Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

The current version of Google Sites has come a long way in the last year or so. It now includes almost every feature that the old version of Google Sites offered (good thing, because the old version is scheduled for deprecation soon). One of those ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. Link to Sections Within the Pages of Google Sites
  2. Finding a Geographic Opposite
  3. More Recent Articles

Link to Sections Within the Pages of Google Sites

The current version of Google Sites has come a long way in the last year or so. It now includes almost every feature that the old version of Google Sites offered (good thing, because the old version is scheduled for deprecation soon). One of those features is the ability to link to a specific section with a page in your website. 

To link to a section within a page of your Google Site you need to include section headers. That's easy to do. To include a section header simply insert one of the layout options listed in the right-hand menu of the Google Sites editor. Then just type a title for your section. Then when you publish your site you'll see a link appear when you hover your mouse pointer over that section title. 

Watch this short video to learn how to link to sections with the pages of Google Sites. 


Applications for Education
As I mentioned in the video, linking to a section within a page in Google Sites could be helpful your students when you're trying to direct them to a specific resource within a long list of resources on a Google Sites page. You could post the link to the section in Google Classroom or any other LMS to direct students to a specific resource or section of a resource list.

Finding a Geographic Opposite

One evening last week my daughters were playing with the globe pillow that is featured in this blog post. They started asking questions about what each place is called and where it is relative to where we live. Answering their questions reminded me of the concept of an earth sandwich

The idea of an earth sandwich is that you find the complete opposite location of where you are in the world. Some people take to the fullest extent and actually place bread on one location then get someone in the opposite location to do the same and actually make a sandwich. I use the idea of an earth sandwich just to help kids understand how some map projections can distort their understanding of the size and shape of places. 

You can find the complete opposite location of where you are (these are actually called antipodes) in a couple of ways. The first method is to simply identify your current exact location using latitude and longitude coordinates and then use the mathematical opposites to find your exact opposite location. For some students, doing that math might be a little trick. Another method is to use the Map Tunnelling Tool

The Map Tunnelling Tool places two digital maps (ESRI maps) side by side. You then click one of the maps to identify your current location and the other map will automatically display the antipode (opposite location) for your current location. 


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