Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Fake&gay Amy Dorris, #Spygate witnesses approved for subpoenas, #Sedition #PortlandProtests ,,commies cancel 'White House Siege', 1619 caput

Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:15 PM PDT


 forgot to scrub this one I guess ... pathetic 

"They announced the date, time, and place of their "siege". "These people are stupid" is an understatement." anon ... meanwhile: Nan does a complete 180
▶Anonymous 09/17/20 (Thu) 17:40:08a107a3 (2) No.10686197 The shills are so stupid… they don't get it… Those of us who have been to war understand what QAnon really is. This is a Military Intelligence Operation… informing the public about the truth… and building the 2nd line of defense and offensive forces for the fight against the Cabal. If the Q Team and Pres. Trump can't get the job done… WE will step up and finish the job… and THEY won't like it… no jails… no courts… no lawyers. So THEY really want to give in to AG Barr and Pres. Trump… THEY won't like it otherwise. JMHO. 
Did you really think we would just stand by… let you use your mercenaries AntiFa and BLM and just let the Shill nation take over… Idiots. This is America! How many Veterans did you create with your fake terrorist wars? We know now shit heads. We are pissed. If Pres. Trump does what is necessary… you face trial… If he doesn't, it will be our turn.

the burning stupid: Baffled i tell you, baffled! Upfront political assassination "Mogadishu style", Bacterial infections from masks same symptoms as covid, & Nan explains the 'wrap up smear'

Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:12 PM PDT

from 2 years ago!!!!!!!  
there is no such thing as ...there's @
... & there's them that research the drops
... Research for yourself.
"Where Are The Police?" After Voting To Defund Cops, Minneapolis City Council Baffled Over Recent Crime Wave

"The Black Futures Lab, a venture of Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza, is sponsored by the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), an organization that works with China's communist government to push its agenda in the United States, according to an investigation by the Heritage Foundation's Mike Gonzalez."

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