Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

if you took the jab ...

Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:10 PM PST

Dearest Brothers & Sisters, I am a lowly servant of Jesus through Mary. I was saved by Jesus in the darkest moment of my life by His Mercy which endures forever. Kindly & w/tenderness, Jesus showed me that I had one foot in hell.

Many far more important than me are saying many of the most fearful things about those who have consented to be jabbed. Dearest Brothers & Sisters, is not Jesus more merciful than our grave mistakes, & folly!!!? 

If you have been 'jabbed', go before the Lord, whether you believe or not, & consecrate yourself, & all like you, to Jesus & Mary. CLAIM YOUR INHERITANCE!! The devil cannot touch what belongs to GOD & is Rightfully His!!! DO NOT FEAR!! GOD IS MUCH BIGGER THAN THIS SITUATION!


O Jesus we know that You are merciful and that You have offered Your heart for us. It is crowned with thorns and with our sins. We know that you implore us constantly so that we do not go astray. 

Jesus, remember us when we are in sin. By means of Your heart make all men love one another. Make hate disappear from amongst men. Show us Your love. We all love You and want You to protect us with Your Shepherd's Heart and free us from every sin. 

Jesus, enter into every heart. Knock, knock, knock at the door of our hearts, Be patient and never desist. We are still closed because we have not understood Your love. Knock continuously, O Good Jesus, make us open our hearts to You at least in the moment we remember Your Passion suffered  for us. Amen Given by Our Lady of Medjugorje to Jelena Vasilj November, 1983.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, ardent with goodness, show Your Love toward us. May the flame of Your Heart, O Mary, descend on all people. We love You so. Impress true love in our hearts so that we have a continuous desire for You. 

O Mary, Humble and meek of heart, remember us when we are in sin. You know that all people sin. Give us, by means of Your Immaculate Heart, spiritual health. Let us always see the goodness of Your Maternal heart and may we be converted by means of the flame of Your Heart. Amen. Given by Our Lady of Medjugorje to Jelena Vasilj November, 1983.

Spirit of The Living God, Spouse of Mary, Light of Christ, I Consecrate myself to You. Make of me Your Perfect Beacon that no matter how wretched my condition, situation, You are there IN ALL DIRECTIONS SHINING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST! Through the Merits of The Sacred & Immaculate Hearts of Jesus & Mary; In The Name of Jesus & Mary I make this Consecration. Amen, Amen.  (the little brother's Consecration to The Holy Spirit)

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