Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

WTF did I just read?

Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:20 AM PDT

Black Lives Matter Chapter Co-Founder, Louisville, KY Demands White People Give Up Their Homes

> NEWS FLASH ................... WTF did I just read? 

Former Police Officer Charged with Transferring Firearms to Convicted Felon

former Defense Intelligence Agency official pleaded guilty in February to the willful transmission of Top Secret national defense information.

What part of "ATTACK AND DETHRONE GOD" is unclear to you?

Programming Alert: CCP Is Manipulating America
& .................. the Chinese in India ... &, in Taiwan

& then: Twitter labels this Trump tweet as "manipulated media."

but ... the party is only getting bigger. ...those boys in Oklahoma don't fuck around either. Those antifa faggots better just stick to their blue containment zones." 8KuNAnon
▶Anon 06/19/20 (Fri) 10:14:57e1edd8 (4) No.9670246

Tulsa race riots 
The story behind the story.

Among these people was the black activist W.E.B. DuBois.
<  here w/Mao

DuBois advocated a more direct approach. He felt that agitation and political activity, particularly through the N.A.A.C.P., an organization made up of both blacks and whites, was the only way to gain social acceptance.71 The African Blood Brotherhood had another view, a view that seemed to build upon DuBois' arguments. The A.B.B. was a self-admittedly socialist, "secret", organization whose ultimate goal was the unification of all black organizations under one central committee. The committee to be made up of the leaders of those organizations under its suzerainty. If it took militant activism to achieve that goal, then that would be done. A chapter of the A.B.B. had been founded in Tulsa shortly before the riot, and, also, there had long been a chapter in Tulsa of another socialist organization, the Industrial Workers of the World.

Previous encounters with the I.W.W. and a white K.K.K.-like group called the Knights of Liberty had at least once before resulted in a riot and lynchings. The blacks in American society found themselves trapped.

As this paper has striven to show, the Tulsa race riot and the subsequent destruction of north Tulsa were separate events, and although they were closely related, they did not stem from the same causes. The riot itself resulted from the presence of an armed body of blacks led by a few agitators trying to defend a black man from a perceived threat by a white population. There followed a white response to the invasion by armed and threatening blacks who were evidently seeking violence. The inability of the legitimate authorities to defuse the situation agitated the white response, so that ultimately, when first shots fired, sufficient motivations on both sides caused the shooting to continue. Only a relatively few blacks were involved in the rioting, and certainly only a like segment of white Tulsa was involved in the actual destruction. Small groups of agitators were able to sufficiently direct the other participants in directions that would eventually achieve the agitator's goals.

Justice Roberts Is Compromised

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