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A while back, a friend asked me to teach a weekend-long workshop based on Untamed. I don't really do workshops. I'm a story teller. But this was a friend I care about a lot so I started considering it.
I began to think about what it would look like if I were to sit with group of people for a weekend who have been moved by Untamed and I was to guide us through an experience examining and unearthing the root beliefs planted beneath us limiting our lives and relationships and world, ripping them out one at a time, and then planting our own roots so we could finally grow as free and big and wide and wild as we were meant to.
So I did it. I led the workshop. For about 100 women. And it felt so good because the weekend was magical and I received letters from people who were there and who said it changed their lives. It also felt kind of bad to me because I wanted everybody to have the experience we had that weekend, but I kept thinking about how few people can afford the time or money to get away to do that.
So I did something for us. I turned that experience into a book. It's a guided journal called Get Untamed. If Untamed is about my untaming, Get Untamed: The Journal is about YOUR untaming.  
This has been a labor of love for me. For months, I've spent hours going through every exercise, every piece of art, every page, and every single detail because I have this Knowing that this little experience, this adventure, this journey of a journal is gonna change lives, relationships, families, and the world. I always have modest hopes and dreams.
The Journal is special. It's full of actionable exercises, writing and drawing prompts, lists and re-definitions, the most impactful quotes from Untamed, peaceful coloring pages, a letter from me, and—the brilliant artist who created the art of our Untamed Tabitha video, the amazing Janelle Cahall—created new original art for us bringing this journey to life.  And it's bound in hardcover with gold detailing—it's beautiful. 
It comes out on November 16th, so your holiday gifts are covered. But you can preorder now so you'll be the first to receive yours!  

Preorder now at GetUntamedJournal.com for all your people so you can walk through this experience together!
I love you forever.

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