Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

#Wuhan #COVID19 【內幕】湖北公安系統逾千人染疫 多地馳援 #HKPoliceState #humanitarianCrisisHK #CoronavirusOutbreak MSM fear pron

Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:52 PM PST

China Faces Financial Armageddon With 85% Of Businesses Set To Run Out Of Cash In 3 Months

▶Anonymous 02/24/20 (Mon) 17:16:036fb5a2 (12) No.8237202
How many times have you been read into this plan, the greatest Military Intelligence Operation in the History of Military Operations?

Patriots are in complete control. It was over before it ever started and now they're just throwing chaffe out as a last ditch effort.

Corona Virus = Psyop
Stock Market drop = Psyop

Isn't it funny how the Corona Virus got 'really bad' today?

Isn't it interesting how the Stock Market reacted to the month old Corona Virus negatively today?

Today, when POTUS addresses 100,000+ Indians who adore him, all the sudden the Corona Virus is going to kill everyone and the Stock Market is going to crash.


曾錚 Jennifer Zeng @jenniferatntd
Feb 23
Now we know why so many extra cops were deployed to #Wuhan. More than 1K local police got infected with #COVID19
【內幕】湖北公安系統逾千人染疫 多地馳援 https://epochtimes.com/gb/20/2/22/n11888526.htm
via @dajiyuan


Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

武漢市晚上情況 封閉時間已經達到人類能承受的極限 Night at #WuHan City, #NamasteTrump #AbkiBarTrumphSarkar

Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:13 PM PST

China coronavirus hype straight out of the CDC flu playbook

by Jon Rappoport (comments !)


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