Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

#Coronavirus 5G & #Wuhan 路江博时评:世卫组织宣布武汉疫情为全球紧急公共健康事件 , Dr. Li Wenliang Dead, #MayorCheat ,Hunter B. investigated, Pelosi under Ethics Probe

Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:21 PM PST

Whistleblower claims Chinese government tried to spread Coronavirus bioweapon to U.S. military during Wuhan Military World Games event Also claims officials in Wuhan were vaccinated in advance of the outbreak4. Another goal of intestinal spreading of this virus is to murder #XiJinping 习近平. Xijinping attended and officially opened the game. I don't know if Xi is infected, but the the Airborne 15th Army (空15军)was infected. This army is last defense force of China's Chairman.
New vaccines will permanently alter your DNA

5G causes flu-like symptoms. 5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Launch of 'A Con Or' Virus

Li Wenliang, Chinese doctor who sounded alarm on coronavirus, clinging to life from virus

HERO, Dr Li Wenliang who tried to warn the world back in December of a new coronavirus but was warned for "spreading false rumours" has died from the disease

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#MayorCheat Trends After Buttigieg Campaign Is Tied to Company Behind Iowa Caucus App Failure

Hunter Biden being Investigated After Impeachment Acquittal


filed under Hope Springs Eternal: It's possible that Nancy Pelosi's publicity stunt is about to have some MAJOR consequences!
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