Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Frankfurt Server farm raid, Haspel, Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI Affidavit, SIDNEY POWELL KRAKEN DOCKET DOCUMENTS,

Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:40 PM PST

"The reality is, there was no fraud, Republicans are saying gobbly goop, none of that is real, it's just a man who cannot come to grips with the fact that he lost decisively." MSNBC's Wallace

MOTION to Intervene by Democratic National Committee, Michigan Democratic Party.



TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 11/29/2020, before Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr.. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lori Burgess.

> https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/18694655/pearson-v-kemp/

from 4chan/pol/11/30/20(Mon)19:24:09 No.294026788 

>Server farm raid on the 8th(possibly a day earlier) 

>Known CIA cyber warfare centers in the area, exact location of raid is not known though, so it may not have been obvious from property ties that the location was actually under CIA control. However it is more likely that it was known than that it wasn't. 

>Possibly 5 US soldiers killed, ?? CIA disposables or foreign agents killed, 1 CIA officer killed(may not have been immediately identified) 

>Haspel last seen alive for sure two days later on the 10th 

>she was being summoned to mcconnells office, likely because of concerning or even incriminating evidence being discovered on the seized servers 

>Haspel is now frozen out of presidential briefings as suspicion grows 

>further analysis of servers indicates participation in fraud by upper echelons of the CIA or even Haspel herself 

>plan to arrest Haspel is put into motion some time between the 10th and the 30th 

>either the plan goes wrong and Haspel is killed in the attempt, she commits suicide in custody, or she is silenced before hand by ((others)). 

>Powers That Be possibly sit on her body for an indeterminate period of time to fix details and separate her death chronologically from the server farm and freeze out memery leaked into the media Thats my current conspiratard take, invite additional info though.

Unconfirmed: Director Gina Haspel arrested for Treason

circulated around DC about an hour ago. Now its going viral in gov circles but there is currently a strict news blackout. (account suspended - Haspel dead of 'natural causes')

4chan /pol/11/30/20(Mon)21:41:56 No.294049470 

Odd that folks are on a railroad track watching a train come right at them and do not have the sense to get off the track. The simply believe in is the sun they are looking at. Trump and his security team watched this happen on election night, and shortly afterwards a team was dispatched to Frankfurt to get the servers and other things. People in Frankfurt were shot the hell up and were flying out windows and the ones that could disappeared into the night. Now Trump has been giving folks the chance to come clean and politicians the opportunity to do the right thing. As you can see the traitors in Georgia and Arizona failed to do the right thing and they will be facing criminal charges for certifying an election they knew was fradulant. These two morons are handing Trump and his America first Agenda the country for the next twenty years. The Democrats will simply become the shit on his shoes to be scrapped off with the rope of traitors that will do hard time or worse. Next the surfacing of the third act. That is a national presidential address before the electoral college meets to expose everything therefore challenging these deep state thugs to certify an election that they know is fraudulent. Trump is just giving Republicans and Democrats the chance to hang themselves and they have done a handsome job. This is going to be the biggest political event of our lifetime and I am going to watch it in a Casino, with a beautiful woman, a fine steak and my own cache of evidence proving that over 4 million votes were shifted from Trump to Biden. Like Strozk I too have an insurance file. 11/30/20(Mon)22:05:33 Right now titles do not mean a lot. Folks just grabbing team members and taking off for the great war of our time. By the way that sob in Georgia, the secretary of state, was bought hook, line and sinker by the Chinese. He is scared to death they are going to find where he hid the money in Hong Kong.

Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI Affidavit & this interdasing extract from page 29:  "One  important  observation  of  the  reported  results  in  Suffolk County  is  that  the  "High-Low"  pair  with  ratio  of  1.50  or  above reflects  that  the  number  of  odd  numbers  occurs  twice  as many times as even numbers.  Or, another way of understanding this is to recognize that half of the even numbers are redistributed into odd numbers.  The only way this can be accomplished is by multiplying my votes by 0.666, as shown below. The first column is the non-weighted ("De-Weighted") votes.  After application of the weight of 0.666 and making it a whole integer, we are able to reproduce the reported pattern, as shown in the table below."

Arizona State Rep Issues Call to Withhold State's Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden Due to Significant Evidence of Fraud


Situation Update: DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt, seized CIA servers in Germany, Insurrection Act, military tribunals as covert war against DS RAGES across globe

Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:42 PM PST


Urgent message from Gen. McInerney

flew more than 400 missions in Vietnam, in charge of nukes in the Pentagon.


breaking news out of Georgia

Wants to speak about POTUS' comments on Maria B and the breaking news out of Georgia.

"We are talking about treason."

POTUS has got to declare a National Emergency.

Base it on his EO two years ago - based on foreign interference in an election. Sept 12 2018

Also should use the Insurrection Act based on the acts of BLM/antifa and similar groups.

Must suspend Habeas Corpusjust as Lincoln did in 1861 and FDR did in 1942 when WW2 started.

The President must start arresting people right away.

Situation Update: DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe At this very minute, a covert war is raging across the globe, pitting Trump's DoD and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) against black hat deep state factions running the CIA. As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units ............

THIS ....... &,, THIS.

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