Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Watch The Water: GEOTUS LIVE from Bedminster, NJ

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:27 PM PDT

LIVE from Bedminster, NJ - President Trump holds a press conference starts@ 26:00

"Aaahhh yes, here we go. The bottom line, growing Arizona economy. Arizona cannot / has not managed water wisely for decades. Passing the buck along. While consistent poor management is witnessing record homeless, and no affordable housing. It's all catching up."

Western states chart diverging paths as water shortages loom 

sick, dying birds: while keeping the real cause (HAARP frequencies, poisons & chemtrails) a secret

sick & dying bees:  5G, chemtrails & Monsanto 




Surfside Florida

in the world of the chans: The Adrenochrome Bust You Never Heard About


▶Anonymous 07/07/21 (Wed) 03:41:58 4bfb25 (13) No.14071640

This is war.

They let Biden assume office but it doesn't mean anything. Any damage done can and will be reversed. They are basically playing house. Their time "in office" will only lead to more people wanting Trump back. Biden has no meaningful operational control over the military (I will cover that in a future post) and they won't let any real harm come to us while the battlefield is prepped for whatever reveal is coming.

If you look at actions Trump took leading up to the election he was prepared for anything the democrats might pull. Our military intelligence (Space Force) monitored and captured the true vote count. I believe the audits will be eye-opening and kick everything off.

"If Trump had the vote count, why didn't he do anything? Why haven't we seen any "real" proof of voter fraud"?

Covid changed everything. When Trump said Covid was an attack, he stated that it was "worse than Pearl Harbor." If PDJT had information that the Democrats would steal the election with help from China, that would be considered an act of war. Do you think that is something Trump would allow? Would our military let China install a puppet as President? We prepared for Devolution after gathering information on the lab leak and activated it sometime between November 3rd and January 20th.

"It's too late, the electoral college voted for Biden"… "there is no legal precedent outlined in the constitution for him to be reinstated".. Blah Blah Blah.

We are in a completely unprecedented situation.

If the military came out tomorrow and showed you definitive proof that China assisted the democrats in stealing the election, would you say, "oh well, no precedent. Can you show me to my assigned gulag?" or would you say "F&@% that, this can't be allowed to stand." Trump chose the latter.

We need to step back and review everything that has happened since the release of Covid. Our enemies conspired to attack the U.S.A. with a bioweapon to steal an election with one of our political parties. That is the actual coup.

We've been thinking too small.

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