Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT


https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/06/swiss-research-report-facts-about-covid-19/ 8. Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by Covid19, but by the effects of the lockdown, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 60% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital.



3 men ARRESTED for vandalizing a Black Lives Matter sign! Meanwhile — Black Lives Matter leftists continue to smash, vandalize and tear down US statues without consequence.

Protestors Domestic (or not) Terrorists pulled down and desecrated statues of Catholic missionary St. Junipero Serra in both San Francisco and Los Angeles
...................................▶ THIS  

BREAKING: Trump Admin Shuts Down Radio Station Run by Chinese Propaganda Outlet Phoenix TV

Jeannie and I had reserved tickets to attend the rally.   

Although somewhat chaotic with people driving by yelling obscenities at us as we walked, a mean mug or two and a fight or two breaking out around us, everything wasn't actually that bad. However, finding a gate entrance was quite the task...nothing was clarified - and NO..no protesters were blocking entrances. We finally found how to get in. At the exact moment we approached the first barrier (police tape) there were police lined up at the tape and at the opening we were greeted by the Secret service or contract military (not sure who they were) at 6:05 p.m. who told us, along with a multitude of others at our gate (there was three seperate entrance gates at various locations) that we could not enter. We asked why? They said that the BOK had reached its capacity and the temperature checkers had left prematurely and acted pretty smug about it which I thought was strange.

Some who waited with us said they had friends on the inside who text and told them that there were still many empty seats available. So, we waited at the police tape entrance dumb founded for 20 minutes until the police line started backing up and went through a 10 foot fence and chained and locked the gate. No other explanation. Further, no one was even allowed into the jumbotron area to watch it outside. We walked with a man on our way back to our car, who was on the inside but decided to leave, who also said that there were many more seats available.

This is the absolute first hand truth. So, we drove home to watch what was left of the rally on tv to see many empty seats in the background and hear nothing but lies from reporters who reported that the Trump rally didn't have the turnout that they expected inside and no one even turned out to rally outside to watch the jumbotron (which is exactly what a supporter waiting with us said the media would say). Nothing but lies! We were lied to! They locked a multitude of us out! They even reported that Trump was surprised at the low turnout. If I can get a message to the President, I will tell him how they duped him at this rally and how he is getting played by those who surround him."

CONFIRMED: The police locked people out of Trump's rally, with BLM as an excuse

Finally reports are trickling in via various social media. Here is what happened: The rally was expected to be so huge that an overflow capacity for 1, 000, 000 people was provided. That amounted to the entire area around the stadium. To get into that area, you had to go through metal detectors that were blocks away. The police shut those down. The lines were there, and people were not allowed entry. Then the media showed nothing but the enormous clear area that was to be used for attendees who could not get into the stadium, saying no one was there and that it was empty, while they refused to show where the actual points of entry were.

The rally would not have been as big as expected, but it would have at least filled the stadium. It did not fill the stadium because the police used the ruse of ANTIFA to deny EVERYONE access after a certain point.

update: As it turns out, the Trump campaign used software to strip repeat applications from the rally sign ups so the stories about twitter kids can't be legit. Something is messed up.

7.7 million viewers watched the Rally on FOXNews, 1,151,223 views on RSBN

Not much of a chance there will be an election when most of the iconic Democrat leaders are exposed in the next few months and the Democrats attempt a coup of the government with certain military leaders that are being monitored as I write this. Trump`s new title will closely align with the position of First Speaker as described in the Asimov work, "Second Foundation". BDAnon / 6/22/20(Mon)13:58  264312741


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