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Here's why men should consider sleeping naked

Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:00 AM PST

Going naked to bed sounds like the most simple and practical solution to help you improve the quality of your sleep.

Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every night.

Getting the right amount of sleep has an untold number of health benefits and not getting enough sleep is a serious problem in many countries around the world.

So you should have heard of the many benefits of getting adequate sleep, but did you know that you can get additional benefits by sleeping naked?

Especially for men, sleeping naked can help you get a good night's sleep and positively impact your mental, physical and sexual health overall.

Check out these reasons why you must sleep naked before sliding in those comfy pyjamas tonight.

Better sleep quality 
Clothes make your body warm and may come in the way of lowering your body temperature and making it ideal to fall asleep.

Cooling down acts as a biological cue to tell your body it's time to sleep. And sleeping nude allows your body's temperature to go down faster and facilitate quality sleep.

Many people suffer from a disrupted sleep-wake schedule and occasional sleeplessness. Well, consider sleeping naked or try popping a sleep support tablet that calms the body and mind for a deep and peaceful slumber.

Alleviates stress 
It's no secret that lack of quality sleep makes you wake up feeling grumpy, well that's because poor sleep impacts your stress levels.

A study found that when you sleep your brain removes toxic proteins from its neurons that are by-products of neural activity during the day. Your brain can remove these toxic proteins only when you have quality sleep. When you don't get sound sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, build anxiety, and impair your ability to think creatively.

Since sleeping naked improves your sleep quality, catching your sleep in the buff may reduce your overall stress and anxiety levels.

Healthy sperm count
The scrotum that contains testicles (which produce sperm) is sensitive to temperature and needs comparatively cooler temperatures for proper functioning, which is why they are located just outside the body.

Sleeping naked is a great way to keep testicles cool and at an optimal temperature to maintain a healthy sperm count.

Makes skin healthy 
There is a reason why a nine-hour sleep is called beauty sleep. Your skin uses sleep hours to heal itself from the day's exposure to the sun and dust. When you doze off, your skin gets the chance to heal and that's why you may wake up looking fresh.

Maintain a before-bed skincare routine of washing and moisturizing before bed to wake up looking fresh and rosy.

Keeps you young
Sleeping naked helps maintain a low body temperature that not only results in sound sleep but also creates a good balance between melatonin and growth hormone, which is essential in cell repair and growth.

So, if you sleep naked, your damaged cells repair faster and more often, making you remain young longer.

Know this signs of depression you should never ignore

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:30 PM PST

Everyone feels sad once in a while. If you're feeling lower than usual or the feeling never ceases, you may wonder if you are depressed. Depression is a mental illness that many people don't even know they have. It can leave its victims extremely unhappy and even suicidal. Let's go over the causes, signs, and treatment of depression.

Why do we get depressed?

You might have heard that depression is caused by hormonal imbalance in the brain, but it is much more than that. Depression is caused by a combination of psychological, social, and biological factors. It is often triggered by trauma, stress, abuse, conflict, and grief but genetic factors also play a significant role.

Researchers have identified some genes that can make a person susceptible to depression. Depression has also been linked to the parts of the brain that affect emotions and memory.


No age group is more likely to get depression, it can appear at any age, and the symptoms vary from person to person. People who have depression often have symptoms that affect their daily activities, but this is not always the case. Some of the symptoms are just things we regularly experience, but if you are experiencing several symptoms for long periods, it is most likely depression. Below are some common signs of depression you should not ignore

Feelings of hopelessness
Avoiding family and friends
Trouble sleeping or excessive sleep
Fatigue and loss of motivation 
Loss of appetite or excessive eating
Difficulty with concentration
Neglecting daily activities
Suicidal thoughts 
Treating depression

Do you have the symptoms of depression, or do you know someone who does?

Treatment is available, and it can help you feel a lot better.

Depression can be treated with therapy when you talk to a professional.

Medications like antidepressants can also help you manage depression and stress.

You can also talk to someone really close to you about how you are feeling.

The feeling of getting it off your chest will make you feel a lot better, and you might receive some good advice.
Oluwatimilehin Ademosu is a passionate content writer and copywriter.
Pulse Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf

Man blasts those calling for justice over Sylvester Oromoni – “All of you should go and rest”

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:17 PM PST

A Nigerian man has kicked against those calling for justice over case of 12-year-old Dowen college student who died a painful death.

Following the death of Sylvester Oromoni, there has been an uproar on social media as Nigerians demand for justice over the young boy who was allegedly beaten to death for refusing to join a cult.

Reacting to this, a man said the accused children are still underage and there will be no justice.

In his words;

"What do you want to do to those children? Do you want to take them to prison or what? Those children are not even up to 18. They are still underage and you're shouting justice.

Abeg forget this thing jare. Justice for what? Child wey don die don die. All of you go and rest jare. All of you coming to my DM and you're saying different story, they said, they said, they said. What is now the true story? There's no justice anything".

Can you cheat on someone you Love?

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:00 PM PST

People always say love is the biggest criterion in every relationship, but the question "Is love enough?" Keeps arising in debates and it's not hard to see why.

The truth is Love isn't always enough. Oftentimes, people cheat in relationships even when dating the love of their life.

Today, we'll discuss a few reasons why this happens.

What Can Cause Cheating In Relationships?

There are a few neglected things that can drive one into becoming unfaithful to his/her partner. Let's talk about a couple of them.

1. Lack of Self Discipline
You can love your partner to death, but if you lack self discipline, lust, greed, and other emotions will sway you.

It takes a strong mind to turn down advances from affluent, handsome young men, just as it takes a lot of self discipline to turn down highly attractive women. Staying devoted necessitates a great deal of self-control. You may be head over heels in love with your partner and want to show them the world, but if you're not disciplined, you'll end up ruining everything.

2. The Sex
Sex plays a key role in relationships. It fuels true intimacy and love. The ability of partners to satisfy each other sexually is paramount but most times this point is overlooked. Bedmatics and openness of each partner to learn new sex styles can keep the other partner in check.

3. Your Ex
A bad or hurtful relationship damages the psyche of a faithful and committed person. The fear of being cheated on by someone you love, unknowingly gets deep rooted in your innocent mind. Thus, on the inside, you'd secretly struggle to be committed in your next relationship.

In addition, most people desire a taste of what it's like to cheat on someone else because they've been cheated on before.

4. Behavioural change
A sudden change in behavior from either partner is bound to have a ripple effect on the relationship. If your partner becomes cold and distant all of a sudden; if they start to withhold their attention and care from you, it's only a matter of time before another love interest creeps into the relationship.

5. Communication
Without proper communication, what good is love in a relationship? You pay attention to your partner if you have deep and beautiful conversations. When you have deep conversations, you can find out what they're thinking about, and you can get answers to your most troubling problems.

Imagine having a disagreement with your partner and not being able to resolve it. It gradually becomes a greater problem, which can open the door for other love interests into your life.

6. Nagging
Toxicity is not a romantic gesture. A nagging partner will never fathom what peace of mind means or does to sustain a healthy relationship. It's vital to know that every relationship has a psychological effect on people, both negative and positive.

If we have a nagging partner, we will find ourselves journeying to the one who gives us peace of mind and will then cheat on our partners.

Being committed requires our mental recognition and acceptance of what we're in for. To be loved and to love is a daily effort we should strive for. Cheating is the order of the day but you can still choose to be deeply committed and faithful to the one you love. Text that special someone today, every single act of love counts.
Funmi is a Writer, Thinker and Marketing buff. Like Mark Manson, he hopes to give life advice that doesn't suck.
Pulse Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf.

What Causes Pubic Odor And How To Get Rid Of It

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:30 PM PST

However, apart from the natural cause of pubic odor, the major causes of bad vaginal odor are STDs and viruses like herpes.

Naturally, the genital area of a woman usually has a musty odor because of its acidic pH level.

But when the odor starts having a foul scent, then there should be cause for alarm. Because it can be very embarrassing, especially when it is noticed and commented on by someone else.

Be that as it may, there are other factors that can also lead to this disorder. Read on to see more causes of abnormal vaginal odor

Causes of vaginal odor

1. Poor hygiene
As funny as this may sound, there are women who do not change their clothes and underwear regularly. As a matter of fact, some of them find it difficult to change their underwear after exercise.

Attitudes such as these may lead to a foul odor in the bikini area.

Also, if a woman does not shower regularly, it can lead to the inflammation of the vaginal area which can cause vaginal odor.

2. Sweating
Although this is unknown to many, sweat can either produce salt and water or apocrine protein and fats. Apocrine sweat, which produces the latter, comes from the sweat glands, the hair follicles from the underarms, and pubic hair.

However, medical science explains that bacteria are more attracted to proteins and fats which causes the bad smell.

3. Diet
Some food that can lead vaginal odor. And they include garlic, curry, onions, spices, and coffee.

Meanwhile, eating these foods may help a patient's vaginal area to smell better: pineapple, kiwi, blueberry, strawberry, mango, green tea, and cucumber.

4. Cancer
One of the most common concerns of a cervical cancer patient is also vaginal odor.

5. Sexually-transmitted disease (STD)
Apart from herpes, smelly genitalia can also be caused by STDs like syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

6. Vaginal douching
Although it is believed that douching (cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids) is not harmful to the pH balance of the sensitive area, the chemicals found in some formula used for washing the bikini area may cause irritation and infection, which can lead to having a foul smell.

7. Sexual intercourse
While the women's' genitalia has an acidic pH level, men's seminal fluid is alkaline. The interaction of these two during sexual intimacy can sometimes lead to bad odor.

Treatment of vaginal odor

1. Watch your diet

2. Use perfume
Although using perfume too close to your vagina is a bad idea, it is, however, advisable to put a dab of it on the inside of each of your thighs, roughly six inches from the vulva area; as this will help counter any possible odor.

3. Use wet wipes
When using wet wipes, it is advisable to make use of wet wipes that are fragrance-free. A good example of such is baby wipes because they tend to use fewer chemicals and often have fragrance free options.

And remember to only clean your vulva. Don't put wet wipes, wash clothes and soap inside your vagina.

4. Wash regularly
It is important to know that you need to shower and wash regularly to smell good.

However, how often you do this depend on your body because everyone is different. Nevertheless, you will probably need to wash at least every two or three days.

5. Use the right soap
In as much there's no specified soap for washing your sensitive area, using the wrong types of can cause irritation and bad odor.

Try as much as you can to avoid soaps that are heavily perfumed as they may contain too many unnatural ingredients or have antibacterial properties. Because they upset the natural balance of your body.

Instead, use natural soaps, especially the ones that are labeled as being fragrance-free.

5 Ways to have a Detty December as a single pringle

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:00 PM PST

December is here, and everyone is already thinking about the festivities, celebrations, and hangouts. 'Detty December' is so-called because the last month of the year itself is filled with many fun activities that one cannot afford to miss out on.

As a single pringle, it can be depressing. You see pictures of couples together at a concert or dressed in matching Christmas pajamas, and all you can do is just like their pictures and 'God when.'

This year doesn't have to be depressing, you just have to be intentional about the following tips.

1. Masturdate 
No, it's not what you are thinking. Read that term again, masturdating is a term that means taking yourself out, spending quality time with yourself and enjoying your own company. Understand that your singleness shouldn't necessarily mean loneliness. Learn to enjoy your own company, dress up, go to a cinema, a fancy restaurant and just bask in the euphoria of spending time with yourself.

2.Visit family and friends
December is always a time to look in retrospect and be thankful for how good or fair the year has been. What better way to do that than with your family whom you may not have seen throughout the year. Yes, having to see some nosey aunties can be nerve-wracking, but the joy you get when you see your cousins, friends, and families will outweigh the anxieties your aunties may cause.

3.Solo travel
If you have the means to pack your bags, take a spontaneous trip outside your state or your country, do it.

A change of scenery may help you to clear your head and think better and maybe, just maybe make a new friend. If you have the money, take that trip this year.

4.Organise your own party
Throw yourself a party, and invite your other single friends to come to have drinks. Create fun games to play and who knows, it may just be the start of something amazing amongst some of your single friends. Plus you'd become the legend who threw a mind-blowing party for the fellow 'singlets'.
Oluwatumininu Dunmade is a witty writer who loves to engage her readers.
Pulse Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf.

Here are 5 myths you will only hear in Nigeria

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:30 PM PST

Many tribes are still deeply entrenched in traditional practices that tell stories of demons, spirits and the occult.

Nigeria is a country of myths and legends passed down from generations.

Here are some interesting myths and legends that some Nigerians hold dear.

1. Whistling at night invites demons
According to Nigerian folktale, whistling at night is wrong and could have dire consequences. Legend has it that whistling is an invitation for the spirits. Different tribes have accounts of people who have whistled and have in turn been met by evil spirits, snakes, occult members or even found themselves in strange places.

2. Beating a boy with a broom or turning stick
Some Nigerians believe if you beat a boy with a broom or turning stick (Omorogun) it would shrink the size of his penis. As a remedy, if a boy has been beaten with a broom, he would have to beat the same person seven times with a broom.

3. Someone walking over your legs
If someone walks over your legs it is believed you will end up having kids who look just like that person. How this happens nobody understands. Pregnant women are quick to take their legs out of the way when someone tries to pass.

4. Reincarnation
One of the most popular Nigerian myth is the one told about the Yorubas, where the dead are expected to return to their family in the form of a newborn baby. Who a child is can be determined by its resemblance to the dead.

For example, a boy that resembles his paternal grandfather will be named Babatunde ('father returns'). Most strange, however, is their belief that if a person dies young, their ghost can go to another town and live there as if they were not dead, even getting married and having children over there.

5. Sun and rain
This myth is another popular one. People, especially hunters, believe that if it rains while the sun is out, a lion is giving birth.

Here are 15 questions you must ask your girlfriend before proposing

Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:00 PM PST

Before proposing to that your gorgeous woman, be sure to ask as many marriage-relevant questions as possible.

For couples who have been together in a loving relationship and have now begun to think of proposing and taking the relationship to the next level, there are important questions that need to be asked; some intimate issues that should be intentionally poked into; and honest answers that must be drawn, no matter how scandalous they turn out to be.

For the guy [or babe] who chooses to propose, you must first ask yourself questions to ascertain your own readiness and qualification for such huge step; and then there are questions you have to ask your partner, too.

Getting into a marriage, as romantic as it is, is pretty much like a entering into contractual agreement. Before agreeing to a contract, you are logically expected to ask relevant questions; questions which, to a reasonably large extent, clear any doubts you may have. It is called due diligence.

And the concept applies to marriage-intended relationships, too!

So, before proposing to your babe, the one with the gorgeous eyes and lips as satisfying as honey-suckle, make sure you ask as many questions as possible. And be intentional about each and every one of those questions.

There won't be time to ask all the questions at once, or in a single sitting. It is even advised, as a matter of wisdom, to ask some of these serious questions spontaneously, when he/she is unsuspecting, unexpecting.

Note that the most important thing here is to first be sure of what you want; what matters most to you, the things you can never joke with; core values that you can never bend or break and then tailor those questions around these things.

Most times, this means that there will be customised questions that are peculiar and tailor-made for you and that relationship. However, there are still general questions that usually apply to majority, if not all relationships.

Here are 15 of those questions that should guide you to make wise pre-marriage inquiries

1. Do you still have feelings for an ex?

2. What's your love language Do you even believe in love languages?

3. How do you handle stress, pressure?

4. What's your take on feminism generally? What do you think of gender roles in marriages?

5. What do you think of money's role in a marriage?

6. Is the idea of a joint account repulsive to you?

7. Do you think there's a limit one should stop at when it comes to religious beliefs and followership, or do you just follow all the way?

8. How many kids do you want? Do you like big extended families or the small, intimate circle of most important family members.

9. When we fight, how do you think we should settle them? Are you confrontational? Do you scream and shout and/or have long periods of silence afterward?

10. How are you when you are angry?

11. Who do you listen to even at your angriest? Who and who do you consider as your personal support system?

12. Have you ever been in an abusive relationship – whether emotional or physical?

13. Who is your role model on marital things? Whose marriage do you hope to emulate? Or do you just believe in forging your own path in a marriage as you go?

14. If you'd rate your sex drive on a scale of 1-10, what would it be?

15. How was your parents' marriage? Do you wish to have a marriage like theirs?
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