Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Have you been a good little nazi?! You are all in violation of Sec.1. RED6 CONFIRMED

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:38 PM PDT



JUST IN: SecDef has ordered the Commander of U.S. Transportation Command to activate Stage I of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet…The current activation is for 18 aircraft: 3 each from American, Atlas Air, Delta, & Omni Air; 2 from Hawaiian Airlines; & 4 from United.


RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

FDA Approval ILLEGAL! Doctor Reveals Pfizer Insert Proves Criminal Regulation Violations!

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:54 PM PDT

DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB - We are at the “delta” variant. The last variant is totalitarianism. AFLD

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:34 PM PDT

We have to save ourselves. Please check these pages out and fight back! https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/do-not-quit-your-job/ AND DefendingtheRepublic.org/covid

America's Frontline Doctors (https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/do-not-quit-your-job/)


As the mandates are increasing and the "deadlines" fast approach, YOU SHOULD NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. Do not be fooled if your boss says



As the mandates are increasing and the "deadlines" fast approach, YOU SHOULD NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. Do not be fooled if your boss says you must resign. Make your boss fire you and do not sign anything or agree to anything that says otherwise. Do not agree with "voluntary resignation." If you are fired, you are eligible for unemployment. Anything else and you are not.

If you are fired, you place the costs back on them and you get or you fight for unemployment benefits. Let them experience the burden associated with their choices. Avail yourself of any government dollars that have gone to support those previously unwilling to work. Use all tools and resources you can including the CDC's unlawful mandate to halt rents, etc. We suspect you ordinarily would not take advantage of these systems, but these are extraordinary times.

In the last 18 months we have watched the Communists in America radically change the definition of simple words in their efforts to strip away our rights. Words such as "vaccine," "herd immunity," and "cases" have literally been redefined by the Communists to support this power grab. By changing the traditional definition of just four words, these usurpers were able to create, in the minds of the media and the public, a frightening global emergency. Do not allow these tyrants to crush what remains of your rights. Do not "agree" to be fired.

We are at the "delta" variant. The last variant is totalitarianism.

Stand Strong. You are the Hero you have been waiting for.



again w/feeling: "No one should ever take these jabs EVER under any circumstance what-so-ever!"

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:12 PM PDT

Donny Pushed The Jab: Dear Donny, WTAF! "Escape Mutant" Variants ��

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:17 PM PDT

Crowd boos Trump for vaccine stance at Alabama rally

Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For "Immediate Halt" To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage "Escape Mutant" Variants 

WHO head calls for two-month vaccine booster moratorium 


PCR test targets a protein called 'orf1ab'. Said protein is present in EVERY kind of coronavirus. You know what that means, right? /8kun/

Step 1: Download this document from FDA website: https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download 

Step 2: Control-F search document for search term 'virus isolates'. 

Step 3: Comprehend the implications of the search result: Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.  /8kun/

💥 ATTN. DONNY: Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings

Pharmacies Told Not To Distribute Medications That Combat Covid

FDA Approves Gates' Vaccine After Accepting Funding from Him 

What FDA has done is little more than a PR move to semi-legitimize the mass-testing of experimental gene therapy on society...which the inventor himself has advised against taking...but in reality, they're violating the Nuremberg Code, and the penalty for that is death. /pol/


We aren't asking for world peace. We aren't asking for warp drives or nano-machines that harden in response to physical trauma. We just want a fucking country. With you know. Borders. /pol/


President Biden was all smiles while fielding questions on the Afghanistan crisis. 

"…we do not want fighters disguised as refugees to turn up in our country…we do not want to repeat what happened in the 90s and mid-2000s… We had these horrors that are now being repeated on the territory of Afghanistan". VLADIMIR & then:  Moscow is not in a hurry to recognise the new leadership in Afghanistan and does not plan to remove the Taliban* from its terror list

@RealGenFlynn, [22.08.21 08:04] Where are the leaders in our political class? Where are the former admirals and generals who continue to remain quiet or give nonsense interviews or tweets about how we can deal with the taliban or why we should focus on the new threat of Covid!!!??? Give me a break! Why are we not hearing greater demands from all Governors or Congress for the truth about the situation in Afghanistan (we still don't have a clear idea of the numbers of Americans left behind enemy lines ). Like our fake elections, the ugliness of the war being waged in Afghanistan is not a democrat or republican issue. The taliban doesn't ask which party you're affiliated with before killing you. War is not fair, it is not meant to be. War is meant to be won. It is the victor who writes the history and the history of this tragedy is being written currently by the taliban. 
The political class in America today has ruined damn near every aspect of our lives by corruption and intrusion. They all now have to stop kidding themselves and stop lying to the American people expecting the media will get them out of this one too. American power can still be strong and applied smartly, but we don't have the right leadership to do so…sadly the leadership is lacking at all levels (Governors, Congress, the Intel Community, the Diplomatic Corps, our woke Military leaders - past and present, and most of the media). As a nation of winners, we want our leaders to succeed and we're okay with choosing the harder right over the easier wrong. But choosing to lose is always the easier path. Winning takes extra effort. We all know that. God help America because it will be God who will ultimately judge us. 



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