Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

WTFU: She pulled out a knife in front of the cops going for the girl's throat ! ! !

Posted: 21 Apr 2021 05:35 PM PDT

A couple noobs got their hands on a microscope

Posted: 21 Apr 2021 04:14 PM PDT

UPDATE TO YESTERDAY from comments: DuaneLee
Air bubble conspiracy now? thanx @for calling this BS out!

AntiSaint For reference:

A couple noobs got their hands on a microscope and put the pfizer vax under it

They did not know how to use a microscope, or to analyze what they were looking at, OR how to properly prepare a slide

If you see this video, their conclusions are off and it may be intentional. They had two air bubbles trapped under the coverslip and called them "bacteria". They also said the microscope was at 5,400X and that's B.S., they were below 500X and it looked to me like 200X. The light does not look normal at 5,400X, and such a microscope (if legit) would be so far out of the reach of these types of noobs that it would simply never happen.

It was definitely a half way decent microscope though, perhaps a good one off Amazon. If you see this video, I'll explain a few things -

Air bubbles under a coverslip won't always combine into one bubble. You're not supposed to get them trapped under the coverslip because they screw everything up. And they were claiming little dots floating around in the vax were cellular organs, and the little dots were moving so they were saying they were alive, and it was BUNK. The little dots were moving due to stresses on the slide, and the fact that they had air bubbles trapped. The little dots were not alive and developed enough to move on their own. You can't have air bubbles under a slide and have anything stay put where it should be, the air bubbles will compress and de-compress from the slightest variations in pressure and cause movement under the slide.

I am not going to say the vax is something anyone should take, but I will say that the guys that did that video were so un-scientific that even the one convincing thing they totally overlooked was likely to be contamination. If you see this video and it does not get banned, it will be because it is pure damage. I don't know if they did it on purpose. A lay person would probably say "wow" while anyone with microscope experience is going to call B.S. and that's exactly what the covid con artists want.

Someone with some microscope skills needs to get ahold of one of these vaxxes and do what they did, I am curious. There were things they totally missed clear and evident in the video that I'd like to actually see at higher magnification, (by the way, 5,400X as claimed can't happen with a white light optical microscope as was obviously used. The cutoff is right around 2800X for that type of microscope (some will say less, but not if the microscope is really good.) To hit the magnification claimed they'd have had to use a microscope with a short wavelength source and it would not have been that clear. The video is just so wrong on so many levels.

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