Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Silent War Continues: CALI. "right now we're bein' peaceful ... but its not going to be peaceful much longer." California Public Utility Fraud - Green New Deal, & TRUMP 2024

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:53 PM PDT


▶ California Public Utility Fraud - Green New Deal Anonymous 08/18/20 (Tue) 17:55:09167d91 (1) No.10333746  
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Day 5 of the Green New Deal, public utility fraud in California. 
Insurgency warfare 101, keep the sheep frighted and without peace here in southern California where temperatures are 106 and higher. 
For those who foolishly signed up for the SCE Summertime Savings Plan and agreed to install Smart Meters on AC units, wake up time is here and the hoax is clear… ALL RESOURCES DEPLOYED 
They keep sending lying emails about their fake emergency and excess demand hoax. There is no emergency nor "excess demand" there is only fraud and failure to serve those who pay some of the highest rates in the nation without power and/or with AC cut off at peak heat for days in a row and more planned… well planned in advance. 
But hey, we have spent billions on green energy windmills and solar farms subsidized with tax payer and rate payer funds charged to those who include some of the least able to afford to buy them from China, with kickback to our politicians who we foolishly elect. And they get more kickbacks and campaign funding from the corporate interests which provide the capital for Chinese infrastructure which doesn't work as promised and is made with slave labor burning coal and zero environmental protection, so they can harvest billions in tax credits. These made in China facilities literally blanket tens of thousands of acres of pristine desert floor.  
Next will come the wildfire fraud to make people's lives even more miserable during the lockdown and power outages affecting millions, all to fleece the federal government taxpayers and line the pockets of corrupt pubic employee unions which are unconstitutional. 
Yes people, the Insurgency war is real and we are the fodder. Keep wearing those masks as you bend the knee to the sadistic Satanic cabal, and beg them for more taxes and life strangling legislation and regulations so they will make sure they fix the weather for us and let us live in peace. 
Welcome to all those around the world to come to the utopian dream of California, a Chinese slave state run by the most evil and corrupt government in the USA!


 Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci & Big Pharma lost a Massive Supreme Court • May 17, 2020 good info ... no source for Supreme court decision
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