Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

real world amerika: well past the point of bizarre.

Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:01 PM PDT


Arizona Election Workers are Running Ultra-Violet Ballot Testing on Maricopa Ballots 

Classic gaslighting. panic mode over the audit. ......... azaudit.org

Who the hell is this guy? 


Hohmann: Digital Vaccine Passports – How To Fight Back & Win  


"Your employer doesn't have a right to invade your medical privacy under the EEOC Title 7 employment law, and also OSHA came out and said there's no evidence the vaccine prohibits transmission of the virus. You also have rights that could be applicable under the Public Accommodations section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964."

The other issue is the Emergency Use Authorization law, or EAU status, under which the vaccines were released to market.

"These vaccines have never been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration [FDA], they only have EUA, so federal law requires for all EUA treatments that you need full informed consent to administer them to anybody, you cannot coerce anyone to have the drug or shot," Staver said. "They are only authorized because of a declared emergency. And there's a lack of data to know the effects of these injections beyond a couple of months. So any of these companies or employers trying to force people as a condition to enter their facilities are violating federal law. They likely are violating state laws in many cases as well."

John Whitehead, another constitutional attorney and founder of the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute, said he has been representing clients on vaccine-related issues as well.

"To force someone to take a vaccine against their religious beliefs would in my opinion violate the Constitution.

People fighting forced or coerced vaccines based on religious conviction should have a good case to fight in the courts, Whitehead said.


 Pfizer "Experimental" mRNA Vaccine: Israeli Lawyers Sue Netanyahu Government for Crimes Against Humanity Israeli lawyers and human rights activists Arie Suchovolsky and Ruth Machnes have filed a petition against Israel claiming that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein have violated Nuremberg codes against experimenting on humans by making deals with with Pfizer/Biontech to deliver Israel's citizens as subjects for experimental genetic treatment by using draconian measures to force them to take Pfizer's vaccine.


They will fight against you, but will not overcome you for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1:19

Next Level Woo, The SPARS PANDEMIC 2025 - 2028

Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:53 PM PDT

Next Level Woo - 2021.4.23

@ 9:29 Contageous Vacinocis  

truth unmasked: you've been warned.

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