Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

WORLD ALERT!!: right now, we the Wuhan people really need the international pressure & aw…Just one word, helpless.

Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

vaccine-for-the-china-virus-the-planet-is-the-guinea-pig-for-a-vast-experiment And there you have it. The vaccine that is being tapped by the US government… under its National Institutes of Health…through drug company Moderna…HAS NEVER BEEN USED ON THE PUBLIC BEFORE. IT IS NOT LICENSED FOR PUBLIC USE.
What in the world could possibly go wrong?

00:01 Hello everyone,

00:03 I hope everyone who is watching this can cherish this video.

00:09 Because it is very difficult to post anything online now.

00:12 In mainland China,

00:15 well, you know, we need VPN and all kinds of stuff,

00:19 and there's severe internet latency.

00:23 So I've got no other choice

00:26 but to seek help from here.

00:29 Hope there's Chinese comrades

00:32 and people with kindness can watch this,

00:35 and be aware about this Wuhan Pneumonia

00:39 so called "Coronavirus" pandemic,

00:41 The severity of the situation,

00:44 and the actual living condition

00:46 of us Wuhan people.

00:49 Right now, the entire Wuhan

00:51 has its entire transportation system, public transport

00:54 halted, all of them.

00:57 For example, gas stations are no longer in service.

01:02 And,

01:03 I've had a few questions. For example,

01:07 perhaps one of your family member

01:10 has something like a high blood pressure condition or heart attack,

01:12 and needs to go to the hospital immediately. How do we do that?

01:16 Calling emergency hotline 120,

01:19 you can try it, it simply doesn't get through.

01:22 Just doesn't get through at all. Always busy.

01:25 Another example, you suspect that

01:29 you might have contacted the pneumonia.

01:33 You want to get to the hospital to get checked.

01:37 But you just can't get there at all.

01:39 Hospitals are packed.

01:42 The doctors don't tell you to get registered or anything, you just have to line up.

01:45 You might have to wait hours in line and still can't get treated.

01:48 Perhaps you were fine before, but after queuing up for hours, you get contaminated.

01:52 And then I'm gonna talk about something I saw

01:54 with my own eyes.

01:56 One day before the day Wuhan is locked down,

02:01 As well as before 22nd,

02:04 In the entire city of Wuhan,

02:07 There weren't much people wearing masks.

02:09 There were just a bunch of people walking around without masks.

02:11 Playing mahjong,

02:13 Chitchatting everywhere,

02:16 interacting with street vendors.

02:19 I've got a question for us to discuss in this public platform,

02:27 What the hell had the Wuhan mayor and the Party committee secretary doing?

02:31 As a local government official,

02:35 did they not receive any information?

02:38 If they had indeed receive any first-hand information,

02:41 Why did they not take any actions?

02:43 For the entirety of the press conference,

02:45 Why did they not urge us to immediately put on a mask?

02:51 To at least increase our public health awareness?

02:55 If he did not receive any information, then he has neglected his duty

02:58 and he simply isn't fit for a job of local government official

03:01 and should have been sacked long ago.

03:04 Am I not right? Are my logics flawed?

03:09 It is only til 23rd, when Wuhan was locked down,

03:12 we finally have some sort of flyers all over our place

03:19 flyers to demand everyone to wear a mask

03:21 and then from 23rd

03:25 to 24th and now 25th,

03:28 we finally started seeing people wearing masks

03:31 So it is not about the citizens refusing to wear masks

03:34 it is about the local government did not do anything at all.

03:38 or maybe they even have some ulterior motive.

03:41 As for what motive, let's not discuss about them.

03:44 We can only say that in this Pandemic,

03:47 even after the 2003 experience,

03:53 we are just repeating our mistakes

03:58 And the current situation is definitely just as bad as the 2003 SARS, if not worse.

04:07 If you want to go outside, to get checked,

04:11 all of the public transportation are stopped.

04:14 If you want to drive yourself to the hospital,

04:17 there are no gas stations for you to refill.

04:20 Though I don't know for a fact that the gas stations stopped operation,

04:23 I've heard it from the internet, and did not check it myself.

04:27 So this is still speculative.

04:30 Then,

04:31 The whole picture for the current situation is,

04:34 Medical service is completely paralyzed, or I should say in total chaos.

04:40 I have a lot of friends who work at hospitals

04:44 says that if you enter a hospital,

04:47 they'll just give you some anti-inflammatory drugs or some hormone injection

04:50 or to put it bluntly,

04:53 you are just left for dead.

04:56 If you are strong you might make it through

05:01 If you don't, you're dead.

05:05 And the worst thing is

05:08 some of the "suspected case" are just as good as confirmed

05:11 but they ran out of test solutions or something like that

05:17 or they simply don't have enough resources or manpower to test it

05:20 They'll just tell you to go home and isolate yourselves.

05:22 I want to fucking ask,

05:25 can you find another country on this planet to be such fucking bullshit?

05:29 Even if you are suspected to have the contracted the disease,

05:32 not to mention those who are confirmed to have been diagnosed,

05:36 You should at least get some form of medical treatment right?

05:39 How can they just toss you away like that?

05:42 If you are a super-spreader, then

05:47 doesn't it mean that the government, or the medical facility just told you to carry the virus all over the place?

05:56 And cross-contaminate everyone?

05:58 As a regular citizen,

06:01 No matter how well you know about medical knowledge and how well you isolate yourself

06:03 you won't be as well-informed as the hospital staves and won't be isolated as safely.

06:07 Can you find another country on this planet,

06:10 another government, to fuck shit up like this?

06:13 I'm here on YouTube, with this video.

06:16 I don't have any ulterior motive.

06:18 I simply think that in one's lifetime,

06:22 There will always come to the time where

06:24 you must speak out the truth.

06:27 Sometimes in life,

06:30 you have to inevitably lie in order to survive or for whatever reason.

06:33 But in some specific occasion,

06:36 for example right now,

06:38 I think it is necessary

06:40 to speak out the truth with your own heart and conscience.

06:45 Wuhan is like the fucking hell right now

06:48 It used to be a very civil place,

06:51 the place where Mr Sun Yat-sen started the revolution to overthrow Imperial China

06:54 He fired his first round here.

06:57 It was suggested to build Wuhan like the current New York,

07:00 a modern city.

07:03 But now?

07:04 What does it look like now?

07:07 You see all kinds of pathetic, ridiculous,

07:10 outrageous, tragic,

07:12 every moment, you can see videos on twitter or other social medias

07:17 some familiar roads of Wuhan, or someone with a Wuhan accent,

07:21 some random person just drops dead or all kinds of scenarios

07:25 All those tragedies are just happening on the first day of Lunar New Year.

07:30 It was supposed to be a festive, happy day we all celebrate

07:33 But now

07:35 do you think us as Wuhan people, or as Chinese can feel happy?

07:41 And I hope that all overseas Chinese can understand one point:

07:45 We the Chinese, at least my friends and me, in our 20s and 30s

07:53 are not dumbasses, are not brainwashed.

07:57 In our brains we all know it clearly

08:00 Like that clown Jin Canrong, he might be able to fool some kids

08:08 but we all fucking know what this country really is

08:13 We just have no ways, no power, our bodies are made of flesh and blood.

08:22 We can't beat full metal jackets and tanks.

08:25 I hope every single overseas Chinese who can watch this video, help us.

08:32 You don't have to spend a dime, or do anything,

08:37 You just tap with your finger, get the message out.

08:40 I'm not making a living out of this.

08:42 I just want to create some public pressure

08:45 to make the Chinese government know not to escape their responsibilities.

08:48 They escaped all the way to some random shithole island in Qing Hai, to act like they are giving instructions to deal with the pandemic.

08:56 instructing my ass, are you thinking everyone else is retarded?

08:58 Fuck you.

09:01 Now, we as people could think in other's positions right?

09:04 Imagine you are a Wuhan citizen now,

09:06 If you are living on this land,

09:12 Your family, your friends, all the people you know,

09:17 Suddenly contracted the disease.

09:19 It's not like they refused to cooperate

09:22 but they just have no way

09:25 to get any medical treatments.

09:27 Can't even get diagnosed,

09:30 They can only sit there and be tormented by the disease and eventually death

09:33 A man only live fucking once. You've got only one life.

09:38 Once you're dead, it's over.https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/7917857.html#7918624

09:39 And this virus, it's not causing symptoms as the officials said,

09:43 fever, cough or whatever,

09:45 Even if you have no fever and no coughs,

09:49 You can still have the disease

09:52 And it's not only through oral transmissions

09:54 It can also get you through your eyes mucus

09:58 This is already confirmed

10:01 Many medical staves have already confirmed this.

10:06 And one month before the lockdown,

10:10 During the new year rush, a million or two have already left Wuhan.

10:14 What about those people? How to you prevent them from spreading the disease?

10:17 Are you gonna lock the whole China down?

10:19 Lockdown this, lockdown that, what the fuck have you been doing before this?

10:24 So I hope everyone who can watch my video,

10:28 can treasure this video as it was really difficult to upload.

10:32 I have been risking getting caught by the police all this time,

10:37 Trying to get the truth out.

10:42 We are really helpless.

10:45 Not all of us are brainwashed.

10:48 We, too want to live the life with democracy and freedom,

10:52 open,

10:53 and we too wanted to browse the internet without having to use VPN.

10:56 But we just can't, what can we even do about it?

11:00 Right? High housing cost, living cost, inflation.

11:03 Whatever happens to the high-ranked officials,

11:05 they'd scrape benefits off us peasants.

11:07 and we can only watch.

11:10 All of the friends around me,

11:14 as long as they are rich or have the ability,

11:16 they would fucking migrate the very moment they could.

11:19 None of us are dumb, we just have no power.

11:24 I urge you guys to help,

11:27 at least right now, we the Wuhan people really need the international pressure and awareness.

11:33 We are really too helpless, just one word, helpless.
source - /8 kun.top / qresearch / res / 7917857. html# 7918624

00:03:34.915 --> 00:03:38.325
it is about the local government did not do anything at all.
00:03:38.685 --> 00:03:40.945
or maybe they even have some ulterior motive.
00:03:41.885 --> 00:03:44.525
As for what motive, let's not discuss about them.
00:03:44.525 --> 00:03:47.435
We can only say that in this Pandemic,

VERY INTERESTING: Wuhan is where 5G was rolled out + Gates & Soros

Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:29 AM PST


Again, with feeling...

▶Anonymous 01/25/20 (Sat) 22:24:016a0972 (2) No.7916129

Please, please, please stop with the coronavirus BS! Woo-han! We got the world watching people dropping dead in hospital hallways in one of the most repressive and secretive countries in earth. Does that make any sense to you AT ALL!? And a virologist is scared!! Oh,my.

Did anyone notice that "anti-vaxxers" had a good bit of traction when the DS rolled out pandemic measles in Samoa? So, perhaps a pivot? Did you notice what happened to the stock of a coronavirus vaccine maker once this new FF "outbreak" launched?

Remember how many US political figures have nefarious ties to Communist China? Can't you imagine multiple reasons to manufacture a crisis at this moment? Don't you remember the Q drops related to happenings in China? Even the President has said that all will be well.

above image: ▶Anonymous 01/25/20 (Sat) 22:21:033daa34 (4) No.7916103

Wuhan is where 5G was rolled out 

- What if 5g wrecked immune systems and thereby boosted the virulency of the normal cold? One of the main points about 5G was that it would wreck immune systems and make people sick. Silicon vally does not want it and THE KICKER: People in Wuhan say 5G sucks and that 4G was better.
- I remember now that Wuhan was where the tech was going to be put in place first but forgot all about that with this "pandemic". What if all we are seeing in Wuhan is sickness from exposure to excessive 5G radiation, and weakened immune systems?
Things that make you go Hmmmmmm . . . . .
- A forced lock down will not affect China for 1 full month, starting pretty much now, because they close everything down for New Years for a month anyway. If game playing for politics is the objective, now is the time for China to be doing it. It cannot be said that this is an actual factor, but it is an obvious "coincidence" that ought to be made note of.
- There is a very high probability they want to advance this all the way to a gun grab. I find it VERY odd that this outbreak happened on impeachment day 1. That right there says B.S., the Chinese government HATES Trump.

FAKENEWS makes top dollar on your fear: Did Bill Gates and World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? An Inside Look May Shock You!

Post image


Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:30 AM PST

Give Peace O Lord, in our days
Da pacem Domine, in diebus nostris,
Because there is none other
quia non es alius
who fights for us
qui pugnet pro nobis
If not you our God
nisi tu Deus noster.

Let peace be in your strength: and abundance in your towers.
Fiat pax in virtute tua: et abundantia in turribus tuis.

For my brethren and companions sake, I spoke peace of thee
Propter fratres meos et proximos meos, loquebar pacem de

For the house of the Lord God, I have asked good things for thee.
Propter domum Domini Dei Nostri, quaesivi bona tibi.

Pray for peace of Jerusalem: and abundance for those that love thee.
Rogate quae ad pacem sunt Jerusalem: et abundantia diligentibus te.

Glory to the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever; and unto the ages of ages. Amen
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in
principio et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen
translation: https://easterntranslations.blogspot.com/2017/09/da-pacem-domine-give-peace-lord-latin.html

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