Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Critical Mass Incoherence: here we are in #CrazyWorld

Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:51 PM PST

another insane day in America

Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:49 AM PST

"The Supreme Court's failure to date to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption. 
It is an absolute tragedy for the Rule of Law, the future of what was a Republic, and all freedom-loving people around the world." Attorney Sidney Powell

At each stop in northern Iraq, the remnants of its Christian population turned out, jubilant, ululating, decked out in colorful dress, though heavy security prevented Francis from plunging into the crowd as he would normally do.

The Satanic Temple of Texas files suit to defend its religious right to child sacrifice

" The Democrats are not angry and feverishly obsessed with Q because he is a source of misinformation, a dangerous cult leader, or some other phenomenon contrived in their weak and fearful minds. They are angry, obsessed, and terrified with Q because they know he is the genuine and truthful harbinger of the criminal, treasonous, and anti-human revelations that will seal their well-merited and hopefully painful doom."  Carry on PATRIOTS


Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID 'Vaccines'

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