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Zubby Michael and Chizzy Alichi attacks themselves on Instagram

Posted: 07 Sep 2021 01:00 AM PDT

Chizzy Alichi and Zubby Michael threw punches at each other while arguing over a woman being the "King of Boys".

It began when actor Zubby left a comment on a post, saying: "A woman can never be King of boys."

Chizzy responded: "A woman can be anything and whatever she wants to be…"

Zubby then resorted to insults, calling her a "local girl" who copies the white people. He also brought her husband into the matter and called Chizzy a mad person (ndi ala).

The actress hit back, slamming Zubby. She also included his mother in her response.

See below.

BBNaija star Khloe shows off her body on a Yacht

Posted: 07 Sep 2021 12:30 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija star, Khloe, who is currently in Turkey, took to Instagram to share these sexy photos of herself flaunting her banging bikini body while posing on a yacht.

See full photos below.

Check Out What These Stars Wore to the Premiere of “The Ghost And The Tout Too”

Posted: 07 Sep 2021 12:00 AM PDT

The premiere of Toyin Abraham Ajeyemi's "The Ghost and The Tout Too" on Sunday was packed with fashion, film, and television royalty dressed in purple Ankara ensembles in accordance with the event's dress code.

Directed by Michael Akinrogunde, the film is a sequel to "Ghost and the Tout," which told the story of a young woman who grew up in the Ghetto and meets a ghost after an unpleasant occurrence.

The event was attended by cast members as well as other movie stars, including Kunle Remi, Deyemi Okanlawon, Adedimeji Lateef, Sharon Ooja, Kehinde Bankole, Lilian Afegbai, Lala Akindoju to mention a few.

Keep scrolling to see your faves showed up and showed out at the premiere

Moment Wizkid joined Justin Bieber to Perform “Essence” at the Made In America Festival

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:30 PM PDT

Afrobeats singer Wizkid joined Canadian music star Justin Bieber on stage at the Made In America Festival for a surprise performance of "Essence" remix.

The remix of "Essence" featuring Tems and Justin Bieber is taken from the deluxe version of the Grammy award-winning star's album "Made In Lagos".

Justin Bieber headlined the Made In America Festival, which took place on Sunday 5th of September, alongside international acts like Doja Cat, Bobby Shmurda, Roddy Rich and more.

After performing some of his tracks including "Peaches", the singer proceeded to surprise fans by inviting Wizkid on stage to perform the song, "Essence" which has topped charts all summer.


Daddy Freeze condemns Boma for being a snitch and other negative things -“Work on yourself”

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:00 PM PDT

Daddy Freeze has criticized Big Brother Naija housemate for kissing and telling.

The media personality reacted after Boma took to Twitter to apologize to Nigerians for his actions in the house.

Responding, Daddy Freeze told Boma to "work on yourself bro", adding that he can't get over the "gossiping, snitching and the kissing and telling".

BBNaija: Nini and Saga have reacted to Boma’s Sunday eviction

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:30 PM PDT

Housemates Nini and Saga declare Boma an 'Idiot' for getting evicted.

In a video clip currently making the rounds, the couple blamed Boma's early eviction on how he treated co-housemate Queen.

"Boma didn't judge her well, he f**ked up, she would've been good for him," Saga said.

"Bad/Good for him [Boma], he is a f**king idiot. Thinking he wants to fool the girl" Nini replied.

Watch the video:

BBNaija: Boma apologizes – I am sorry, I made mistakes

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:00 PM PDT

Evicted Big Brother Naija housemate, Boma, has apologized to Nigerians for his actions in the house.

The ex-housemate apologized via a tweet on his official Twitter handle.

Recall that Tega and Boma have been under 'fire' for allegedly being in an amorous relationship.

Boma was allegedly in a relationship with Tega who is said to be married.

They were caught kissing and sharing beds, an act that stirred diverse reactions from Nigerians.

However, Boma on Sunday admitted that he made mistakes while in the house.

"You have to make mistakes to find out who you aren't. You take the action, and the insight follows.

"You don't think your way into becoming yourself. I take full responsibilities for my actions and I am sorry. It can only get better from here," he wrote.

SA to launch a digital currency called the E-Rand, we have been having it

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:41 PM PDT

Image Credit: Pixabay

From the last decade, one of the most memorable ads is, at least for me, the Vodacom "we have been having it" series of ads including this one. In them, an Id Amin inspired character expresses amazement that people are constantly praising (yep yep yeping) Vodacom's features like custom ring tones and having up to the minute news. These things have always been available in his country, yet he is not getting praised for them.

It's the same feeling I got when I heard South Africa will soon be launching an E-Rand project in partnership with The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in a project called Project Dunbar. This is almost certainly the international financial system's response to the rise in digital currencies like Bitcoin.

The objective of the study is to investigate if it would be feasible, appropriate and desirable for the SARB to issue a CBDC to be used for retail purposes, complementary to cash, in South Africa

    SARB governor Lesetja Kganyago on the issue

It seems everyone has their unmentionables in a twist as they praise or castigate the whole concept of fiat digital currencies like the Yuan. Honestly, I don't even get what the fuss is all about. Take for us in Zimbabwe, we already have our digital fiat in the form of the RTGS dollar. We don't hear anyone praising us for it and yet it has all the characteristics of a fiat currency like this E-Rand or Yuan thing.

In other words, we have been having it. The RTGS ZWL's existence has been grudgingly admitted even by our authorities. We even have some idea of how much of it is in existence as the RBZ regularly publishes its reserve money reports and such stuff. The short of it all is I don't see anything special about the E-Rand except that it will be, in this pilot program, internationally used. That again is not impressive. It's not like companies have to walk around with sacks full of Rands right now in order to make international payments. It's done digitally.
Features of the E-Rand

Here are some of the features the E-Rand will have according to the South African authorities:

The E-Rand will be legal tender which will be issued by the South African Reserve Bank only. Big deal! The RTGS is already legal tender that is issued by … you know government people. It just appears from time to time. So we have been having it.

    The E-Rand is complimentary to cash and is not intended to replace cash. Come on that's sounds a lot like the RTGS which was foisted on us instead of cash. We still have our worthless 50s,20s and 10s somewhere in our bags.
    Must be one as to one in terms of parity with the physical Rand. We literally invented one-as-to-one hear so I will spare you the repeat.

    Must be uquitous and accepted as a means of payment by all sizes of business and the government. RTGS ZWL does all that and more.

    It must not introduce the risk of destabilising the financial sector. I don't know about that but the Zimbabwean economy was tanking before the RTGS so don't you dare blame it.

    Consumers must be able to own and transact in E-Rand without the need for a bank account. Well, just use Ecocash or Onemoney i.e. your phone number.

    Consumers must be able to obtain the E-Rand and exchange it for cash. The authorities occassionally issue a new note and ask banks to come and get. That sounds similar to me.

    The E-Rand must be traceable. The Financial Intelligence Unit can trace RTGS dollars like you cannot beliee.

    The E-Raand must be auditable in terms of proof of issuance and ownership. Sounds like a whole lot of accounting and legal terms that can be solved by a bank statement.

We have been truly living the dream with our RTGS dollar because all these things the E-Rand will have-we have been having them for a long time too.
The E-Rand will be a stable coin

The only thing remarkable about this currency is that it will be a stable coin. This means it will be a blockchain-based currency that is pegged to a fiat currency. That's unlike volatile crypto-currencies whose value is based on things like Elon Musk's frame of mind before each Tweet.

Last time I checked even our government can fix rates too. They have been doing that for decades. They just wake up and say one as to one without baiting an eye-lid and it becomes so. Ladies and gentlemen this E-Rand thing, we already have it here. We truly have been having it.

Article source:  techzim.co.zw

Help prevent crypto scams, enough is enough

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:08 PM PDT


Image credit: Pixabay

Another "Zimbabweans lose millions of USD in a Ponzi scheme" these are popular daily headlines. This time the relatively new cryptocurrency scam struck to the tune of over USD$5 million.

What happened this time?

Martin Mhlanga (the schemer) is sitting pretty somewhere after promising his victims fantastic returns on their investments and then failing to deliver.

Mhlanga presented himself as a bitcoin guru who could navigate the cryptocurrency and stock exchanges so divinely he could double any amount in as little as a month in some cases.

He naturally incorporated a Crypto Share Investment Scheme and raised capital from desperate Zimbabweans and was supposed to set about making everyone rich. It didn't quite work out that way. The money is gone and he needs more money to be able to get it back. That is probably another lie.

Martin of course is not the only such one-of-a-kind investment maestro out there. There are many other Crypto Share Investment Schemes being run by gurus cut from Martin's cloth.

Some 'investors' in these other schemes are sweating right about now. Unfortunately, they can sweat blood but the game was rigged from the start, they were fattened for slaughter. Those who joined early on and were restrained in their investments will probably come out okay, like in all pyramid schemes.

The rest will have to accept their losses, learn from the experience and move on with their lives. What is sad is that some will defend their Crypto Share Investment Scheme, claiming the one they joined is run professionally unlike the Martin one. They will continue 'investing.'

No laughing matter

It seems with every reported scam, empathy levels for the victims drops. We all feel like, 'really? People have fallen for this again?' We feel it serves them right for chasing get rich quick shortcuts. We need to shake ourselves and stir up the sympathy. These are crazy times we live in.

There will be no sympathy until we understand why this keeps happening. Then it is up to us to help those more susceptible to these scams.

Image credit: pixabay

Why these scams work in Zim especially

Zimbabwe has not been the land flowing with milk and honey that we hoped we had established. We have been in economic turmoil for decades and the light at the end of the tunnel has been affected by the load-shedding, it's off.

When all seems bleak any positive prophecy is lapped up. Hope is a strong drug. These scammers promise a way out of the rather dire situations we find ourselves in.

So, it is no wonder some of us want the promise to be true so bad they suspend their critical, rational brain and choose to believe. After all, the alternative is accepting that one is probably never going to escape the crippling poverty and abject despair. Who wants to accept that?

An excessive desire for wealth is sure to blind a person. Every single one of us would like to be rich a la Strive Masiyiwa. For some this wish becomes an obsession to the point of brushing away any warning signs that a would-be saviour is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

It is no coincidence that these schemes sprung up when bitcoin made its historic rise to around $50k a pop.

When you can't admit when you do not understand something you become vulnerable to being misled. You'll just nod along to anything just so you do not appear ignorant or stupid.

This was and is a huge factor in the Crypto Share Investment Scheme world.

Some would not admit they did not know what bitcoin or how it worked. They were shown graphs showing upward trajectories, had new jargon thrown at them and they pretended they knew what was being talked about. They then ignored the warnings they got.

Lack of knowledge / Misplaced trust

None of us knows everything. Taking time to get at least a basic understanding on any investment opportunity before committing our hard-earned savings should be a must.

Some were not pretending to understand cryptocurrency but just trusted the family/friends who referred them to the Martins of this world.

How to help those still falling for this scam

Knowledge is power goes the cliche. So for these Crypto Share Investment Schemes we can turn to what they already know to help explain things.

Cryptos are like forex or shares

We should understand that crytpocurrencies like bitcoin have a value which is not determined by any single person. Just like shares or forex. So no guru can determine what the value is going to be in the future. The value does rise and fall as the market forces determine.

The best we can have are educated guesses but these are sketchy because cryptos are even more volatile than shares or forex.

Having understood that, we can see how ridiculous it would be for someone to promise a fixed return as high as 100% from trading a volatile crypto which rises and falls as it pleases. Unless what they are saying is that they can divine the future.

The best investors hardly crack 20% in the best of years

The top hedge funds in the world, run by the real gurus returned 11.6% on investments in 2020. Return on holding in shares of the 500 largest companies in the US (S&P 500) returned an impressive 16% that year. Our inflation affected ZSE recorded a 92% return which was impressive though with caveats.

These returns were celebrated and yet they are not anywhere close to the 100% return a month that crypto scammers promise. How are they better than the best and still be requesting my US$100?

When forex traders were interviewed, only a quarter of them believed they could make 10% a month. So again we wonder, what are the Martins of the world actually trading in that could provide such high returns.


Let us help our fellow brethren by giving them enough information to be able to spot the kinds of scams that have robbed them of millions over the years.

We cannot continue mocking and ridiculing them. After all, we are all susceptible to scams, it's just that different scams work on different people.

So help someone today, share this information with them. 

Article source: techzim.co.zw

Megapixels don’t matter

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:37 PM PDT

Image credit: Pixabay

In 2012 Nokia released the 808 PureView and the headlines were that it came with a massive 41MP camera. Everyone else at the time was still hovering between 8MP and 16MP cameras so 41 was A LOT of megapixels.

And for a whole 3 years after it was released, it was simply the best camera in a phone. An absolute beast. But things have changed since then. Huawei is up to 50MP. Samsung and Xiaomi are at 108 and there are rumours of a 200MP camera in the works.

But we have companies like Apple and Google who have the very best cameras in the industry still using 12MP cameras. Which begs the question. If a camera with 12MP is doing a job as good as a camera with 100+ megapixels or even better. Then what is the point of making a big deal about Megapixels? You can watch the video below for the visuals.

So just a disclaimer, I'll be going into the weeds a bit on the technical bits behind what makes a good camera but I promise I'll try my best to explain it as simply and clearly as possible.

Let's start with what makes up an image. Think of an image as a page within a maths exercise book. Don't worry we won't be doing any math right now. So each box on this page is equivalent to a pixel. And we can colour each box differently until a collection of all these boxes makes up an image.

This is where the word Megapixels comes from. Mega is a word describing one million and so 1 megapixel is one million of these boxes on one page. In maths it's the area that the image covers.

Now that we all know what a pixel is and what megapixel means let's go a bit deeper. How does a pixel work? How do pixels produce the exact colour at that part of the image? I remember in primary school we were taught that the primary colours are Red, Green and Blue. What I did not know was why.

Later on I understood that red, green and blue are called primary colours because they are the colours that are used as building blocks for every other colour. Lighter and darker shades of any of these 3 primary colours will make any shade of any colour.

The same is true for cameras. Each pixel is split into 3 with each pixel creating a colour on that part of the image by mixing different amounts of red, blue and green. But this is just the surface of it so we are going to go even deeper into how the sensor works.

The camera sensor is also referred to as a CMOS sensor. And in its pure form it can only see images in greyscale. Basically what it means is that the sensor sees things in thousands or even millions of shades of grey and not just the 50 that you see in movies.

For the picture to be turned into colour, there is a colour filter put on top of the sensor called a Bayer filter. This then maps the greyscale pic to the RGB filter and you have some colour. The same way you get them snapchat and insta filters.

This filter and the CMOS sensor need to be carefully made so that they work together to recreate the best possible image. The filter needs to be able to map colors as accurately as possible and also allow as much light as possible through it for the CMOS sensor to get the clearest and most detailed image of whatever it's looking at.

Think of the CMOS sensor as your eye and the bayer filter as some sunglasses. Good sunglasses are ones that make your eyes see clearly even when you are facing the direction of the sun. Bad ones make everything look hazy or cloudy when the sun shines on them.

The last piece of the puzzle which completes the picture…get it…picture? Anyway it is the ISP or Image Signal Processor. It is a chip just dedicated to collecting information from the Bayer filter and the CMOS sensor and converting that information into an image that you can then see on the screen of your phone, tablet, laptop, TV etc.

It's also where camera engineers tune the look of the images the sensors capture. So for example. The Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra and the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 pro are using the same 108MP sensor. But the ISP in the Samsung and the Xiaomi are different and so the images these cameras capture will look different.

The ISP can be made so powerful to the point where the properties of the CMOS sensor like it's physical size or the number of megapixels won't matter. That is how Google was able to use the same 12MP sensor for 3 years in 3 different iterations of their Pixel smartphone and still take some of the best images in any phone, day and night.

They had a super powerful ISP that extracted a lot more performance out of average hardware to produce spectacular images that were as good as, or better than cameras with over 4 times the number of pixels and in some cases over twice the physical size.

Side note. A physically bigger CMOS sensor means more area for the sensor to capture more light. This means you can be a bit lazier with the ISP and leverage on great hardware for great photos. More light generally means better pics and in the age of today, better low light performance.

So you can have a phone with a 40, 64, 108 or even 200MP camera but if the quality of the CMOS sensor, bayer filter and ISP is not up to scratch, all you'll have is a hot mess with plenty of pixels.

The best way to show you why megapixels are now useless is how any camera from 40MP and above never takes photos at it's full resolution in auto mode. There is a technology called pixel binning where multiple pixels are combined into one.

So for example, the Huawei P30 Pro I have will take 10MP photos when it's in auto mode even though the main camera is 40MP. It is grouping 4 pixels on the main sensor into 1 pixel so that each pixel in this 10MP photo has 4 times the information than if I were to take a pic at the full fat 40MP.

It's a compromise manufacturers are now making where they put less resources in the image processing in favour of the hardware. Because the hardware is easier to work with than software.

So your 48MP camera is taking 12MP photos almost all the time. Your 64 MP camera is taking 16MP photos and so forth. And because companies like Apple and Google prefer letting the ISP do most of the heavy lifting they will start with average hardware spec wise compared to competing brands but go full nerd with the image processing software to make their photos amazing. Or in other words. They don't fuss about having the most megapixels but still take photos that are as good or better than everyone else.

Next time when you go buying a phone for it's camera. Try taking a couple of photos with it and see how it does. Don't just buy it because it has the most megapixels. Those numbers don't mean much these days.

 Credit:  techzim.co.zw

Singer Harrysong discloses – “Women now buy dogs for s3x”

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:00 AM PDT

Singer, Harrysong, is shocked at the new discovery he just made.

According to him, he had a discussion with a lady who disclosed to him that ladies now buy puppies to help them satisfy their sexual urges. The lady disclosed to him that the dogs are used to perform oral sex.

Annie Idibia’s brothers slams Tuface’s brother for calling their mother a witch

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:00 AM PDT

Annie Idibia's brothers, Wisdom and Sylvester have called out Tuface's brothers and mother, after the singer's brothers and the duo's sister, Annie engaged in a messy fight on Instagram.

 Wisdom who called out Tuface's brother, Charles, asked where his sister attacked the singer's mother in her first call out her. He described Charles as an "envious snakey shrimp" with an "accursed barren wife", and further asked them to issue an apology for having the "audacity to mention his late Father and calling their mother all sort of evil names".

Annie's brother also told Charles to ask his brother Tuface, if their mother poisoned him when he visited their house in Victoria Island 20 years ago.

He wrote;

Charles Idibia @charlybrave it is not a very wise decision to involve in marital issues you can only go so far. If you claim you love your brother truly I don't think you will be the one speaking in his place. Because of my respect to the entire Idibia Famiily I have been watching and trying to reason with your Mom and Steve your eldest brother. Remember no one is perfect includingi you and I.

You should let d couple settle their fight. Charles you are the youngest of the Idibias, you had the audacity to mention my late Father, called my Mother all sort of evil names and that's the last thing I would take from the Idibia family. You should ask your brother if 20years ago when he came to our house at mobil court VI if my mom poisoned him. Why would you call my MOTHER a witch???????

What is her problem with what is happening?? That's an elderly person do u understand the impact?? The damage?? It's obvious you don't even regard yourself and have to no one to advice you. You are even bringing up yourself personal issues. Be wise and learn to respect your elders! Apologize and clear the air now!!!!!

Annie's brother, Sylvester who had publicly severed their relationship before the messy fight, also jumped in to defend his mother.

Insisting that he doesn't care about what happens between his sister and her husband in a now-deleted video, he stated that their mother shouldn't have been roped into the fight. Sylvester also said that he sent a message to Tuface's mother on Whatsapp, but she listened to it and blocked him after that.

He went on to claim that Tuface's mother blocking him meant she and the singer endorsed her sons' actions. Sylvester also said that he thought Tuface's mother is a decent Christian woman, but has now realized she is an "evil little bitch".

The actress' brother demanded for an apology from the idibias within 24 hours, threatening to fight them on sight if his demand is not met.

BBNaija: Saskay – I was supposed to get married next year

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Saskay, Big Brother Naija housemate has revealed that she was supposed to get married next year.

The 21-year-old, who had earlier said the boyfriend warned her not to come to the show, made this known on Sunday.

During a conversation with Angel, Yousef and Jaypaul, Saskay said she knows her boyfriend has broken up with her.

She said her boyfriend had told her that if she becomes a housemate, their relationship will end.

"I'm sure my relationship has spoilt. I know he has broken up with me. We were supposed to get married next year," she added.

Startled by the revelation, Angel said she was in 'talking stage with a guy before the show.'

"I was in talking stage but I don't know about that again," she stated.

BBNaija: Tega Speaks On Regrets Ahead Of Eviction - "I have no regrets"

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:30 AM PDT

Tega Dominic, one of the most talked-about Big Brother Naija housemates in the ongoing reality TV show, has said she has no regrets while in the Shine Ya Eye house.

The married Big brother housemate told Biggie during her Diary Session that she had longed to be in the show and has no regrets whatsoever.

She said, "Biggie, I have no regrets. Me that wanted to just enter the house and be told that I have been evicted.

"I have no regret, I'm happy I crossed this door, even in the next season I won't have any regret.

"I believe I have sold myself to reputable brands. I never wanted to be a pain to the housemates but it seems I am to some people but it's fine.
"I set some goals before coming to the house and I'm sure I met them."

Meanwhile, Tega had come under attack over her relationship with Boma.

The duo had been intimate in the house.

BBNaija 2021: Moment Emmanuel Was Furious With Cross For Shouting At Liquorose

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija 'Shine Ya Eye' housemate, Emmanuel, has warned Cross not to ever shout at Liquorose again.

He stated this while they were at the salon making preparations for the Sunday Live eviction show this evening.

Cross was seen trying to give Liquorose a haircut, and told her to stop dozing off and shaking her head, so that the clipper won't injure her.

Emmanuel, who was giving Whitemoney a haircut across the room heard this and got furious at Cross. He then warned him never to raise his voice at Liquorose ever again.

According to Emmanuel, Whitemoney too has been dozing off since he started giving him a haircut, but he's taking it easy so he doesn't injure him.
He pointed out that Cross should just have tapped her to wake up, rather than shouting at her.

"Even the guy I'm giving a haircut to is sleeping too but I am just taking it gently with him to make sure I don't use the clipper to injure him," Emmanuel said

BBNaija: Tega says after eviction – What I did with Boma was a script, I missed my husband

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:30 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija, BBNaija housemate, Tega has cleared the air on her relationship with Boma in the reality show.

Tega and Boma were caught kissing and cuddling up in the house several times.

She was criticised and condemned for being in an amorous relationship with a male housemate despite being married with a child.

Some viewers believe her relationship with Boma was the reason for her eviction.

Tega speaking with Ebuka shortly after her eviction said Boma is just her friend.

"I can't wait to see my family, I miss my husband.

"Boma is just my friend."

According to Tega, her actions with Boma were just a strategy and a show for viewers.

"My husband is a bad guy, he wouldn't take this seriously," Tega added.

Nollywood Actress, Tonto Dikeh reacts amid breakup saga

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:00 AM PDT

Nollywood highly-rated thespian, Tonto Dikeh has reacted amid stories of the crashed relationship with her lover, Prince Kpokpogri.

The mother of one in an Instastory session shed some light on friends who gossip and backbite. Tonto Dikeh described such people as enemies in disguise.

She further stated that she would be the last person to do such a thing and would never welcome talks aimed to ridicule another individual.

This is coming after Prince Kpokpogri hailed her former husband, Olakunle Churchill and went further to reveal some dirty secrets about her.

In addition, she also shared a cryptic post, where she noted that all the plans of the enemy against her have been blocked by the Lord.

In her words:

"Not a little BLOCKED SIS

Check out the posts she made below:

Read Also: 👇🏾

Tonto Dikeh reacts undisturbed amidst lover's cheating rumor
Tonto Dikeh reacts to the death of Juice Wrld
Tonto Dikeh nominated for Achievers Award amidst ex-husband saga
Tonto Dikeh wants to make money of ex-husband's saga
Olakunle Churchill Replies Tonto Dikeh

Singer, Jaywon drags Blessing Okoro to filth for calling him a ‘small boy’

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:30 AM PDT

Singer Jaywon has reacted after relationship therapist Blessing Okoro addressed him as a "small boy" in a comment box on Instagram.

Jaywon had replied to Blessing Okoro, whose marriage ended in divorce by saying that people whose marriages have spoilt are trying so hard to destroy other marriages.

In response, Blessing addressed him as a small boy after he accused her of leading other women astray because her marriage "don spoil."

Taking to his Instagram, Jaywon opined that Blessing Okoro lacks the intellectual and moral capability to interact with him.

Read here;

"Dear blessingceo or whatever it is you call yourself. Take a look at the Life and Times of everyone involved in this disturbing circle of the saga that's been brewing, take a look at everyone; the singers, actresses, actors, LEGIT businessmen, do you actually think you have the right to talk in our midst? These are people with talents and are just mere humans making normal human mistakes.

You calling me a small boy isn't the issue, it's the most humdrum, vanilla thing I've been called, so try harder, little girl. My issue is the fact that the internet has put all of us together and even those without talents are now overnight celebrities and CEOs, not excluding those of you with roguish, disreputable, unprincipled, shameless, and tasteless backgrounds. How dare you?

Always so quick to broke shame people despite your unexplainable source of wealth, YET WE KNOW YOUR STORY BLESSING, YES, YOU!! WE KNOW YOUR STORY. Always quick to jump into issues above your intellectual and moral paygrade.

I'll however tell you one thing and that goes for ALL of you "overnight celebrities" with lower pedestal or intellectual wavelength as more hardworking, quieter ones…

Dear little girl, you think because you have followers and you get your nonsense gibberish posted on blogs, that makes you a celebrity or motivational speaker? Or that you move with big wigs means you're big too?

Let me tell you this today..THAT YOUR CHIHUAHUA HAS SPENT A DAY WITH THE CHEETAH DOES NOT MAKE IT AN EXPERT IN RUNNING AFFAIRS OF THE JUNGLE. Oh! Blessing, I forgot, I'm addressing an unintelligent nitwit, my bad.! Get someone more intelligent to translate that to you. Peace!! blessing say you dey wine my nipple AJE?"

Read Also: 👇🏾

Singer Jaywon loses his father

Blessing Okoro shares building plan to debunk rumours

Reno Omokri defends Blessing Okoro over false property claim

Nigerian blogger, Okoro Blessing completes a 7-bedroom duplex

"If your boyfriend breaks up with you, ask him what you did wrong after two days"- Blessing Okoro (Video)


Runtown’s Sudanese Ex Girlfriend, Adut, Buys A New House In Los Angeles

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:00 AM PDT

Supermodel and former refugee Adut Akech has dropped $3.7 million on a new home in Los Angeles and posted several pictures on Instagram.

She wrote in IG;

My new house in LA, I worked so hard for this and I'm so proud of myself. Grateful for all I have and I'm counting my blessings every single day.
Cheers to new beginnings ���❤️

The furniture in the house is staging and isn't mine but I'm so excited to decorate ���

In another post, she wrote;

I DID IT, I BOUGHT MY FIRST HOUSE in America!!!!! ����

I'm usually quiet about personal things like this, I just be moving in silence but this one is TOO big of an achievement and proud moment for me to not share with the world. I cannot believe that at 21 years old I'm a proud owner of 5 HOUSE!!! �

I sit back reflect on my life and the things I have achieved within my career and personal life…. and damn I'm so bloody PROUD of myself for staying focused and working my ass off to get here.

I remind myself every single day how extremely BLESSED and FORTUNATE I am and for that I'm beyond GRATEFUL to God, my family, to the people in my life that courage me to keep pushing. To the people who have given me the opportunities that have led to moments like this. I'm grateful to my supporters who motivate me everyday. THANK YOU!!!! ��❤️❤️❤️

Cheers to New Beginnings!!! ��

Instagram being weird again not sure why the pictures are black but ok �

Olakunle Churchill and wife, Rosy Meurer dedicate their son in grand style

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:30 AM PDT

Tonto Dikeh's ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill, and his wife, Rosy Meurer took to their social media page to celebrate the dedication of their child, King Churchill Jnr in Church.

This is coming days after Rosy Meurer announced that her baby has turned 6 months old.

However, the beautiful couple has celebrated and dedicated their child today, 05th, March 2021.

In a video shared on her Instagram page, it was captioned; "Thanksgiving and child dedication. Thank you Lord for all you do".

Watch the video below:

In other news, relationship therapist, Blessing Okoro has slammed Jaywon after he opines that she's misleading women with her unsolicited opinion because her own marriage led to a divorce.

This is coming after Blessing Okoro supported Annie Idibia for speaking up pertaining to the ills in her marriage to avoid depression.

Catholic Priest revealed – "Eye symbol of BBNaija is Lucifer sign, viewers not real Christians"

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:00 AM PDT

A Nigerian Catholic priest serving at Lux Terra Chaplaincy, Fr George Ehusani has said that the Eye sign of reality Tv show, Big Brother Nigeria is an evil sign known as the lucifer sign.

The Priest who made this known while preaching to the congregation on Sunday said people who watch the show and call themselves Christians are not real Christians.

According to him, "You cannot be openly watching porn and expect to make heaven."

He further noted that there was nothing educative about the show, adding that something had to be done about the show before it caused more harm in the society especially to the younger generation.

"What is Big Brother and what are the ideas portrayed there? What exactly are young people learning from that show.? I want to tell you all right now that the Eye sign of big brother is an evil sign and it's known as the lucifer sign.

"You cannot be openly watching pornography and you call yourself a Christian. I have been able to get one person to tell me one thing that's educative about that show.

"There are thousands of educative programs to watch on Tv but then people choose to keep watch a reality Tv show that has nothing but rot to offer.

"Even the Churches in the U.S spoke in unison when they condemned the show and requested that they take it off their Tv programs and in the US and today, this was how the show was taken off the Tv.

"This matter should be hugely discussed in our society and if we do not come together to do something about it too there will be a lot of damage to be worked on by the time we realize it," he said.

Tonto Dikeh’s lover hails ex-husband amidst separation rumor – “Churchill, you’re a man”

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:30 AM PDT

Prince Kpokpogri, the lover of popular Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh showers praises on the actress' ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill, amidst the rumor of separation.

This is coming after the mother of one and the politician allegedly unfollowed one another on Instagram over leaked audio that exposed Prince Kpokpogri as a cheat.

In an Instagram story, Prince expressed a courtesy greeting to Tonto Dikeh's ex-husband, Churchill whom he applauded for holding to their marriage for so long before their divorce.

"It's not about ranting! come out with your full chest with evidence! To the noisemakers, to your tent oh Isreal! @olakunlechurchil you're a man! Helen of Troy!" he wrote.

'Helen of Troy' was an ancient Greek mythology goddess said to be known as a "whore and curse of beauty."

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Actress Halima Abubakar drags Tonto Dikeh’s lover, Kpokopgri for following her on IG

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actress, Halima Abubakar has warned the ex-boyfriend of Tonto Dikeh, Prince Kpokpogri not to follow her on the photo and video sharing app, Instagram.

This is coming after news broke out that Tonto Dikeh and Prince Kpokpogri allegedly unfollowed one another on Instagram.

Reacting to this, Prince Kpokogri fired back at Tonto Dikeh as he hailed her ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill for being a real man and also followed Halima Abubakar, Tonto's former best friend.

Halima Abubakar has disclosed that he should stay off her page.

According to her, she does not make friends with people's husbands and stressed that they can never be friends so no need to following her on Instagram.

She wrote:

"You all should know I don't make friends. I don't ff ppls hubby. Why following me now? Man get off my page. You should know you can't be my friend. Don't try me. No bs from me. Hang it up".

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Tboss slams Annie Idibia over family saga –“You exposed the privacy of your home with your own hands”

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:30 AM PDT

Former Big Brother Naija housemate, Tboss has slammed Annie Idibia for exposing the trouble in her marriage with legendary singer, 2face Idibia on Instagram.

The mother of one took to her Instagram to opine that bringing the issue to social media to seek unsolicited advice pertaining to her marriage was a big mistake on Annie Idiba's part.

Here's what she said;

"This Generation is pretty conf sing. Something happens in the privacy of your home. Nobody knows about it and then you By yourself With your own hand Bring it to social media where the public can & would have unsolicited opinions and dissect & d troy your names & reputation and all that you stand for Simply because….. Because what exactly….??? I don't get it. I just don't get it*"

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