, and so are with the drums and sampling on 'Freaky.' The afro-fusion/gbedu of 'Maria' and the all-out afro-house, faaji repete effect on 'Turn Down Mami' also soothe the soul.

Even on songs that I think should be cut, the production is faultless.

There's not much to say, the features were impressive. None felt out of place, but while Tay Iwar didn't put a foot wrong on 'Settle Down,' the song would have been fine without him.

What does 'Mandy and The Jungle' mean?
I would say it means the many tales and topics that make-up Santi's life as a young man, trying to navigate this time called life. One gets the feeling that some of these stories are abstract and fictional, but they retain their allure for how relatable they are.\

Even when a story is as circumstantial and fictional as it seemed 'Sparky' is, the Nollywood element brings lustre for appreciation. But a central theme throughout the album is emotion; something that most millennials constantly grapple with, try to control or simply lose control of.

To emote is to live, and to live is to have perspectives. Sometimes you live, but you need a escape, so you create a theatre in your mind that gleans experiences and thoughts. Mandy and The Jungle seems an out-of-body experience in which you can barely find anyone who has 100% relatability.

After my first three listens, this was going to be part of my verdict, "There is a feeling that this album might need time and constant plays to truly resonate with people like me, but anything you constantly play will eventually resonate with you – it's simple repetition bias, and I'm reluctant to subscribe to that for this album.

"By no means is this album a bad listen, Santi just promised so much with the release of 'Freaky,' 'Rapid Fire' and 'Sparky' that one felt like he was carving a niche for himself with unique sounds while reaching creative epoch after another. Either as a result of the listener's unrealistic expectation that was never going to be satisfied or the artist's work, this album is underwhelming."

I was wrong…
On a personal note and for one simple reason, it took five listens and a cloudy morning to finally be swayed by this album; it is mood music, it's either for you or not for you – there's no middle ground.

Before we go ahead, let's get one thing clear; this album carries what one might call 'alte' on its back, but fundamentally it is not 'alte.' While it is avant-garde, and reverberates creative freedom, it is just music from an artist who refuses to be boxed.

Why is the album a banquet?
A banquet signifies variety and Mandy and The Jungle is - like Suzie's Funeral - another potpourri of genres and subgenres in experimental mode. This potpourri of genres then finds itself part of a sonic and experiential minimalist adventure that requires cogent digestion before an opinion can be formed.

If you're not careful, you discard a slow-burner movie before its even genuinely started - these tendencies are worse when that movie is entwined in Quentin Tarrantino-esque lengthy dialogue scenes. That's what Mandy and The Jungle is.

On the one hand, judging this album seems a slippery slope, but when music is a part of you, it becomes a cause.

Mandy and The Jungle sees Santi doing Santi – a little bit of everything.

Equally, while Santi's evolution is definitely palpable, some might say he's still taking risks within his sonic comfort zone. But then, that might be unfair, we all have a sound. Sometimes, you can't rush evolution and there's no one way to evolve.

That said, I feel this album could have done without, 'Demon Hearts,' 'Raw Dinner' and 'Dime In The Water,' not because they're bad songs, but because if they were not in the album, the album would have been fine.

Most people will need like three plays in different moods to have their true verdict of Mandy and The Jungle. Your mood, what you've been consuming and other factors will determine whether or not you will like this album.

Personally, I would like to see Santi on more daring topics, painting pictures and telling real stories about life future albums. It feels like there are things he's not saying. There was a slight overkill of love stories on this album.

Ratings: /10

•      0-2: Flop

•      2.1-4.0: Near fall

•      4.1-6.0: Average

•      6.1-8: Victory

•      8.1-10: Champion


Production: 1.8/2

Tracklist and Cohesion: 1.8/2

Songwriting, Themes and Delivery: 1.2/2

Execution: 1.5/2

Enjoyability: 1.7/2


8.0: Victory

In This Story: #Album #art #Mandy #Jungle #Santi

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Chinko Ekun's new song, 'Mikel Jasin,' is a strict dance track

Posted: 22 May 2019 11:30 PM PDT

Chinko Ekun's new song, 'Mikel Jasin,'
Chinko Ekun remembers Michael Jackson on 'Mikel Jasin'

Date: May 21, 2019

Song Title: Mikel Jasin

Artist: Chinko Ekun featuring Crowd Kontroller

Genre: Afrobeats, shepeteri

Producer: Big Dre

Album: TBA

Label: TBA

Details/Takeaway: 'Able God' crooner, Chinko Ekun has released this soundtrack to dance routines with a title that plays on the famed brilliance of fallen legend, Michael Jackson at dancing.

The only injustice in this song seems the discontinuance of a particular bass melody before the percussion starts when the percussion and the bass melody should have all gone together.

You can listen to the song below;

In This Story: #ChinkoEkun #new #song #MikelJasin #strict #dance #track

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Wande Coal's new music video, ‘Spend Some Time,’ has a retro reflection

Posted: 22 May 2019 11:00 PM PDT

Wande Coal's new music video, 'Spend Some Time,' has a retro reflection.
Date: May 21, 2019

Song Title: Spend Some Time

Artist: Amaarae featuring Wande Coal

Genre: Afrobeats, afro-fusion, dancehall, UK funky

Producer: Obed and Rvdical Tha Kid

Album: TBA

Label: TBA

Video Director: David Nicolsey for Golden Pictures

Details/Takeaway: Asides SoundCloud aficionados, most people probably know Amaarae as the infectious, light lyric soprano that delivered echoes of sexuality with alluring ease on Santi's heatseeking hit, 'Rapid Fire.'

For those who don't know, she is a Ghanaian singer, DJ and sound engineer who delivers heavy lines with dreamy, sensual dexterity anytime she grabs the mic. She is also British rapper, Kojey Radical's cousin.

On this Wande Coal-assisted tune which shares similarities with Drake's mega-hit, 'One Dance,' Amaarae sings focuses on the theme of intimacy and unintentionally, how time makes love bloom. On another note, the video - which Wande misses - showcases a number of beautiful black women destroying steam with some good old companionship in a club.

The beauty of this song is its ability to soundtrack almost anything you want. The video, produced by Mutombo Da Poet, reflects generation x aesthetics, constume and props.

You can listen to the song below;

In This Story: #WandeCoal #new #music #video #SpendSomeTime #retro #reflection

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Ibinabo Fiberesima says many Nigerian entertainers care less about their health

Posted: 22 May 2019 10:30 PM PDT

Ibinabo Fiberesima says entertainers care less about their health
Ibinabo Fiberesima is of the opinion that many Nigerian entertainers care less about their health.

Nollywood actress, Ibinabo Fiberesima says entertainers in Nigeria give little or no attention to their health and it's worrisome.

In an exclusive chat with Pulse on the deaths and health scares in the entertainment industry, the first female and ex-president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria says many of her colleagues don't care much about their health until it becomes too late.

"I dare to take a leap by asserting further that research into a percentage of those who have gone for checkups this 2019 will yield shocking results. They simply don't care until it is too late," she says.

Fiberesima was quick to note that though she won't condemn her colleagues for relaxing if done with moderation, a situation where such becomes a daily way of life is absolutely unacceptable.

"So imagine your average entertainer who indulges in alcohol, substance abuse, a frequent wanton sexual activity sometimes backed with enhancers and caps it off with daily late nights and sleeps less than the required hours only to rush off the very next day as soon he gets the call to work.

"On location he eats whatever he sees and drinks whatever he finds, napping in between cuts. He decides to forget the damage such a lifestyle does to his body. He decides to ignore the danger of his steadily rising Blood Pressure, which by the way is now one of the foremost youth killers." she says.

Continuing, the ex-Miss Earth Nigeria says, "Your average entertainer has no idea what blood sugar tests are for, keeps no BP Monitor and feels it's needless to have one, pretends that heavy cigarette intake doesn't damage the lungs in an irreparable manner.

"The only issues they worry about is malaria and typhoid and even then, they resort to self-medication till it gets too late. The harsh truth is the same colleagues who drink and indulge with you will never bail out their buddies when the literal shit hits the fan. It's an unspoken rule. I mean they all knew what they were getting into ab initio, so once you're down it's your bad luck and everyone awaits your candlelight procession and an opportunity to drink further in honour of the fallen." 

The leggy mother of three stresses the need for entertainers to take their health seriously. She went further to advise her colleagues from indulging in unhealthy activities that might pose danger to their well-being.

"My candid advice to my colleagues is; you only have one life. Once it's gone, it's gone. It's irreplaceable. So you owe it to yourself at least for the sake of the family you'll leave behind to take care of yourself. No one else will do it for you," she says.

On the need for entertainers to strive hard to get on a health insurance scheme, Fiberesima expresses her take on the matter saying "I'd be a hypocrite to grant this session if I didn't have an insurance plan. Look, I have a lovely family and I owe it to them to make sure I take personal responsibility for myself. I am of no use to them if I'm broken with no respite in sight. So that inspired me to get a plan."

Fiberesima also shared her contribution towards helping ailing colleagues. She explained how she initiated a Health Maintenance Organization, HMO for actors in the industry within a hundred days in office as the President of AGN.

"As the President of the Actor's Guild of Nigeria AGN, I initiated a Health Maintenance Organization, HMO for actors in the industry within a hundred days in office. The practice of ailing practitioners going cap in hand for funds was painful to me not only as a practitioner but also as a human.  So while vying for leadership of the AGN, welfare and health topped my to-do list.

"The insurance aspect was a bit tedious because we had to practically carry out a data of the actors to make it work. It's one of my best moments of my tenure. We visited veterans round the country to educate them on the benefits of the scheme and educated them on the affordable annual premium packages, which I personally found fair a deal. There was also free medical checks for practitioners. In fact it was a popular notion then that being an AGN member was also tantamount to being an HMO holder. The health plan was that precise," she reeled.

The 46-year-old actress and pageant organiser says further that entertainers should always remember their health before indulging in various activities that affect their health. 

"Without apologies, there are a few of debilitating indulgences entertainers and other people can't do without. But like I always say, your health first. All these indulgences pale into insignificance when you hit the red zone," Fiberesima says emphatically.

Nollywood has lost 15 of some of its best in the first five months of 2019 and it's been a sad occurrence. Some of the deaths are as a result of health challenges that could have been maintained if the deceased got proper and desired medical attention. The 15 Nollywood stars, who have passed away in 2019, include practitioners from different tribes and sectors of the Nigerian movie industry.

In This Story: #IbinaboFiberesima #Nigerian #Entertainers #care #health

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Ik Ogbonna's Wife, Sonia Lareinaa shares how she went through serious depression for years

Posted: 22 May 2019 10:00 PM PDT

Sonia Lareinaa wants everyone to know that she is doing well now and have moved passed the serious depression she went through a few years ago.

Ik Ogbonna's Wife, Sonia Lareinaa shares how she went through serious depression for years
Sonia Lareinaa shares how she went through serious depression for years.

The model and mother of one made this known via her Instagram page on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. According to her, she has never felt so good about herself in a long time since recovering from depression.

"I fixed myself up so damn well! To think I suffered from a serious depression for years and to be at the place of love, light, and peace that I know today is magnificent. Nothing more priceless then a journey of awakening and light ⭐️❤️Here is a confession: in my entire life, I never felt this good, and I am very aware: it's just a beginning! #ARealLifeMagic #SoniaLaReinaa," she wrote.

It may interest you guys to know that this is not the first time Sonia Lareinaa will be talking about her past struggles with depression.

Recall that in 2018, the Colombian born model shared her depression story on social media.

In This Story: #IkOgbonna #Wife #SoniaLareinaa #shares #depression #years

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INEC Withdraws 2 APC Lawmakers Certificates Of Return In Kaduna State

Posted: 22 May 2019 05:05 PM PDT


Nigeria electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), has withdrawn on Tuesday the Certificate of Return of two members-elect of Kaduna State House of Assembly.

The affected persons who both belong to the All Progressive Congress (APC) are identified as Haruna Aliyu popularly known as Chakis who represented Kaduna North II (Kawo) and the other is Ibrahim Ismail was the legislator for Kaduna South II (Tudun Wada) constituency.

According to media reports, the names of Haruna Aliyu and Ibrahim Ismail who had scored 24 and 35 votes, respectively were sent to INEC as the party's candidates, instead of the names of Yusuf Salihu and Nasiru Usman who both scored 104 and 49 votes respectively at the party's primaries held on October 7, 2018.

 READ:  All eyes on INEC

Justice Z. B Abubakar, of the Federal High Court, sitting in Kaduna, while delivering his judgement, said Nasiru Usman having scored the highest number of votes cast at the primaries conducted on the said date for elective position of member State House of Assembly representing Tudun Wada Constituency otherwise known as Kaduna South II, Kaduna State is the nominated candidate for the general elections.

According to the presiding Judge, the purported substitution of the name of Hon. Yusuf Salihu for the Kaduna State House of Assembly election Kaduna North II Constituency is in violation of the provision of section 33 of the Electoral Act. 2010 as amended.

Following the court ruling, INEC subsequently withdrew the certificates of return hours after the court ruling from Haruna Aliyu and Ibrahim Ismail and issued same to Yusuf Salihu and Nasiru Usman as the winners of the 2019 Kaduna State House of Assembly election.

Ministers Finally Directed By President Buhari To Handover

Posted: 22 May 2019 04:04 PM PDT

President Muhammadu Buhari

All cabinet ministers has been directed by President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday in Abuja, to remain in office until May 28.

President Buhari's directives came during the valedictory session of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) at the Presidential Villa, however, he instructed them to hand over the mantle of leadership of their various ministries to their respective Permanent Secretaries on Tuesday.

The President also enjoined them to submit their handing over letters to the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation by May 28.

"Although today is our last council meeting, I expect all of you to continue working until Tuesday, May 28, when you will officially hand over your schedules to your respective Permanent Secretaries.

"Your handing over letters should be submitted to the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation,'' he said.

President Buhari explained that he retained the entire team of the cabinet for three and half years due to their unique leadership qualities.

READ:  Buhari's second term will bring succour to Nigerians'

The president thanked the ministers for agreeing to serve the nation during "these difficult times''.

In his remarks, the Vice-President, Yemi Osinbajo, thanked President Buhari for the great opportunity offered him to serve as his Vice-President and as his running mate twice.

He said: "My deepest gratitude comes from the great trust that you reposed in me at all times.

"I will never forget when you were going on medical leave in May 2017 and you said to me in the course of our conversation that evening that you will not fiddle my discretion as acting President in any way.

"And in keeping with your character and style you kept your words.''

READ: Security agencies probe Atiku's alleged plot to stop Buhari's inauguration

The Ministers seized the opportunity to express their gratitude to President Buhari for giving them the rear privilege to serve as members of the Federal Executive Council.

INEC vs Rochas Okorocha: See What Happened In Court On Tuesday

Posted: 22 May 2019 02:38 PM PDT

Gov. Rochas Okorocha

An Abuja Federal High Court, on Tuesday, proceeded with the certificate of return case filed by Gov. Rochas Okorocha of Imo State despite a petition by the third defendant, Sen. Osita Izunaso.

Recall that Izunaso, had petitioned the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, Justice Adamu Abdu-Kafarati, saying he was shut out of the matter and was being denied fair hearing.

Justice Okon Abang, the trial judge, at the resumed hearing, said that he had received the petition but that hearing in the matter would proceed accordingly, since Izunaso had failed to serve the petition on other parties as required by law.

"The third defendant (Izunaso) wrote a petition to the chief judge of this court that this matter be reassigned to another judge that this court as presently constituted denied him fair hearing in this matter.

READ:  Okorocha Vs INEC: Buhari Support Group Threatens Showdown In S/East

"He made reference to several decisions of this court and questioned those decisions.

"The law is settled that where a petition is written against the court or its judge in respect of a matter it is handling by a party in the case, it is the duty of the lawyer that wrote the petition to ensure that all parties in the suit are served with the petition.

"The proceedings of the court have been conducted in the open court and not in chamber and in line with the rules of court and the court records are duly kept and there is nothing to hide in the matter.

"The third defendant ought to have served his petition on all parties in the suit since all parties participated in the suit and are entitled to be heard before a decision is taken with respect to the petition

"It is immaterial that the petition was signed by the third defendant, it is my view that the petition was written by his lawyer who merely asked him to sign," Abang said.

READ:  Okorocha appeals to INEC to release his senate certificate

The judge held that the law was clear on that issue and that except otherwise provided, a lawyer shall not deliver to a judge a petition without delivering same to the opposing lawyers.

Abang asked the registrar of the court to make copies of the petition and serve on the plaintiff's counsel, the first, sixth and seventh defendants counsel for their information.

He also said it should be served on them for them to ascertain if the facts represented by the third defendant represented the true position of proceedings of the court.

He ordered that the matter shall continue accordingly and called the fourth and fifth defendants' counsel to present their cases and they both urged the court in their submission to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction.

The matter has been adjourned until May 22 for continuation of hearing.

Okorocha was in court asking for an order compelling the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to issue him with a Certificate of Return as the Senator-elect for Imo West Senatorial District.

READ: INEC rejects Okorocha, not listed among Senators-elect

The matter was first assigned to Justice Taiwo Taiwo but following allegations of bias, he recused himself from hearing the matter and returned the case file to the Chief Judge of the court for reassignment

Buhari tells tribunal, I’m not aware Bulkachuwa’s son campaigned for me

Posted: 22 May 2019 10:28 AM PDT

The Presidential Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Abuja, was told by President Muhammadu Buhari, on Wednesday, that he was not aware that biological son of the President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa, Aliyu Haidar Abubakar, campaigned for his re-election.

The APC Counsels from the left in the picture below, Yusuf Ali (SAN); Wole Olanipekun (SAN); Akin Olujimi (SAN) and Oladipo Okpesheyi (SAN) discussing as the Presidential Appeal Panel resumed sitting at the Court of Appeal, Abuja.

Photo by Abayomi Adeshida

Buhari, said he only got to know that Abubakar was his supporter, after he read a copy of the motion the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and its presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, filed to disqualify Justice Bulkachuwa from presiding over the five-man panel tribunal that is hearing petitions challenging the declaration that he won the February 23 presidential election.

President Buhari, who is the 2nd Respondent in Atiku's petition marked CA/PEPT/02/19, said his attention was further drawn to exhibits that contained newspaper cuttings, indicating that Justice Bulkachuwa's son canvassed for votes in his favour.

Nevertheless, in a written address he filed in support of an 11-paragraphed affidavit he lodged to counter Atiku's motion, President Buhari, insisted that the petitioners, failed to prove that Justice Bulkachuwa had in any way, exhibited any form of bias against them, since the petition was entered before the tribunal.

READ: Justice Zainab Declines To Recuse In Presidential Election Tribunal

The counter affidavit was deposed to by one Kolawole Andrew Aro, a litigation officer in the chambers of President Buhari's lead counsel, Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN.

In the written address, President Buhari, who was represented at the tribunal on Wednesday by a team of lawyers led by seven Senior Advocates of Nigeria, SANs, said he had since his emergence to power, refrained from dabbling into the membership of any judicial panel.

He said he never interfered with the constitution of any tribunal, "whether the panel is adjudicating on election petitions relating to the office of President, Governor, National or State Assembly, or sitting in any civil or criminal matter howsoever".
President Buhari said he had no power whatsoever to decide those to be appointed into any judicial panel or tribunal, stressing that such interference would amount to a gross abuse of the principle of separation of powers.

He said he was aware that Justice Bulkachuwa had at the inaugural sitting of the presidential election petition tribunal on May 8, assured all the parties that in dealing with the petitions, the court, would be guided by the constitution, the law and international best practices.

Consequently, he maintained that Atiku and the PDP, had no reason whatsoever to be apprehensive about the involvement of the Court of Appeal President in the adjudication of their dispute with regards to the outcome of the 2019 presidential election.

READ: Justice Bulkachuwa Asked To Withdraw From Presidential Election Tribunal By PDP

He said: "Having said that, and bearing in mind the sole issue distilled for determination by the respondent supra, it is the Respondent's humble submission that whether or not the honourable President of the Court of Appeal should recuse herself from further sitting or participating in the proceedings in this petition and be replaced by another justice of this honourable court to sit in his place to hear and determine petition, as prayed by the petitioners, is within the prerogative and discretion of the honourable President of the Court of Appeal.
"What is to be taken into consideration in coming to one decision or the other in respect of the application is also within the exclusive discretion of the honourable President.

"This is not a decision that can be dictated to her by either the petitioners or respondent or any of their counsel.

"When it comes to matter of discretion, the judge or justice involved is the sole determinant.

"The honourable President of the Court of Appeal had not displayed any bias in favour of any or the parties, particularly the Respondent.

"For the respondent, it has no reason whatsoever to complain about any of the justices sitting on the panel or any Justices of Court of Appeal for that matter.

"It is not the constitutional responsibility of the Respondent to appoint or nominate Justices of the Court of Appeal sitting or adjudicating on a presidential election petition.

"We submit that the Respondent has no say, in whatsoever manner, in the appointment or Justices who are adjudicating on the present presidential election petition.

"As the Chief Executive of Nigeria, the Respondent respects the doctrine of separation of powers and does not dabble into the membership of any judicial panel, whether the panel is adjudicating on election petitions relating to the office of President, Governor, National or State Assembly, or sitting in any civil or criminal matter howsoever.

"The Respondent was not at any time privy to the said exhibits, he only became aware of them on being served with the Petitioners' present application".

"May we submit that from the totality of the Petitioners' processes, we notice that the Petitioners do not deny the truism as provided by the constitution, regarding the prerogative of the President of the Court of Appeal, to constitute this panel.

"In other words, it is still within the constitutional prerogative of the same President to either decided whether to recuse herself and if he does, to nominate or appoint a replacement or to leave the panel of four, having regard to the clear provision of section 239(1) (a) of the Constitution", President Buhari added.

READ:  Atiku Vs Buhari: Peter Obi Reportedly Storms Tribunal As Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa Heads Panel

On its part, the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, which is the 1st Respondent in the matter, through its team of lawyers comprising five SANs led by Mr. Yunuz Uztaz, urged the tribunal to dismiss Atiku and PDP's motion, contending that it was in breach of section 42 of the 1999 Constitution, as amended.

INEC, argued that the motion was discriminatory in the sense that it sought to disqualify Justice Bulkachuwa on the basis that she was married to a politician.

Noting that many male judicial officers are equally married to politicians, INEC, maintained that granting the instant application would set " a very dangerous precedent".

"My lord we vehemently oppose the application. And we have filed a five-paragraphed affidavit to show that exhbit 2 to 4 that was attached my the petitioners, is of no moment.

"We urge your lordship not to be lured into accepting or succumbing to the argument of the petitioners. We humbly urge your lordship to dismiss the application", INEC's lawyer added.
Similarly, the All Progressives Congress, APC, through its team of nine SANs, led by Prince Lateef Fagbemi, accused the PDP and Atiku of engaging in "cheap blackmail".

While adopting its 15-paragraphed affidavit, the APC, said it was appalled that PDP was in the habit of engaging in "unpardonable and regrettable attacks" on Judges, saying it did so during a governorship election petition case that involved Osun State.

"This application is nothing but cheap blackmail. On facts and law, the application is most unmeritorious", Fagbemi argued.

Nevertheless, noting that Justice Bulkachuwa will retire by next year, Fagbemi, while concluding his argument, said, "My lord, we urge you to lead the matter".

Meanwhile, replying on point of law, counsel to the petitioners, Dr. Uzuokwu, SAN, argued that none of the Respondents disputed the allegation that Justice Bulkachuwa was connected to key members of the APC which is the 3rd Respondent in the matter.

After it had heard all the parties, the panel said it would reconvene by 2pm to deliver its ruling.

It will be recalled that PDP and Atiku had on May 15, secured leave of the tribunal to filed a formal application to ask Justice Bulkachuwa to recuse herself from the panel.

In a 19-paragraphed affidavit to subsequently filed, the petitioners, said they were not comfortable that Justice Bulkachuwa, who they described as "a wife and mother of card carrying members of the All Progressives Congress", nominated herself to head the panel.

The petitioners argued that there are over 80 Justices in the Court of Appeal that could effectively head the panel.

PDP noted that Justice Bulkachuwa had at the inaugural session of the tribunal, while delivering her inaugural speech, stated as follows:

"Elections are held in Nigeria every four years into elective positions. No matter how well the election is conducted there are bound to be complaints…"

According to the petitioners, by making that remark, it would appear that Justice Bulkachuwa had already prejudged the Presidential election as well conducted and that the petition is one of the complaints that come up "no matter how well the election is conducted".

More so, in the affidavit that was deposed to by its Deputy National Secretary, Mr. Agbo, the petitioners averred: "I know that Honourable Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa (PCA) who currently presides over the Panel baring the Petitioners/Applicants' Petition is the spouse of Honourable Adamu Muhammed Bulkachuwa, a stakeholder in the 3rd Respondent.

"Honourable Adamu Muhammed Bulkachuwa, the husband of Honourable Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa is a Senator-elect sponsored by the All Progressives Congress (APC), the 3rd Respondent in the extant Petition, for Bauchi North Senatorial District, Bauchi State.

"The election challenged in the Petition, that is the subject matter of this application held simultaneously in Bauchi North Senatorial District with the election of Honourable Adamu Muhammed Bulkachuwa, both on the platform of the 3rs Respondent.

"I know that in the said Petition, Bauchi State is one of the focal States in which the Petitioners/Applicants have alleged that electoral infractions occurred.

"Honourable Adamu Muhammed Bulkachuwa is not only a card carrying member of the 3rd Respondent and a Senator-elect under the sponsorship of the 3rd Respondent, he is also a staunch member and prominent stakeholder in the 3rd Respondent and has a stake in the election of the 2nd Respondent as President, having extensively campaigned for the 2nd Respondent.

"I know that as a spouse of Honourable Adamu Muhammed Bulkachuwa, the Honourable Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa is so closely related to Honourable Adamu Muhammed Bulkachuwa that she cannot fairly hear and determine the instant Petition without eliciting the suspicion and anxiety of all right thinking persons, including myself.

"The Court of Appeal has more than eighty (80) Justices who are able and competent to participate in the hearing and determination of the extant Petition in the absence of Honourable Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa (PCA).

"I also know that her biological son, Aliyu Haidar Abubakar is a card carrying member of the 3rd Respondent and he contested the gubernatorial primary election of the 3rd Respondent in the just concluded general election in Gombe State.

"Attached hereto and marked Exhibit 2 is a printout made today from the Facebook page named Aliyu Haidar Abubakar Volunteer Group containing his campaign posters, photographs and various posts showing his campaign messages for himself and the 2nd Respondent, both of whom contested on the platform of the 3rd Respondent.

"I also attach hereto and marked Exhibit 3 a print out of a Daily Post online news publication in which Aliyu Haidar Abubakar was prominently featured as the son of Honourable Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa and who contested the governorship primaries of Gombe State on the platform ofthe 3rd Respondent. (Sechttps://dailypost.ng/2018/09/16/gombe-2019-justicebulkachuwas-son-joins-race-succeed-dankwambo/ampl)

"On 27th October 20 l 8, the Daily Post online news also published reports that the 3rd Respondent had given its Senatorial ticket to Honourable Adamu Muhammad Bulkachuwa to curry favour with his wife, Honourable Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa, whose court would handle election petition cases arising from primary elections.

"Attached hereto and marked Exhibit 4 is a print out of the said publication. (Seehttpszl/dailypostmg/ZOI8/]0/27/apcbauchi-stalwarts-claim-oshiomhole-gave-tuggars-ticket-appeal-courtpresidents-husband-bulkachuwa-documents/)

"I was present at the inaugural sitting of the Panel on 8/5/20l9 when the Honourable Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa (PCA) as the Presiding Justice, made the following statements;

"Elections are held in Nigeria every four years Into elective positions. No matter how well the election is conducted there are bound to be complaints…"

"Justice demands that Judges who will sit in the Panel of Tribunal be divested from all forms of bias."

"I was in the Court of Appeal, Abuja, on 15/5/2019 and when the Court sat and the Honourable Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa (PCA) led a Panel of five (5) Justices to hear the Petition.

"On that day, shortly after the matter was called, the Lead Counsel for the Petitioners/Applicants applied that Lead Counsel for all Parties be allowed to meet with the Justices in Chambers, to discuss an issue, which application was granted.

"When their Lordships and Counsel came out of chambers, the Presiding Justice addressed the Counsel and stated that he had earlier received a letter from the 2nd Petitioner/Applicant asking that he recuse himself from this Petition.

"His Lordship, Honourable Justice Bulkachuwa also said the Petitioners' Counsel had, in chambers, made a similar application but that since the matter was already in the public domain, the Justices had decided that the application be made in open court.

"His Lordship, Hon. Justice Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa then invited the Petitioners' Lead Counsel to make an oral application for her to recuse herself.

"However, the Lead Counsel to the Petitioners/Applicants applied to the Honourable Court that the Petitioners/Applicants be allowed to file a formal application, which application the Court granted.

"I make this oath conscientiously believing the contents to be true and correct and in accordance with the Oaths Act", it read.

Both PDP and Atiku are challenging the declaration the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, made on February 27 that President Buhari garnered a total of 15,191,847 votes to defeat Atiku who it said polled a total of 11,262,978 votes in the disputed presidential election.

Dissatisfied with the result, Atiku had vowed to upturn it in court.

In their joint petition, Atiku and his party, insisted that data they secured from INEC's server, revealed that they clearly defeated President Buhari with over 1.6million votes.

The petitioners alleged that INEC had at various stages of the presidential election, unlawful allocated votes to President Buhari, saying they would adduce oral and documentary evidence to show that result of the election as announced by the electoral body, did not represent the lawful valid votes cast

READ:  Justice Bulkachuwa's Son Joins Gombe 2019 Race To Succeed Dankwambo

Atiku alleged that in some states, INEC, deducted lawful votes that accrued to him, in its bid to ensure that Buhari was returned back to office.

The petitioners said they would call evidence of statisticians, forensic examiners and fingerprint experts at the hearing of the petition to establish that the scores credited to Buhari were not the product of actual votes validly cast at the polling units.

Likewise, in one of the five grounds of the petition, Atiku and the PDP maintained that Buhari was not qualified to run for the office of the President, contending that he does not possess the constitutional minimum qualification of a school certificate.
Aside asking the Tribunal to declare that he was duly and validly elected and ought to be returned as President of Nigeria, having polled the highest number of lawful votes cast at the presidential election, Atiku, in the alternative, urged the tribunal to nullify the February 23 presidential election and order a fresh poll.

Source: Vanguard

Tiwa Savage Shares Eye-Popping Photos

Posted: 22 May 2019 07:30 AM PDT

Tiwa Savage Shares Eye-Popping Photos
Tiwa Savage: Singer's cleavage spills out of eye-popping photos

Tiwa Savage flaunts her incredible figure and sexually attractive body parts in a plunging shoot on Instagram today.

She was on our headline recently in a Viral Video with Wizkid, in which the starboy is seen Spanking her Behind.

The former Mavin queen has now put on a eye-popping cleavage display on social media.

In This Story: #TiwaSavage #Shares #EyePopping #Photos

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Traditional Ruler Booted Out By Wike For Allegedly Harbouring Cultists

Posted: 22 May 2019 07:25 AM PDT

Governor Nyesom Wike

HRM Monday Frank Noryaa, Gbenemene Baabe, a traditional ruler, has been sacked by Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State,  for allegedly harbouring cultists in his domain.

Gov. Wike reportedly approved the withdrawal of the Certificate of Recognition of the traditional ruler in the state following alleged indictment on cult-related activities within his kingdom.

The sacking of HRM Noryaa was contained in a statement issued and signed on Monday by the Special Assistant to the Rivers State governor on Electronic Media, Simeon Nwakaudu.

"The Traditional Ruler was also indicted for harbouring cultists, leading to insecurity in the area," the statement added.

According to the governor, his administration remains committed to the promotion of peace and security across the state.

The development comes after the Nigerian Army described as fake news, fresh allegations leveled against the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 6 Division and Land Component Commander Operation Delta Safe, Major General Jamil Sarham, by Governor Wike.

Wike is said to have in a video clip released to newsmen by his special assistant on electronic media, Simeon Nwakaudu, accused General Sarham of leaking proceeds of Rivers State Security Council meetings to criminals in Rivers State.

But responding in a statement on Tuesday, from Nigerian Army Headquarters signed by the deputy director, Army Public Relations, Colonel Aminu Iliyasu, the Army said there was no truth in Wike's claims against the GOC 6 division.

Lady narrates what made her dump boyfriend for his best friend

Posted: 22 May 2019 07:00 AM PDT

Lady narrates what made her dump boyfriend for his best friend
A South African woman identified as Snazo Maduna, while celebrating her 3rd anniversary with her boyfriend, revealed that he used to be her ex-boyfriend's best friend before they began dating.

She said her boyfriend at the time used to neglect her and when his friend sent her a message asking how her boyfriend treats her, she opened up to him. He then promised that he could treat her better and she moved on with him.

"I was still dating my ex when his bestfriend sent me a dm and asked "unjani kodwa how's my best friend treating you though?" I responded "He hasn't texted me today"…..he said "I can do better"…and he meant it coz today we are celebrating our 3rd anniversary ❤ I guess what I'm trying to say is that, your soulmate might be your boyfriend's best friend, his brother or his dad ❤", she wrote.

See her post and the comments that followed below.

In This Story: #Lady #Dump #boyfriend #best #friend

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Nigeria Given 30 Years By World Bank To Repay $350m Rural Electrification Fund

Posted: 22 May 2019 06:49 AM PDT

The World Bank

Nigeria given 30 years by World Bank to pay back the rural electrification loan. The fund which is managed by the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) is expected to provide power to 2.5 million people and 70,000 small businesses.

Nigeria will have about 30 years to repay the World Bank $350 million it borrowed from it to fund the expansion of access and supply of electricity to rural communities, educational institutions and underserved micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the country under the Nigerian Electrification Project (NEP).

THISDAY gathered from the Bank that the country would, however, get an initial five years' grace on the repayment of the loan which was approved in June 2017, by the Bank, to be disbursed through it International Development Association (IDA) credit window.

According to the fact sheet on the loan, the NEP is to be managed by the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and will leverage private sector investments in solar mini grids and standalone solar systems to provide electricity to about 2.5 million people and 70,000 MSMEs.

It will also fund the provision of reliable electricity to seven universities and two teaching hospitals under the Energising Education Programme (EEP).

"The program will help increase access to electricity services for households, public educational institutions, and underserved micro, small and medium enterprises," said the fact sheet in its description.

According to it, the project comprises of four components, with the first component being, solar hybrid mini grids for rural economic development which will be implemented under a market-based private sector led approach to construct, operate, and maintain economically viable mini grids.

This it added will be supported by subsidies that reduce initial capital outlays. "It consists of minimum subsidy tender for mini grids; and performance-based grants program," it noted.

The second component of the NEP, it explained would be stand-alone solar systems for homes and MSMEs with the intention to significantly increase the market for stand-alone solar systems in Nigeria in order to provide access to electricity to more than one million Nigerian households and MSMEs at lower cost than their current means of service such as small diesel generating sets.
"It consists of market scale-up challenge grants; and performance-based grants," the fact sheet added.

It said the third component of the NEP which is the energising education objective, will provide reliable, affordable, and sustainable power to public universities and associated teaching hospitals, while the fourth component will be technical assistance designed to build a framework for rural electrification upscaling, support project implementation as well as broad capacity building in the REA; Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC); Ministry of Power, Works, and Housing; and other relevant stakeholders in the industry.

Source: This Day

Aloma DMW Blasts Ikorodu Bois For Calling Out Davido

Posted: 22 May 2019 06:30 AM PDT

Aloma DMW Blasts Ikorodu Bois For Calling Out Davido
Davido Music Worldwide (DMW) crew member, Aloma has slammed Instagram sensational act, Ikorodu Bois for calling out his boss on Instagram.

Aloma, Davido's personal assistant, said the Ikorodu bois are not patient enough to get their N1M.

He revealed afterwards that with the current situation, if they will even get anything it is sorry.

He wrote,

Person go promise una 1million for doing nothing but common sense no tell una make una get patience. Sebi him na Father Christmas. Before F. Christmas go give you gift, you don pay for execution. If you like collect beating of life. If you collect anything, na sorry.

Few days ago, the popular Instagram Mimickers, Ikorodu Bois revealed that Davido is yet to pay them the N1m naira he promised them some months back.

In an Instagram live question and answer with their fans the ikorodu Bois answered a question which said; How did you guys invest the 1m Davido promised you guys then they replied by saying "He hasn't given us!

After the revelation, Davido unfollowed the teen comedy group on Instagram.

Recall that months ago, the Ikorodu Bois mimicked Dino Melaye in hospital bed. The video went viral and even made Dino Melaye's Son to react. Davido  saw the viral video online and was impressed.

Davido commented on the post, saying;

"Lmao, these kids are legends… Send una account make I send 1m to una, this one enter."

In This Story: #Aloma #DMW #Blasts #IkoroduBois #CallingOut #Davido

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Eniola Badmus Wants to Fornicate Aggressively Due to Stress

Posted: 22 May 2019 06:00 AM PDT

Eniola Badmus Wants to Fornicate Aggressively Due to Stress
Eniola Badmus, who is stressed out, has through her Snapchat disclosed what she needs to relieve her stress.

The actress said she needs to fornicate aggressively to relieve herself of the stress.

The veteran actress lamented the level of her stress, using tears emoji to express her pain.

"Am so stressed😩 I need to fornicate aggressively," she said.

The plus-sized actress however failed to reveal the identity of the man who is going to cure her of the stress which requires fornication.

Let's hope before the end of today, the actress would have been cured of her stress.

In This Story: #EniolaBadmus #Fornicate #Aggressively #Stress

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Tiwa Savage Has Never Watched Game of Thrones, She Explain

Posted: 22 May 2019 05:30 AM PDT

Tiwa Savage Has Never Watched Game of Thrones, She Explain
Tiwa Savage says she has never seen Game of Thrones

Pop musician, Tiwa Savage, has revealed that she has not watched fantasy series, Game of Thrones.

The 39-year-old singer made this known in a post on InstaStories on Tuesday.

"I must be the ONLY one who hasn't watched GOT," she wrote.

Movie: Game of Thrones
The final episode of Game of Thrones aired two nights ago and didn't go without a fair share of praises and criticism.

However, not minding the criticisms, one of the stars of the show, Emilia Clarke, believes the show ended appropriately.

"After 10 years of working on this show, it's logical. Where else can she go?" she told Entertainment Weekly.
"I tried to think what the ending will be. It's not like she's suddenly going to go, 'Okay, I'm gonna put a kettle on and put cookies in the oven and we'll just sit down and have a lovely time and pop a few kids out.' That was never going to happen. She's a Targaryen."

Clarke went on to explain how the later stages of her relationship with Jon Snow proved integral to the story of Dany's death.

"She's too far down the line. She's killed so many people already. I can't turn this ship around. It's too much," she added.
"One by one, you see all these strings being cut. And there's just this last thread she's holding onto: There's this boy. And she thinks, 'He loves me, and I think that's enough.'… it's just that hope and wishing that finally there is someone who accepts her for everything she is and … he f—king doesn't."

In This Story: #TiwaSavage #Never #Watched #GameOfThrones #Explain

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Davido replies Fan, says he's lucky to have Chioma

Posted: 22 May 2019 05:00 AM PDT

Davido replies Fan, says he's lucky to have Chioma
Davido's reply to a fan who said Chioma is Lucky to have him (Screenshot)

David Adedeji Adeleke (born November 21, 1992), better known by his stage name Davido has said he's "very lucky" to have his lover, Chioma is his life.

Posting a stunning makeup photo of her, he wrote "Your body dey blow my mind"

A fan responded, noting that Chioma is so lucky to have him, 'a billionaire' in her life.

Then Davido made it clear that he's lucky toothat Chioma is so lucky and she's jealous. Davido made it clear he is lucky too.

In This Story: #Davido #Replies #Fan #luckyToHaveChioma

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Timaya's First Daughter, Emma Turns Seven with New Beautiful Photos

Posted: 22 May 2019 04:30 AM PDT

Timaya's First Daughter, Emma celebrates 7th birthday
Timaya's first daughter, Emma celebrates 7th birthday with new beautiful photos

Dancehall singer, Timaya's first daughter, Emma turns 7 yesterday, May 21, 2019. Her mother, Barbara took to Instagram to celebrate the youngster by sharing lovely new photos.

Captioning one of the photos, she wrote:

'Another year has passed, and you grow more beautiful and grand each year. Can't stop thanking God for your life today and every day my angel on earth.

Thank you so much for bringing joy to my life. A blessed and a very happy birthday to u my darling Emama, my sunshine, my little angel. Mummy loves you so much but God loves you more.

She wrote in another,

"Happy birthday my first fruit. As i celebrate your birthday today, I pray that as each year unfolds, you will know God's love!You will know and understand his purpose and plan for your life as you walk with Him throughout the days of your life!You will live long in good health and enormous wealth IJN …..Amen���

See the photos below,

In This Story: #Timaya #First #Daughter #Emma #Seven #New #Beautiful #Photos

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Meet the Ten Shortlisted Housemates for Big Brother Naija 2019 'Forget Wahala'

Posted: 22 May 2019 04:00 AM PDT

Meet the Ten Shortlisted Housemates for Big Brother Naija 2019 'Forget Wahala'
Big Brother Naija 2019: Meet ten shortlisted housemates

The shortlisted housemate's big brother Naija 2019 reality TV show has lots and lots of interesting personalities and they will bring it along with them to the house.

Big Brother Naija 2019 Shortlisted Housemates: Names & Ages

Age: 24

Onyeka's tattoos highlight his life experiences. He may end up with too many tattoos to count. By the way, he loves to party!

Age: 26

Moshood is a celebrity waiting to be rich and famous. Amala is bae but he's no cook.

Age: 32

Extrovert and spontaneous in nature. Todum can't dance to save his life but who says he need rhythm to have fun.

Age: 23

Ifeanyi loves cracking jokes, sings a lot and considers himself a great cook.

Age: 30

Oluwasegun is just a lucky guy. May be considered a nerd, but he accepts being a football fanatic.

Age: 25

Samson is a man on a mission. He says he's so handsome and has titles for it.

Age: 32

He's a fitness and wellness enthusiast. Friends say he's funny. He dresses well, look good. He says he's down to earth.

Age: 33

He says he's charming and good looking. Very open-minded, up for almost anything and considers himself a natural content creator.

Age: 23

She was willing to fight for love until she got beaten. She says she's your sweet like candy girl who can't stop talking.

Age: 23

Precious prefers sneakers to heels but not a tomboy. She promised that her lips are to die for, she's a believer in true love and can't stop dancing.

In This Story: #Ten #Shortlisted #Housemates #BigBrotherNaija2019 #ForgetWahala

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Eight Suspected Internet Fraudsters Arrested Again by EFCC in Lagos (Photos)

Posted: 22 May 2019 03:30 AM PDT

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Lagos Zonal office, has arrested eight suspected fraudsters for an alleged involvement in internet crime.

Eight Suspected Internet Fraudsters Arrested Again by EFCC in Lagos (Photos)
The suspects are: Adesanmi Abiodun, Olasupo Emmanuel, Segun Amudah, Aina Oladipo and Babatunde Olawuyi.

Others are: Oluwaseyi Emmanuel Fagbemiro, Felix Onyebuchi and Abdulazeez Ismaila.

The suspects were arrested on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 in the Forthright Estate, Magboro area of Lagos State. Their arrest followed intelligence report received by the Commission.

Items recovered from the suspects include exotic cars, phones and laptops.

The suspects will soon be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.

In This Story: #Eight #Suspected #Internet #Fraudsters #Arrested #EFCC #Lagos #Photos

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Fan Sighted Little Issue on Angela Okorie's New Picture on Social Media, see her response

Posted: 22 May 2019 03:00 AM PDT

Angela Okorie, has laid a curse on a lady on Instagram, who sighted an issue on the picture she posted.

Angela Okorie
The actress had posted a picture of herself and son glowing in all shades of lovely.

The user identified as @Poshplum11 complained about the actress' fingers in one of the pictures uploaded.

She wrote:

Your fingers in picture number, is it double or my eyes are shaking, does anyone else see dis

The actress not finding the comment pleasing responded with a curse.

Angela Okorie wrote:

@Poshplum11 if u ever see anything bad in this picture, anything good will be far from you Amen🙏

In This Story: #Fan #AngelaOkorie #New #Picture #SocialMedia #response

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Baba Fryo was beaten up by a fake soldier

Posted: 22 May 2019 02:30 AM PDT

Baba Fryo was beaten up by a fake soldier
A fake soldier, Muhammed Ishaq, has been arrested over the brutality melted upon Baba Fryo.

One of the fake soldiers who is said to be behind the brutality melted upon Baba Fryo has been arrested by men of the Nigeria Army.

The news of the arrest of one of the fake soldiers, Muhammed Ishaq, was shared on Baba Fryo's official Instagram page on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. According to the post, the arrest was facilitated with the aid of men of the Nigerian Army.

"This is one of the unknown fake soldiers that deliberately beat up our living legend Babafryo Igweh yesterday without a reason, People need to be very careful these days as there so are many Babylonians posing as soldiers. I am very proud of the Nigerian Army and OC MP Ojo Cantonment Capt. A.S ATUNWA for his effective investigations and action taking in this matter.

We give thanks to the most high God. The picture below is the picture of the very fake soldier.he has been arrested by the military police Ojo cantonment his name is Muhammed Ishaq. Thank you Nigerian Army Ojo cantonment," the post reads.

It would be recalled that on Monday, May 20, 2019, the news of Baba Fryo being beaten by soldiers broke the Internet.

In This Story: #BabaFryo #beatenup #fake #soldier

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Naira Marley's alleged release wasn't true says EFCC

Posted: 22 May 2019 02:00 AM PDT

Naira Marley's alleged release wasn't true says EFCC
Naira Marley's alleged release has been vehemently denied by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.

The EFCC has denied the alleged release of Naira Marley, who was arraigned for an 11 count fraud charge on Monday, May 20, 2019.

In a video which has now gone viral on social media, the singer is seen entering a private car out of a yet to be identified location. The video which was released on Monday, May 20, 2019, shows a visibly excited Naira Marley been celebrated by his friends and fans.

The EFCC released press statement debunking the claims that Naira Marley had been released. In an interview with Sahara Reporters, the anti-graft agency says the video is mere propaganda by friends of the musician who are desperate to launder his image

Naira Marley was arraigned before a Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday, May 20, 2019, where he was charged with an 11 count charge. He, however, plead not guilty to all charges. He was then ordered to remain in prison custody.

In This Story: #NairaMarley #allegedrelease #EFCC

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Wizkid has featured on a new single by DJ Tunez, 'Gbese'

Posted: 22 May 2019 01:30 AM PDT

Wizkid has featured on a new single by DJ Tunez, 'Gbese'

The song is produced by Blaqjerzee

Artist: DJ Tunez featuring Wizkid 

Song Title: Gbese

Genre: Afrobeats

Date of Release: May 20, 2019

Album: TBA

Producer: Blaqjerzee

Details/Takeaway: Fresh collaborating December 2018 single, 'Turn Up' opposite Reekado Banks, Wizkid and the DJ most prominently known for featuring on Wande Coal's hit, 'Iskaba' drop this one.

It is a single that sees Wizkid trying to satisfy an unnamed woman with his lyrics.

You can listen to the song below;

In This Story: #Wizkid #featured #new #single #DJTunez #Gbese

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