Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

& (((they))) will burn your life to the ground: remember how you were wrong

Posted: 14 Nov 2021 02:11 PM PST

EVIL PEOPLE; SMILING FACES!  (wagle,sweetie, we see you!)

"There will be no more private bank accounts, and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the Fed" Saule Omarova, Biden's nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)

This week, I learned I was lied to about what really happened. A LOT.

'Mandates a gene therapy disguised as a vaccine to help your immune system build antibodies that according to the CDC, they do not even know if antibodies provide protection against getting infected again. Did I miss anything? You can't even make this shit up.' anon

Let's these idiots live in the world they voted for

meanwhile, IN NICARAGUA ....... CHINA, ....... AUSTRALIA, ....... & ECUADOR

Disneyland, Britney, &, Brice Taylor

Posted: 14 Nov 2021 11:24 AM PST


Manufacturing the Mind Controlled Slave 

Dear Father God, Jesus, Lord of Lords, God Most High,

We come to You now, in humbleness, God, asking for Your help. We know of our own strength we are unable to solve the problems at hand, and God, we know that things in this world are out of control and that only You can guide us back to balanced ways. We also know as Your Word has promised that  we are cared for by You, much more than the birds and the lilies of the field, and now we ask You to show us the way. We thank You Lord, we Glorify Your Holy Name. Thanks for sending Your son, Jesus, to show us the way. Please be with us now, as we enter a time of national and international unrest. We know that these are growing pains. We know that You didn't cause them, that Your will is not for our suffering, but that by our own actions these disasters and wars have and will continue to occur. Bless us with Your anointing. Open the eyes of our understanding. I pray that in this book Your will may shine forth so that all of us who partake can shine for You.

In Christ,
Susan Ford / Brice Taylor (pseudonym) pg.39

Chapter Three: We're Off to See the Wizard pg.57 

Disneyland pg.58

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