Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Why does every election year have a pandemic?: It's Called Gas-Lighting…. And You Are a Victim of it. #indoctrination

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST


▶Anonymous 02/27/20 (Thu) 14:40:579b5da6 (3) No.8266535

Do Pigs Fly?

If You Believe that Benghazi Was "Spontaneous"

Because of a Youtube Video…..

If You Believe That Loretta Lynch And Bill Clinton Spoke About Golf and Grandchildren….

If You Believe That Libya Was About "Liberating The People From Quadaffi"……

If You Believe That ISIS Wasn't Supplied With Arms And Supported By The Obama Administration…..

If You Believe That The IRS Didn't Target Tea Party,

Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment and True the Vote Organizations…..

If You Believe That The FBI Acted Alone On The Espionage Conducted On The Trump Campaign, Transition Team and Administration ……..

If You Believe That Barrack Obama Found Out Through The News That Hillary Used Her Own Email Server to Run The State Department.

If You Believe Antonio Scalia Died of Natural Causes….

If You Believe That Mainstream Media News is a Free and Open Press That Reports The Truth…..

If You Believe in Free Speech Zones….

If You Believe That "Gun Control" is About Safety….

If You Believe That Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist…..

If You Believe that Jussup the Mullet Was Attacked By Two White Men With MAGA Hats On……

If You Believe That Charlottesville Virginia Wasn't a Staged Gas Lighting Event…..

If You Believe That Steel Constructed Buildings Can Collapse On Themselves Like a Las Vegas Casino Demolition……

If You Believe The Vegas Massacre Was Done By A Lone Gunman….

If You Believe That Illegal Aliens Don't vote…..

If You Believe That The Clinton Foundation is a Valid Charity…..

If You Believe That Uranium One Was Legit….

If You Believe That There Were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq…..

If You Believe That Hillary Clinton Did Not Run a Pay For Play Scheme Out of The State Department….

If You Believe That Illegal Aliens Are "Immigrants"….

If You Believe That Sanctuary City Policies are For Humanitarian Reasons….

If You Believe That ANTIFA is not a Domestic Terror Organization….

If You Believe That Robert Mueller Really Works For President Trump….

If You Believe Q is a Live Action Role Play (LARP)…..

If You Believe That The Obama Administration Was Scandal Free….

If You Believe That Barrack Obama Wasn't Muslim Brotherhood….

You Have to Believe That

Pigs Can Fly.


I am Labeled as the Conspiracy Theorist.

Wake Up……

How Many Lies Can You Swallow And Not Live In An Alternate Reality…..

It's Called Gas-Lighting….

And You Are a Victim of it.

It is the WORST Form of Mental Abuse.


A form of intimidation or psychological abuse, sometimes called Ambient Abuse where false

information is presented to the victim, making them doubt their own memory, perception and quite often, their sanity.

The classic example of gaslighting is to switch something around on someone that you know they're sure to notice, but then deny knowing anything about it, and to explain that they "must be imagining things" when they challenge these changes.

A more psychological definition of gaslighting is "an increasing frequency of systematically

withholding factual information from, and/or providing false information to, the victim - having the gradual effect of making them anxious, confused, and less able to trust their own memory and perception.

The Deep State, Shadow Government , Swamp,

Bankster Gangsters…..

Whatever you call them…..

They Have Done This on a National Level Through Control of the Mainstream Media, Un-Elected/

Elected Positions Within We the People's Government and a Corporate Oligarchy. (Think Fascism)

Goebbels Would Be Proud.

They NEVER Thought Crooked Hillary Would Lose




24 Feb 2019 - 1:12:51 PM

They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.




You Want To Know Why I Support President Trump?

Look at What He Wrote as the Last Line on the Q+

Post Above….

We are going to get our government back.



officials with the school district have declined to comment on this matter.

"I am basically there to make money.  I cannot & do not look at the social consequences of what I do."

Image result for melania trump virgin mary

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