Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Denver Mural 1994; Suffering & Fighting Against Corona Virus !! WOKE.NET - DAY 35 - CHOP DISMANTLED

Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:27 PM PDT

the whole 9 yards inafkng nutshell: it's ALL about the election

Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:41 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 06/30/20 (Tue) 20:34:11 ID:363b7d  (4) No.9806141

Fellow anons, below is a red pill moab I dropped on a coworkers wife via Fakebook (excuse the format). Feel free to use, update, and correct as necessary. I hope this helps. It will be in at least 2 parts. WWG1WGA!

What does the COVID 19 outbreak have to do with the election, you ask? In short, the deep state to win the 2020 election against Trump. Ask yourself:

Why has there been such vitriol against Trump since he announced his run? If you say normal D vs R political hackery, then why did we not see this level of vitriol from the Dems during Bush's presidency? Why the extreme hatred towards Trump?

Now, in the months leading up to the first virus case, what was going on? Here's a quick recap of what happened before January 15:

1. Trump renegotiated trade dealings with China, putting them on the defensive for the first time in decades. The trade has costed China billions, while returning almost as much to American coffers as well as bringing home thousands of manufacturing jobs.

2. Joe Biden, Dem presidential candidate, starting having his corrupt past exposed. Namely, his son's Burisma-Ukraine and China pay offs to the tune of millions.

3. The House voted to proceed with impeachment articles, strictly along party lines.

4. China was going through its own virus outbreak and trying desperately to cover it up. Most place the outbreak occurring around October 2019 in China.

5. A lot of rich and powerful people (some giants in their respective industries, like Bill Gates) met in September 2019 to discuss a "wargames" scenario involving a "worldwide pandemic" with markers very similar to the current virus outbreak.

Then we had January 15, quite a big day because the following happened:

1. The first confirmed virus case was recorded in America. He happened to be Chinese and just returned from a trip to a hot spot area in China (Wuhan, I think, but don't quote me on that).

2. At the same time, Trump and Xi signed the historic trade renegotiation.

3. Also that day, Pelosi walked the impeachment articles over to the Senate, after sitting on them almost a month, thus beginning the trial hearings against the president. Kinda coincidence, huh?

Now, let's examine the headlines from January through May:

1. Trump banned all travel from China the beginning of January. He called a racist and xenophobe for doing so.

2. But while Trump recognized the potential threat from China and started taking precautions, Pelosi and other Democrats encouraged Americans to go out in public (especially Chinatown!) and mingle.

3. The impeachment hearings raged on, with the media stirring up emotions while ignoring the ever growing "risk" of this virus. Barely a mention of the virus until…

4. Impeachment failed. Ever notice that once the Senate vote ended the Dems hope of convicting and then getting rid of Trump, the news almost overnight switched to the fast growing viral infection numbers? Coincidence?

5. So the numbers grew, we went on lockdown, economy shut down and tanked, and we were told we needed a vaccine. Only, there's a few questions that need to be brought up:

5a. Why were the CDC models so off? I don't mean by a little, I mean only about 10-20% of what they claimed would happened (infections/deaths) actually happened.

5b. Did you know Dr Fauci, the one constantly dumping on opening up until we have a vaccine, has been financially involved with Gilead, a lead vaccine maker famous for developing an AIDS cure that harmed a lot of people? Likewise, did you know Bill Gates has funded Fauci in the past, and Fauci is on the hook to make hundreds of millions from a vaccine funded by Bill Gates' foundation to combat covid? Do you think he may have other motives than the public health on his mind?

5c. Did you also know that almost a dozen members of the NIH board also serve as board members in other pharmaceutical companies, all of which are research covid vaccines?

6. As for the numbers, if they are to be believed, the why did Dr Birx, associate to Dr Fauci and frequently seen with him during press conferences, say in a meeting that Covid numbers were exaggerated by upwards of 25% back in March/April timeframe?

Part 2

7. You saw Trump stood up National Guard field hospital sites and sent the navy's two hospital ships to two of the biggest hot spots, New York and Los Angeles. And yet, how many patients did our military see? Barely any, especially down here in New Orleans (last I heard it wasn't even 15). Don't you find that odd?

8. Meanwhile, Dem governors in 5 states (NY, PA, MI, CA, and I'm forgetting the 5th at the moment) forced covid infected patients into nursing home, where the most vulnerable resided. Why didn't they use the military sites Trump provided? And how many more deaths were caused because of this that could have bern prevented? One link I have handy as I'm writing this: https://nypost.com/2020/04/23/nursing-homes-cant-reject-coronavirus-patients-cuomo-says/

9. At the same time, the 2020 presidential election campaign is suspended. No stump speeches, no fundraising events, no rallies, no debates, with the Dems pushing vote by mail (more on this later).

Then what happened starting in May:

1. The curve we were told we needed to flatten started flattening. America started opening back up in places.

1a. Suddenly, the dismal Great Depression 2.0 we were told would happen dissipated with the biggest job growth numbers in May as well as excellent consumer spending and home buying numbers.

1b. The numbers of cases have not skyrocketed, despite constant fear mongering. Yes, we are seeing an uptick in reported cases, but…

1b1. How many of those are new infections vs those who had it, didn't know because asymptomatic and only now got tested?

1b2. How many of those tested showing positive are not the result of a false positive? The whole covid testing cycle is riddled with faulty tests, with the latest headline just this week stating over 30000 Floridians tested used faulty tests.

1b3. Why are we not told the recovery numbers? (Hint: because good news is not good news for those pushing fear porn).

1b4. Notice how the hospitalization and death numbers aren't staying up with the rise of new infections? In fact, the mortality rate is dropping, but you won't hear that in the news.

2. Trump started to turn on the 2020 presidential campaign again. Not good news for the Dems because Joe Biden is not only corrupt (see above) but losing his mind to dementia (maybe. Sure looks like it when you hear him speak).

3. Then George Floyd happened. The media narrative shifted suddenly from virus numbers to race riots. However…

3a. Why were we told by Fauci and company that we had to wear masks and maintain 6 feet distance or we'd kill people, and yet these same people didn't seem to give the same dire attention to the BLM/Antifa riots? Why did these groups get a pass while a pool party in Missouri with way less people got national condemnation?

3b. Why is it when Trump announced he was going to start doing rallies again, he got condemned in the media, while the riots and protests from BLM/Antifa with tens of thousands packed closely together were praised for speaking out against systematic racism and oppression?

3c. Why were BLM/Antifa allowed to protest/riot openly throughout the country, while we were told it was the 1st Amendment right, yet Christians around the country were denied the very same right of religious freedom enshrined in the 1st Amendment?

4. Now, the BLM/Antifa riots are dying down. But what's this? A second virus wave? What are the freaking odds? Almost like we're just going from one crisis to another with barely any time to stop and think about what just happened.

5. And it gets better! Now, happening is China, a possible swine flu outbreak! What are the freaking odds? https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53218704

In short, I've spent over 2 hours racking my brain and I'm only scratching the surface of the turd. This virus "pandemic" is being used to affect the 2020 election in the following ways:

1. Keep Trump off the campaign trail so he can't counter the Dem/media narrative and rally his base (also convert others).

2. Keep corrupt and mentally sick Joe Biden out of the limelight to prevent him from getting asked tough questions, especially about Tara Reade.

3. Force an unsecure vote-by-mail scheme that is rife with fraud. From blank ballots found in apartment lobbies in North Carolina to illegal ballot harvesting in New Jersey to Republican voters getting ballots with no Republican candidates listed and countless more I don't have time to list, our voting system is very vulnerable and the Dems know how to cheat (see JFK election).

4. Keep the economy in shambles, thus Trump at risk of defeat. Traditionally, incumbents with poor economies lose (see Harding, Bush 1).

I'll leave off with this last question for tonight: if masks are being pushed hard by our "experts", then how come in 2009 they said they were "useless"? Were they lying then or now? https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/114492-surgical-masks-not-effective-study-shows

Part 3\Additional links:

Two CA Doctors: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/california-doctors-who-administered-5-000-coronavirus-tests-data-is-showing-its-time-to-lift-stay-at-home-order


Other doctors: https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-doctors-nurses-face-warnings-about-public-comments-20200331-dfihi6v7q5dqzndchnrnlr3yyq-story.html (buried about para 10)



General: https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/ (red pill moab!)

https://youtu.be/_q3iP2Dwr88 (Epoch Times China virus expose)

Media bs: https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo (dangerous to our democracy video)

https://youtu.be/hl3Mi4pVwaM (funny comparison sw to media)

https://youtu.be/cXSyPzoeTvY (5 corporations own 90% of media)

Chinese cover up: https://youtu.be/_q3iP2Dwr88 (epoch times)

Dem response: https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/03/30/here-are-a-variety-of-democrats-including-nancy-pelosi-saying-go/

Nursing home fiasco: https://nypost.com/2020/04/26/cuomo-doubles-down-on-sending-coronavirus-patients-to-nursing-homes/



CDC and testing fuckery: https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-cdc-confesses-to-lying-about-covid-19-death-numbers












Dr Birx Numbers Inflated: https://www.independentsentinel.com/dr-birx-doesnt-trust-cdc-numbers-thinks-numbers-are-inflated-by-25/


Dr Fauci fuckery: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/wow-dr-fauci-cheered-hydroxychloroquine-success-treating-mers-coronavirus-2013-today-skeptical-weird/








Part 4 (last one!)

Masks increase chances of infection: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/coronavirus-why-masks-dont-work/ar-BB11nxm9


CDC/NIH vaccine conflicts of interest: https://www.lawfirms.com/resources/environment/environment-health/cdc-members-own-more-50-patents-connected-vaccinations






Mail-In-Vote/Voting Fuckery: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/24/28_million_mail-in_ballots_went_missing_in_last_four_elections_143033.html








CDC Modeling Wrong: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/the-cdc-has-lost-all-credibility







Military Hospitals Barely Seeing Patients: https://www.foxnews.com/us/washington-field-hospital-coronavirus-dismantle






For the prince of this world: cometh: and in me he hath not any thing.

Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT

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