Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

mass rioting in China, #hydroxychloroquine #chloroquine #azithromycin #0perationM0ckingbird #Coronavirus #Sherman #Apotex

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:55 AM PDT

posted on 3/26/20: Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. Isaiah 26:20

Liberal Dark Money Group to Spend $1.2 Million Attacking GOP Senators on Coronavirus  "The ad campaign joins other high-profile Democratic groups spending millions attacking President Donald Trump's response to the virus. Unlike many of those groups, however, Tax March does not disclose its benefactors. It is a part of an intricate web of activist organizations housed at Arabella Advisors, a massive dark money network that obscured the source of more than $620 million in funneled cash in 2018 alone."

Connecting the dots of the Barry & Honey Sherman murders back to CV19

sht's getting real in China

malaria-drug-touted-by-trump-now-being-tested-in-new-york-as-coronavirus treatment "According to the state, three drugs will be used: hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine — both antimalarial drugs — and the antibiotic azithromycin. The first group of patients will receive hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, a combination that proved effective in a small, controversial study in France."


the top six items that Senate Republicans kept out of the bill, despite political pressure from the Democrats:
  • Money for Planned Parenthood: Senate Democrats wanted to bail out the abortion industry by allowing rescue funds for Planned Parenthood, one of their biggest non-profit allies. But Senate Republicans included language in the bill that ensured Planned Parenthood and other non-profits were not eligible. Democrats fought hard to remove the language but were met with a hard no. The bill also included language from the Hyde Amendment, ensuring that taxpayer funds would not directly pay for abortions.
  • Green New Deal: Senate Democrats felt that the emergency spending bill was an opportunity to slip in tax breaks to benefit wind and solar energy. Senate Republicans refused, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hoisted their efforts to shoehorn green agenda interests as proof that Democrats were not serious about helping the country, as they voted to block the legislation.
  • No Strings Funding for States: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tried to make sure that the billions of dollars sent to states could be used to fill holes in their budgets, especially in blue states that were already in debt. Senate Republicans, however, made sure that the emergency funding granted to states be used for coronavirus-related expenses. The rule vexed New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and other governors who wanted billions more funding with no strings attached.
  • Federal Mandates for Early and Mail Voting: Congressional Democrats believed they could use the coronavirus crisis to create new federal mandates to override state election laws, forcing every state to develop early voting and elections through mail. Funding was ultimately sent to state election officials, but only for ways to protect voters from coronavirus.
  • Postal Service Bailout: Democrats believed that the coronavirus crisis could be used to rescue the postal service, which continues to suffer massive deficits. Democrats wanted $20 billion in funding with no strings attached, but Senate Republicans replaced it with a loan that required them to spend it on the effects of the coronavirus.
  • DHS Funding Restrictions: The bill includes transfer authorities that allows $289 million to be transferred to the Department of Homeland Security, but Democrats wanted some strings attached to the funding regarding ICE and immigration enforcement. The effort failed.
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