Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 05 Nov 2020 09:52 PM PST

Operation Goldfinger Anonymous ID:/AXZG/Wv Thu 05 Nov 2020 17:09:00 No.287855661

Several months ago I mentioned that the Democrats had warehoused many ballots in locations in the mid-west. Many of these ballots have been used and have a small difference from legitimate ballots. These ballots were primarily used in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and of course the mother load of fraud, Pennsylvania. For example over a 100000 ballots were pumped into Wisconsin and used in Minneapolis. This scam allowed voting officials to feign ignorance. Little did they know their phone calls were taped. It seems in the mid west there are at least 1.6 million ballots floating around that are fake. Understand this. Republicans and Democrats both commit voter fraud but they approach it differently. Republicans blow people off of voter roles and the Democrats generally stuff ballot boxes. Trump saw this coming a long time ago and let the Democrats do exactly what they always do. That is stuff ballots. They cannot control themselves. Expect a Presidential Address by Sunday. For me this is all bullshit because far more important things are in play than this election. Have to say I have enjoyed helping fuck the Democrats in a small way. Now back to South Africa, for a Margarita, a fine steak and maybe an evening in a little cabin in Northern California. Some times this shit is so funny. Never underestimate stupidity. Trump is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met and Obama is just a thug from Chicago. A very low IQ individual who thinks that stuffing ballot boxes is just another day at the office. Fuck him, John Brennen, and hopefully Barr will get off of his fucking ass and release the indictments. Cheers


And the name, Goldfinger. Well in this case the political bomb of voter fraud goes off and secures Trump`s most treasured goal that is fucking the Democrats for a generation.

THE CHEAT IS ON. THE STEAL WILL FAIL. IN GOD WE TRUST! #StopTheSteal #Pelosi OWNS Software used to collect/distribute Election Voting Tallies w/back door

Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:58 PM PST

Remain vigilant. Do not falter. Stick to the mission. Don't allow the unknown to consume you.  Hold the line and let the plan unfold. anon

GOP House Gains Shock and Bewilder Predictors, Show a Bright Future Ahead

DO NOT GIVE UP. Never in the history of voter fraud has there EVER been so many clear cut cases of perfectly documented fraud. It's not spurious fraud, it is in your face, on audio, on camera, right out in the open for all to see undeniable FRAUD. If the supreme court is not as corrupted as I think it is, you will win this in court.

In the past, the left had excuses - "A voting machine screen was not calibrated right" or "this only happened in one small instance that we assure you was isolated," or "That was only an error". It simply is not that way this time.

This time, we have documented video proof of poll watchers being denied access. That's unprecedented. We have never had that before.

This time, we have documented audio proof of election worker training where they are explicitly instructed on how to get away with fraud. That's more than unprecedented, that's an absolute nuke on the national conscience.

This time, we have testimony and proof the U.S. postal service back dated disqualified ballots that were dumped in bulk AFTER election day and then counted as legit ballots. Another nuke, right in the heart of the DNC.

This time was the only time in history where so many states simultaneously quit counting ballots in a way that made it obvious they all got instructions from central command to shut down so they could steal it, and they went home EARLY to boot, only to have ballots jump by one candidate by 100,000 votes the next day without a single one for the other - that's an easily provable statistical impossibility that will never fly in court. That's an automatic judgement in your favor.

In the past, it was difficult if not impossible to prosecute the fraud because it was kept clean enough for there to be no legit proof. That's not the case this time, GO FOR IT TRUMP, BURN THEM ALIVE because you certainly have what it will take to do exactly that. 
My advice to those who are attempting a coup on America 
https://twitter.com/PattMiles/status/1324168660345303041 )
: RUN. You had damn well better run because THIS TIME the gig is up, you're busted, and your best future will be to take your ill gotten gains and live like kings in a shithole country. Perhaps you're hedging your bets you'll win. To that I say: I would not enjoy risking it with those odds, when I still had a chance to run!

Dear president: You have stated in the past that they are not after you, they are after us. And with them explicitly stating that after this "election" they are going to remove every one of your supporters from society what you stated is obviously true, for our sake, for God's sake, do not let them steal this. We need you.

▶Anonymous 11/05/20 (Thu) 14:22:125f366d (1) No.11481236 
lawfag here

brief summary of wut will heppen with court cases

there will be hundreds state and federal

district courts will decide federal issues -these will prolly not go to appeals ct no time will be sent direct to SCOTUS together with:

state supreme courts decision on state issues/cases

remember voting for potus ALWAYS involves a "federal question" so SCOTUS always has jurisdiction over everything

they will wait and collect ALL the cases and results then pick and choose ONE or TWO issues or cases that can decide the election one way or the other

they will NOT attempt to decide all the issues or cases NO WAY

lawfag is confident that IF/WHEN this election turns on one or 2 state results as it appears it will POTUS team will LASER focus on the best issues fact and law and bring those up for the WIN

this may not be necessary we will see wut habbens

dems are NOT in the same position to challenge in court as they are the ones cheating LOL

Trump has multiple paths to be inaugurated


The tech companies must be shoved aside by force and by any means necessary. Color revolutions are driven by narrative control, with the press and powerful corporations telling the public what they are allowed to think and what they are allowed to believe.


Nevada USPS carrier video

UPDATE: The media spokesman for OSCE/ODIHR, the international team of election observers, just told Rebel Commander Ezra Levant that their delegation has been denied access to the vote counting going on in Philadelphia.

Cheating in progress Only votes that he approves of are getting counted

Joey's 1300000 Ballots

Michigan County Clerk Discovers Total Votes Counted by "Election Software" DID NOT MATCH Printed Tabulator Tapes!

Are we going to have to redo the election?

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