Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

GOOD FRIDAY ~ The Stations of The Cross, the physiological & anatomical aspects of the Crucifixion

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:32 AM PDT



O Most Sweet Mother, for all the Suffering you endured, Help us to carry our cross.

the 1st Station You were arrested, tortured & condemned to death.

the 2nd Station You took the heavy Cross upon Your wounded & bleeding shoulders. The shards of wood pierced Your flesh.

the 3nd Station You fell for the 1st time unable to block the fall causing grave injury to Your knees. 

the 4th Station You met Your afflicted Mother in whose pure & holy body was perfectly mirrored Your agony & suffering.

the 5th Station You accepted help carrying the Cross for the sake of your Mother.

the 6th Station You received Mercy from Veronica at the request of Your Mother.

the 7th Station You fell for the 2nd time. The wound in Your shoulder cut to the bone.

the 8th Station Yet You got up to console the women.

the 9th Station You fell for the 3rd time. O, unutterable exhaustion!

the 10th Station You were stripped Lord Jesus, & the flesh of Your gaping wounds was torn when Your robes were violently ripped from Your Body for the 4th time.

the 11th Station You were crucified Lord Jesus, & Your hands were stretched so tightly that every bone in Your body dislocated; every muscle & tendon was torn. & with Most Holy Mary, Woman Clothed with The Sun,  The Battle Began & does now approach full Victory!

the 12th Station You expired Jesus, & Your heart was pierced by a lance but only Your Mother felt this agony.

the 13th Station You were taken down from the Cross & placed into Your Mother's arms & She closed your gaping wounds with Her hands & bathed Your body with Her tears & Her heart became your 1st sepulcher.

the 14th Station You were buried Lord Jesus, but Your Mother had already buried You deeply within the Sepulcher of Her Immaculate Heart.

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