Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:40 PM PDT

We are Australia: Bfx6, FALLEN 13, & the hits keep coming

Posted: 01 Sep 2021 03:35 PM PDT

We are Australia:
Australia and the US are both members of the 5eyes. The 5eyes is a group of five countries that watch each other's citizens to circumvent domestic spying laws. Australia passed a new bill that will allow their police to access anybody's social media accounts without a warrant. When it is put into law, all member countries of the 5eyes can spy "legally" on anybody's social media accounts using the new Australian loop hole without requiring a warrant. Australian police: We accept free speech but also if you protest against the plandemic we won't tolerate it. Unprecedented surveillance bill rushed through parliament in 24 hours. ... ... ... If our assumptions are correct, this is great news

 & ...  Manchester, U.K.

'White Bishop takes the Black Knight'  
From what i can see, 
1} white moved pawn. D4 (White always goes first) 
2} Then Black moves to G5 (directly opposite his black pawn) 
3} White counters with white Bishop to G5 (white bishop threatens his king) 
4} Black knight moves to F6 (to block the threat to the king) 
5)  Black takes a Extra move with pawn. So it should be Whites turn, but no, black has made a extra move on the board, thus black has cheated and the game should be over!! Read into it what ever you see, to me it can only be read as he is not playing their game anymore cos they have cheated on the chess board. youtu.be/Lj4RHa0G1Bk (>black never moves first, in chess if you loss the toss who plays first, the board is spun so the first players is always white)

"We are f*cking abandoning American citizens," Army colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division Yon's account, backed by three dozen text and email exchanges with frontline Army officials in Afghanistan, stands in sharp contrast to the claims of the Biden White House that U.S. citizens would not be left behind in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

kicking US soldiers out of barracks to house up to 2-3,000 Afghans at Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin "They displaced Army soldiers to put the refugees here Ft McCoy WI. Sorry the pics are not good, we were ordered not to go near them. The barracks immediately became slums. They barricaded the refugees to contain them they are giving them free healthcare free education to the children three square meals every day and a stipend."

UPDATED: number of retired Generals & Admirals calling for Miley & Austin to resign OVER 220  

Biden is BLOCKING the rescue of over 86 Americans who are trying to fly out of Afghanistan. 

U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript & Recording of Call With President Ghani  

Fauci The Greatest Liar in Gov't in History

CodeMonkeyZ  [01.09.21 00:05] General Flynn's Chase bank account was restored after the backlash against Chase's miscalculation. 

Judge Reverses Decision, Allows Unvaccinated Mom to See Her Son 

Con-Man Stephen Alford Indicted for Attempted Extortion of Rep. Gaetz's Family of $25 Million 

Dr James Neuenschwander: Vaccine Is Killing People And Does Not Stop The Spread 

............................. & THEN

Texas now joins 17 other states that have passed some amount of voter integrity laws since the 2020 election

A safe ruling. but will they over rule Roe v Wade?



"White people should commit suicide as an ethical act," professor Derek Hook, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, college.

Commonwealth testing: how do they do it to America, STASI watching

Posted: 01 Sep 2021 11:33 AM PDT

again w/feeling: COMING TO AMERICA

AussieAnon/pol/ truckers are the central nerve of (((capitalism))): (archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337174314)
>a country is a body
>roads are veins
>truckers are the blood
>towns are organs
>liberal cities are cancer spots

Australia rammed through an emergency Internet lockdown and policing bill less than 24 hours after its existence was announced yesterday, probably it was prepared years ago. 

Police can lock you out of the Internet, take over your accounts, use the hardware back doors like Intel ME to hack your devices, etc. Basically any Aussie cyber-dissident will have to use the darkweb from a pre-2005 era computer to even say anything on the Internet now.

There are plenty of alternatives but I don't know if the NSA will show their Trump card and pull TOR because of a trucker strike.

More likely, we'll see deep packet inspection on the Australian backbone and Internet long haul interconnects which will shut off anything that's suspicious, from ssh to https connections to "misinformation" web sites to TOR and I2P and Matrix etc. Even MMO games, likely. This is one situation where radio will be king, HF radio sets are very common in Australia for use in the bush.

It's likely the next phase will be Australia using their military to monitor and interdict HF radio nets between truckies and station yobs and zoomies in the city.

Canada is already under such a lockdown as well. And Britain, as well as NZ. Seems to be a Commonwealth thing. The only question is how do they do it to America, this is what they're testing.  

People dropping like flies after they have been vaccinated against Covid 

WHO.INT: The genocide will be perfectly papered and perfectly executed. 

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