Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

The next session of my popular Teaching History With Technology course begins tomorrow. There is still time to register right here. There are ten big topics that will be covered in the course. All of the lessons in the course can be applied to ...
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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. Ten Topics Covered in Teaching History With Technology
  2. Create Outdoor Bingo Games
  3. How to Quickly Record Voice and Video Messages in Gmail
  4. More Recent Articles

Ten Topics Covered in Teaching History With Technology

The next session of my popular Teaching History With Technology course begins tomorrow. There is still time to register right here

There are ten big topics that will be covered in the course. All of the lessons in the course can be applied to elementary, middle, and high school settings.

These are the ten big topics in the course:

  • Search Strategies & Organization
  • Video Projects & Video Lessons
  • Making History Podcasts
  • Google Earth & Maps
  • Multimedia Timelines
  • Digital Portfolios
  • AR & VR in History Lessons
  • Making Virtual Tours
  • Making History Apps
  • Tips for Remote Teaching


Create Outdoor Bingo Games

I originally shared this video on my Ed Tech Fitness blog. The reaction there has been good so I thought that I should give it a bigger audience by posting it on Free Technology for Teachers

Outdoor Bingo is exactly what the name implies. Kids are given Bingo boards that have things like leaves, squirrels, worms, rocks, bugs, and flowers listed on each space. Kids then go looking for those things and cross them off their Bingo boards as they go. When they get five in a row, they win! 

My daughters were recently given some re-useable outdoor Bingo boards. Seeing those boards inspired me to make my own by using the Bingo template available on Watch this video to learn how you can make your own outdoor Bingo games that include pictures and text. 


This post originally appeared on If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Sites that steal my (Richard Byrne's) work include CloudComputin, Today Headline, and 711Web.

How to Quickly Record Voice and Video Messages in Gmail

Sometimes it is easier, faster, and more effective to record a video or audio reply to an email than it is to type a response. For example, when I get asked for technical help it is often faster and more effective to create a screencast video than it is to write directions.

Sending an audio message in response to an email can be useful when you need to use some voice inflection to deliver meaning that you might not be able to deliver with just text. This is particularly true when replying to students who are still developing their reading skills or when replying to parents whose first language isn't your own.

In the following videos I demonstrate how to record video and audio messages directly from your Gmail inbox.

Two Ways to Create Videos in Your Gmail Inbox

How to Record and Send Voice Notes in Gmail

This post originally appeared on If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Sites that steal my (Richard Byrne's) work include CloudComputin and 711Web.

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