Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

REMEMBER THIS - Guatemala House of Culture Raid (Feb 2019) - MyCorona repurposed

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:49 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 20:06:54ff4731 (3) No.8394508
Chinese Wuhan Virus was going to be released in LA but the military intervened during the Guatamalan House of Culture raid

(remember they sprayed the helicoptors down and had hazmat suits). Instead, it was reworked, released in China and is being used as a trap. Everything shuts down. Can't watch your precious sports. Can't go out. Can't do anything but what? Watch. The whole world is watching. March Madness.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 20:16:194b9858 (11) No.8394614
This. Anon has it. MyCorona repurposed and redeployed as a psyop against the authors - DeepState.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 20:25:31f201a5 (1) No.8394711
Had to refresh my memory on the LA raid and found this summary. Good theory, Anon.
Guatemala House of Culture Raid (Feb 2019) – DIGG!

▶Anonymous  03/12/20 (Thu) 20:35:11f2e831 (3)  No.8394819

 Feb 5, 2019

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 20:44:14b645ef (2) No.8394909
When the Army came out carrying a body-sized bundle in hazmat suits muh almonds said it was a biological weapon they had intercepted. From that I extrapolated that the horrible incineration of Santa Rosa, CA could have been necessary to destroy a biological weapon stockpiled there (spouseanon disagrees – but I digress). We dug and dug the tunnels under LA, the China Lake EQ, other EQs, other tunnels, rumors of military whitehat ops penetrating tunnels to rescue hostages/farmed humans or to take control of DUMBs owned by blackhats, or to demolish blackhat facilities. We watched videos (many anons/shills ridiculed) and saw how our military can operate underground in pitch darkness using neutron detectors and illumination by infrared body head for vision. One video suggested the fleet of drones that flew for weeks over eastern CO, then KS and NE, was flying neutron detectors to locate additional tunnel ingress/egresses. Q mentioned Port of Long Beach and shipanon began tracking ships from South and Central America and China making port on the west coast. We hoped to uncover human trafficking routes. Q said The wall means more than you know.
It all fits together.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 20:47:351740a3 (4) No.8394942

Just keep the following in mind

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:31 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 13:41:28ce584e (11) No.8390630

I know this isn't Fuckbook, and I'm supposed to be digging, but I just want to panic and vent for a minute.

- As a business owner, if the market and economy tanks, I've got a ton of people that rely on a job with me. I'm freaking out.

- As a business owner, my clients are tanking right now, and I'm worried about them and my friends that work there.

- As a parent, they are shutting down schools, giving up laptops and lesson plans and turning us into teacher. Not prepared.

- What if the whole country ends up in their homes working and some fucker brings down the Internet. All this "work remotely, it's cool and it's what we always wanted anyway" will go out the door fast.

Ok whining over. Concernfagging over. Just needed to vent for a minute because I have responsibilities for MANY more people than the ones within the walls of my home and this shit is working my last nerve.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 13:58:2396b5c8 (6) No.8390821

Everyone is in the same boat and you really didn't think we could take out the cabal without some interruption to "normal" life, did you? Relax and enjoy the show.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 13:46:15b61318 (10) No.8390681

We are protected. Regardless of any happening fear must leave and be replaced by total faith.

The kind of faith that would make you face ANY incoming threat with thankfulness and gratitude. Even if it is a round flying towards your head, fear should not be your instinct. See it, greet it, embrace it. That is when alternatives spring forth.

Prayer too, But living in full on faith is not accomplished by most who strive to do so.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 14:01:024b77cd (5) No.8390850

Just keep the following in mind

-SBA will be there to help you with your business expenses, your bank will work with you - they want to remain solvent and keep your business once this phase is over

-Payroll tax relief incoming

-Millions of people homeschool who have no degree in "education" and their children are well-educated. Don't believe hype, you can do it, probably better than their teachers

-For everyone under 65 who is not immune-compromised already, this virus is like a cold or flu. Elderly and young children are still more likely to die of the flu than coronavirus.

-Internet infrastructure powers the world and our economy is one of the largest. Trust that there are considerable resources dedicated to ensuring it stays ONLINE (things we don't see & hear about, /ourguys/ are on it)

I hope that helps, fam.

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 14:19:361b5bad (1) No.8391024

- Pray, pray, pray for guidance and Fortitude

"Coronavirus is undoubtedly a lab-engineered bioweapon." Editor-in-Chief, Medical Veritas International, Pandemic Bonds: What the WHO's Declaration Means for Investors, The Stafford Act

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:19 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 13:02:271bffb8 (11) No.8390197

SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS – read it and the economic shock testing models talked about within ….. we're seeing exactly this now.

Corona is a cabal weapon , logic tells us that after they failed to get rid of POTUS by other means it was decided to get more extreme.

How long have we been hearing that as long as the ECONOMY stays strong , Trump WILL get re elected ?

This was engineered, and media ( owned by NWO - CFR assholes ) is following script. Bill Cooper = right , again.

This letter is waaay bigger than just CV. Details land theft allegations, campaign finance feckery, how Hawaii undermines national security and how flu shots might actually cause moar harm than good.  ▶Anonymous 03/12/20 (Thu) 08:26:5022f8b3 (5) No.8387901

Inside China's high-stakes campaign to smear the United States over coronavirus

Another academic ensnared in Chinese recruitment program

'Buy American' — White House Confirms Executive Order That Will End Medical Supply Chain Reliance On China

Pandemic Bonds: What the WHO's Declaration Means for Investors - but, but, but ... "But "betting" on catastrophe is what those who offer insurance do every day."

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