Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

▶ Q Please Address Europeans in a Post: GermanAnon's message of hope to #EuroAnons, RomanianAnon news of legal actions taken against regime, #ObamaGate #ArrestBillGates

Posted: 12 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 05/12/20 (Tue) 17:02:003ecb92 (1) No.9144462
>>9143176 (OP)
I'm not Q, Anon.
I am just a simple Anon from Germany.

But maybe I can help you a little anyway.
The world as we know it is undergoing a transformation.
All of us were born into this world, born as slaves and have never known a world as it should be.
The European leaders that you think are still in charge are no longer in charge. They already have no more power.
You ask yourself why then the migration, the vaccination debate, the terror against the population continues?
That is just simple Anon, it has to be so that people can wake up.
This pressure is necessary so that people can wake up, it works like a loud alarm clock after a night that is too short.
People are forced to focus their attention on what is really going on.

They must begin to learn.
No longer just to run in their usual hamster wheel, but to understand what is really going on in the world.

What the cabal was about to do.

What they wanted to do to us and our children and grandchildren, and indeed all of humanity forever.
That, dear Anon, is the Great Awakening.
Did you think The Awakening would be a comfortable walk?i
Did you think it wouldn't touch us normal people?
What do you think would happen if people were simply released back into normal life?
They would go on as before!
The names of politicians would change, but slavery would continue.
We witness the birth of a new world Anon.
Many, many things are about to change.

The signs are already relatively clear for those who want to see.
The goal is world peace, Anon.
In Europe, certain borders will also have to change for this.

All this will be done in consultation and negotiation.

I suspect that these negotiations are currently taking place in the background.
No wars anymore!
We will get to know new technology/science.

We will get to know a changed medicine.
We will get to know our true history.
Many things will change for all of us.

It will be a very big change.
But to be able to process all this, we have to be awake.
We have to be able to recognise the lies and lose faith in deceivers and the evil.
There will be a lot of new things.

But it will be good!
The world, the new world that awaits us will help us to find the way to happiness again, which we lost many, many centuries ago.
Have faith and continue your education, Anon.
The key to understanding the world as it is now, can be found in our history.

The world as it will be, can be found in many things the Q-Team addresses and in messages that are recorded as notables.
But to interpret this correctly, every good (digital) soldier must know the history - freely after General Patton.
Have courage, inform yourself, stand up for your convictions, go to peaceful demonstrations and show that we people in Europe want the change.
You too can show that we are ready for the new world.
A world in peace, health, love, respect and welfare for all people and nature.
(Please remember that the Q-Team consists of members of US government agencies.

They are probably not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of other "states", if they do not want to become criminals).

▶Anonymous 05/12/20 (Tue) 19:26:09904805 (1) No.9146709
Romanian anon back with new legal actions taken against the repressive regime in Romania!

Criminal complaint we filed against the authorities for : FORCED Hospitalisation, TORTURE AND VIOLATION OF PRIVACY and FREEDOM, BAD TREATMENT and HUMAN experiments.

A man was taken against his will to Colentina Hospital in a cell-type room with video monitoring. He underwent other tests for COVID-19, came back both positive and negative, and is currently incarcerated for more than 30 days in hospital without contact with his family or the hospital management. He is undergoing drug treatment, without knowing why, without being presented with the medical report underlying this treatment.

Article: https://iosefinapascal.com/2020/05/12/documentcarantinarea-tortura-si-violarea-vietii-private-privare-de-libertate-rele-tratamente/

I'll take "Was it the Bill Gates tetanus vaccine" for $500 Alex.

#SpyGate #RussiaGate People used as pawns, Morning Joe whacked Lori, Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines

Posted: 12 May 2020 02:57 PM PDT

#SpyGate: the-inside-story-behind-the-alleged-plot-to-take-down-trump

#ChinaGate Simon Saw-Teong Ang, 63,  professor at the Fayetteville campus allegedly had close ties to the Chinese government and Chinese companies, and failed to disclose those ties when required to do so in order to receive grant money from NASA

RussiaGate Collapses: CrowdStrike Admits 'No Evidence' Russia Stole Emails From DNC Servers

Senator Rand Paul questions Fauci

that time Morning Joe whacked his intern "Why did he leave Congress so quietly and quickly? Isn't it obvious? What's happening now? A total nut job!"

The Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines & the spin from Billy G.
Fungus @ ZH - What the hell is really in vaccines? Mercury, aluminum, and ground up human abortions.



Gates foundation explained VERY well:


Video, Audio, Transcript, all references.

Fauci's 15 Deadly Mistakes & Contradictions

▶Anonymous 05/12/20 (Tue) 14:06:353ce4cb (24) No.9141847

2020 Pentagon study: Flu vaccines increase risk of coronavirus by 36%

Examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of coronavirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals with an odds ratio (association between an exposure and an outcome) of 1.36. In other words, the vaccinated were 36% more likely to get coronavirus.



#OBAMAGATE Conspiracy no more!, AHMAUD #FakeNews #RaceWar inflame, Genetic Modification w/COVID-19 Vaccine?!, Dr. Faux Testifies Today

Posted: 12 May 2020 01:12 PM PDT

Listen very carefully.

Obama: He knows how to play dirty.  "Pulitzer Prizes were won for blaring utter fiction; the Trump administration was kneecapped out of the gate. Innocents like Flynn were bankrupted along the way." & Sally: "Her different answers suggest that she lied or tried to obscure to members of Congress that Obama was involved and briefed on intimate details of his administration's efforts to investigate and target Flynn."

Michael Flynn WAS NOT Unmasked – But Everyone Else Was…

Reminder Dr. Faux Testifies Today 10am

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