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Here Developmental delays in children

Posted: 06 Feb 2022 01:00 AM PST

Some kids, particularly preschoolers, may not just "catch up". 

They fail to thrive. They have trouble gaining weight and with physical development. There is a tremendous amount of misgivings and misunderstandings—often due to ignorance. Limited knowledge about common pediatric and neuro-developmental issues have caused parents, guardians, as well teachers to make terrible decisions that affect the total development of our children.

This article provides insights into global developmental delays, the differences between global developmental delays and ordinary developmental delays, the possible causes and, the ways to manage them effectively and efficiently.

Parents-to-be, caregivers, social workers, or and teachers are going to find this article especially rewarding.

Disability—any kind—often occurs in individuals between the age range of 0-18. There are few cases of people getting disabled when they are 20 and above. While disability does occur in people at 20 and over, the frequency isn't quite significant.

Unknown to many, there is a "global psychopathological disability" beyond the most common ones, which include visual disability, hearing disability, and physical disability. There is a category of intellectual and physical disabilities that are emotional, mental, and psychopathological.

What is developmental delay?

Developmental delay is when a child lags behind their peers in one or more areas of emotional, mental, or physical growth. If your child is delayed, early treatment is the best way to help them make progress or even to catch up.

There are many different types of developmental delays in infants and young children. They include problems with language or speech, Vision, Movement — motor skills, Social and emotional skills, and Thinking — cognitive skills.

What makes developmental delay global?

Sometimes, a significant delay occurs in two or more of those areas problems with language or speech, Vision, Movement — motor skills, Social and emotional skills, and Thinking — cognitive skills). When that happens, it's called "global developmental delay." It refers to infants and preschoolers up to age 5 who show delays lasting at least 6 months.

Developmental delay and developmental disabilities

Developmental delay is different from developmental disabilities, which include such conditions as cerebral palsy, hearing loss, and autism spectrum disorder and which usually last for life.

Causes of developmental delay causes, including risk factors

Little children learn to crawl, talk, or use the toilet at different speeds. But sometimes a child may reach those milestones much later than other kids. There are many reasons for such delays, including:

Being born prematurely and having genetic conditions like Down syndrome or muscular dystrophy.

Other causes include:

Poor eyesight or hearing
Alcohol or drug use during pregnancy
Physical abuse or neglect
Lack of oxygen during delivery
Different types of delays

Language and speech developmental delays

These are not unusual delays in toddlers. Language and speech problems are the most common type of developmental delays. Speech refers to verbal expression, including the way words are formed. Language is a broader system of expressing and receiving information, such as being able to understand gestures.

Possible causes. A variety of problems may cause language and speech delays, including:

Exposure to more than one language — which can cause mild delays in toddlers but not delays by the time they reach school age

A learning disability


Child abuse or neglect
A problem with the muscles controlling speech — a disorder called dysarthria
Hearing loss, which may occur in children who have severe middle ear infections or occur as a result of certain medications, trauma, or genetic disorders
Autism spectrum disorders — a group of neurological disorders that may involve impaired communication as well as impaired social interaction and cognitive skills
Managing global developmental delays

It is not the end of the world for sufferers of global developmental delays. The specific management of children with global developmental delay will depend on their individual needs and underlying diagnosis. Early intervention is essential to support the child to reach their full potential. Specialists involved in the management of GDD in children include:

Speech therapists
Physical therapists
Occupational therapists
Hearing specialists (Audiologist)
Developmental pediatricians
Providers of early intervention services (depending on location)
As well as involving professionals, parents can support the development of their children by playing with them, reading with them, showing them how to do tasks, and supporting them to participate in activities of daily living such as washing, dressing, and eating.

For weight gain, here are tested and trust home remedies.

Posted: 06 Feb 2022 12:30 AM PST

Many people say it is easier to gain weight than lose it, some beg to differ as it takes forever for them to add weight.

Whatever the case may be, none of these two is an easy feat, and thus you should be celebrated when you intentionally embark on either one of them.

Numerous reasons can be attributed to the inability of gaining weight, from stress to unhealthy eating habits and irregular eating. Home remedies are a perfect way to go about weight gain; these remedies can be readily found at home or the market and can be used without interrupting the individual's overall life.

Here is a list of such remedies;

1. Afternoon naps

This is one of the easiest ways to gain weight. If you want to gain weight, you must love afternoon naps. Sleeping for 45 minutes to an hour would help your mind relax and your muscles. Sleep in the afternoon daily and gain weight- best hack, I tell you.

2. Dates and high-fat dairy mixture

Another way to gain weight is by incorporating a blend of dates and milk into your daily diet. Dates are dried fruits that contain so many vitamins to ensure a rich life. Dairy products are a source of protein; High-fat dairy products, as the name implies, have a high-fat concentration. Examples are whole milk, whipped cream, cheese and full cream yoghurt. A blend of any of these with dates is a banger, my dears.

Put your dates in a smoothie blender or any variation of blender you have, add yoghurt and blend away. If you are using powdered milk, it is advised to add lukewarm water to the mix to have a well-blended mixture.

3. Banana milkshake

Bananas contain fattening properties and calories that can aid weight gain. Add your preferred amount of banana fingers into a blender, add 2 cups of milk(full creamed liquid milk), if you have ice cream, you can add a scoop. Adding sugar is optional; blend this, and your milkshake is ready. Take this in the morning and night and watch the wonders it will do in your body.

4. Incorporate fattier cuts of meat into your meals.

Meats like chicken, pork, beef etc., are good sources of high content protein. . It is also advised to fry them instead of just boiling them; frying helps to soak up oil which is a fattening agent.

Other products you can add to your daily diet include dark chocolates, chocolate cakes, avocados and peanut butter.

Staying consistent is vital; gaining weight doesn't happen in a day, so take it easy on yourself.

Here is why some Nigerians prefer Locust Beans to processed seasoning products

Posted: 06 Feb 2022 12:00 AM PST

Many fast foods kitchens at popular joints in mega cities nationwide are not left out of this routine of culinary choices and preferences that determine the taste buds and add spec to their cuisine.

According to some of the best cooks in town, African locust beans are healthier additions to dishes than available seasoning cubes in the markets.

As questionable as their claims may seem, some nutritionists, cardiologists, appear to support such views.

Some are of the view that processed food seasoning products can be harmful to consumers' health.

Mrs Elizabeth Ojewa, who sells African locust beans (popularly known as Ogiri) in Oyingbo market, Ebute-Metta area of Lagos State, is one of those who prefer African locust beans in home kitchens, dishes.

According to her, Ogiri, as a preferred kitchen seasoning choice, is better and healthier than processed seasoning products.

This, she said, is in spite of some consumers' preferences for close substitutes at home and at popular fast food restaurants in parts of Lagos State.

"Ogiri is very nice. It is the original seasoning our ancestors were using to cook before processed seasoning cubes were introduced to us. It is very popular in Africa. It did not disturb their health.

"Among our people, it is called Dawadawa in Hausa land, the Yoruba call it Iru, and it is called Ogiri or Okpei in Igbo. It has a good taste and flavour that make your to food delicious.

"You can use it to cook any kind of soup, including Banga soup (Ofe Akwu), Ogbono and vegetable soup and Jollof rice etc.''

Ojewa, who is not a food specialist or nutritionist, however, went further to advise people to use it (ogiri) instead of processed seasoning cubes because it is good for the body.

According to her, local food seasoning alternative (ogiri) "contains Vitamin A which is good for the eyes and for a clear vision''

"It is especially recommended for the elderly because of its health benefits over cubed seasonings. Also, it is very affordable. ''

She also said: "You can buy a reasonable quantity for just N100 and use it three or four times depending on the quantity you used at a time.

"Some of my customers even buy and send it to their people in London.''

Similarly, Ojewa's colleague and neighbour, who sought to be addressed simply as Sister Testimony, supported her opinion on African locust beans.

"You can use this ingredient for all Nigerian soups, either Igbo soup or Calabar soup or Yoruba soup or Bini soup; any soup at all, including Hausa soup.

"You can blend it or just mash it, it will melt, before you add it to your soup. This dawadawa or ogiri is our native seasoning from the olden days; if you want to make your soup as rich as our native soup, use this one.

"Those cubed seasonings are artificial! If you add okpei and some crayfish to your soup, you will not need any other processed food seasoning again,'' Sister Testimony said.

However, if, indeed, ogiri seasoning is healthier with more mouth-watering flavour and taste in foods than processed seasoning cubes, why do people mostly prefer processed food seasonings than local seasoning products?

Can the local seasoning's colour, fragrance, packaging or availability influence such choices?.

Ojewa also blamed some Nigerians for not preferring or not making ogiri a seasoning choice for their culinary activities.

She said: "Most Nigerians are quickly attracted to foreign products regardless if it is not good for them. That is why they are opting for the processed cubed seasonings; just because it is foreign and because they like sweet things.

"They want their soup to be sweet and tasty, so they add too much quantity, but they don't know the dangers in the cubes and they don't know about the health benefits of okpei. Those who know its value used to buy it from us.

"Some people used to come from outside Nigeria to buy it because they know its value. It has a different taste and aroma and contains many health benefits.

"When there was no Maggi, our ancestors used ogiri to cook their meals and they liked it."

Ojewa, was, however, of the opinion that if ogiri seasoning is branded or packaged in wrapped cubes form, its preference by people would be optimised and its market value would soar than is the case now.

"They will be encouraged to choose it instead of the processed seasoning cubes. But then, they will want to add additives and preservatives to it in the process of branding it, thereby contaminating it.

"Whereas, it does not necessarily need preservatives in order to last long. If dried well, it can last for more than six months or more without any preservatives,'' she said.

According to available literature, food is very essential for humans for the simple reason that it engenders growth, development, medication and survival.

To a large extent, spices and seasonings constitute part of our daily food intake in Nigeria. But at the level of preservation for lasting taste and flavour, are they all really safe for our health? What health benefits or possible dangers do we get from these seasonings?

Another popular additive found in almost every prepared food is the Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).

According to healthline.com article "8 Foods That Contain MSG'', MSG is one of the most controversial food additives approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"This popular additive has been deemed 'generally recognised as safe' (GRAS) by the FDA, though some experts argue that it can have potentially dangerous side effects, particularly when consumed on a long-term basis.

"The FDA mandates that MSG must be labeled by its usual name of monosodium glutamate when used as an ingredient in food. Foods that naturally contain MSG, such as tomato products, protein isolates and cheeses, aren't required to list MSG as an ingredient", the article stated.

Also, healthline.com, in an article, stated that foods containing MSG included fast food (which is one of the best-known sources of MSG, particularly Chinese food).

Others are chips, snack foods and seasoning blends, frozen meals, soups, processed meat, condiments and instant noodles products.

Mrs. Adewumi Olufunmilola, Assistant Chief Nutritionist at the Orile Agege General Hospital, Lagos, among others also identified the health benefits and possible dangers of modern cooking seasoning as well as indigenous seasoning including the African locust beans.

"Modern food seasoning cubes contain a degree of MonoSodium Glutamate which is the sodium salt of glutamic acid used in cooking as a flavour enhancer.

"It is made from sodium of glutamic acid of amino acids from protein which adds sweet, sour and meaty taste to food.

"The MSG has excitatory neurotransmitters which help in transmitting and receiving information from nerve cells in the brain, contributing to learning and memory performance of humans.

"They play an important role in the process of digestion, absorption, metabolism and other physiological functions through activation of the brain,'' she said.

In an article from Reuters titled 'MSG Linked To Weight Gain', researchers also found that people who eat more MSG were more likely to be overweight or obese and the increased risk was not simply because people were stuffing themselves with MSG-rich foods.

"The link between high MSG intake and being overweight held even after accounting for the total number of calories people ate,'' it state.

Olufunmilola, however, would not say that MSG was responsible for gaining weight and obesity in adults as proposed by Reuters.

She said: "MSG has been found to reduce weight gain and fat deposition''.

According to her, a study by Yamamoto et al, 2009, established improved nutrition in the elderly.

She said: "MSG facilitates the flow of sodium, calcium and potassium in and out of the cell. It may have therapeutic potential for improving the function of the infant gut.

"Recent studies suggested that MSG can influence the maturity of the poorly developed gastric mucosa, thus reducing feeding intolerance in premature infants.

"It helps the gut function as an important energy substrate, boosts the immune system and other essential processes especially in stress.''

Explaining the nutrients of African locust beans on the other hand, Olufunmilola said: "African locust beans are legumes that have been known as therapeutic foods containing antioxidants for detoxifying the body.

"Iru is a rich source of tannins which is used in treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and ulcers. Due to its probiotic content, it helps to suppress diarrhoea.

"It contains more carotenoids than the commonly consumed foods such as yellow maize, plantains, carrots and mango.

"It also promotes good sight and helps to manage hypertension. The soluble fibre it contains enhances weight loss and controls blood sugar levels.''

She also assessed the acceptability for either of the two independent cooking seasonings, adding that "Modern food seasoning cubes cannot be replaced with African locust beans because both have their unique roles in human life''.

"MSG has been proven to activate the brain positively by improving both learning and memory performance, especially in terms of stress.

"Recent study has shown that MSG doesn't produce appreciable increase in glutamate concentration in the blood except when consumed in excess of normal intake levels.

"This is due to the fact that the blood brain barrier effectively restricts the passage of glutamate from the blood into the brain implying that MSG doesn't lead to increase in brain glutamate concentration.

"MSG does not produce functional disruptions in brain (Fernstrom et.al. 2018) and therefore no linkage of MSG to long-term serious problem in the general public.

"It is recognised as safe food addictive (GRAS). This indicated that under normal dietary conditions, most of the dietary glutamate (MSG) is either metabolised or oxidised to carbon dioxide by the gut.

"A standard cube of modern food seasoning cubes is four grammes with trace quantities of MSG. Using in moderation should not pose any harm.''

According to her, junk foods like pastries, fried foods in our daily consumption can cause health hazards such as headache, sweating, facial pressure or tightness, numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas of the body.

"They are known to cause heart palpitations, chest pain, nausea, weakness, heart failure, high blood pressure, hypertension, stroke, anxiety, stress etc. Modern food seasoning cubes and African locust beans have their unique benefits,'' Olufunmilola said.

Consumers make choices over these commodities for personal reasons.

For Mrs Jideonwo Angela, a trader In Oyingbo market, who cooks her family meals with processed seasoning cubes, credibility, general acceptability and longevity of seasoning brands in markets and homes, inform her choice of seasoning.

"Actually, there are a lot of seasonings in the market. But from what we do read in the papers and in the news, they said that some of them are harmful.

"Because of that, I stick to the ones which are readily acceptable, especially the old ones which have withstood competition from other brands.

"Therefore, I use processed seasoning cubes mostly because, having been in use in Nigeria for decades, they must be good products.

"They have gained credibility and durability. The manufacturers wouldn't want to lose the reputation and trust they have built in the consumers after these years.

"They will maintain the quality of the product. However, my switching from Maggi to Knorr and vice versa is due to cost.

"In any case, I use it in moderation. And in most cases, to minimise the quantity of salt intake as advised by the doctor, I don't use salt at all when I use Maggi because it also contains salt,'' Angela said.

A Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Ramon Moronkola, told NAN that it was important for Nigerians to cut down their intake of seasonings to reduce risks of having cardiovascular diseases.

Moronkola, who works with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), said that salt, a major component of most processed seasonings, was a very high risk factor for cardiovascular diseases including hypertension, stroke, heart attack, liver failure among others.

Quoting from reports made available by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Moronkola said that cardiovascular diseases remained the main cause of death globally.

He also decried the rate of sudden deaths among Nigerian adults, attributing the development to accumulation of excessive cholesterol and salt; which would have started building up when they were growing up.

The cardiologist emphasised that salt reduction was a preventive and treatment measure to cardiovascular diseases particularly hypertension and stroke.

"Unfortunately, when doctors advise people to cut down on salt intake; they end up reducing salt, and consuming more of processed food seasoning.

"This is not advisable because processed food seasonings and salt are the same; if you are asked to avoid salt it means you are invariably advised to cut down on their intake too.

"The intake of highly salted food, saturated fat, high consumption of alcohol, smoking, hard drugs and lack of exercise were various lifestyles which could lead to cardiovascular/heart-related diseases," Moronkola said.

He also advised people to reduce intake of fried foods, hydrogenated oil, sweets, highly- processed carbohydrate from refined white wheat flour use for making cakes, chin-chin and doughnut.

According to the cardiologist, consumption of fried meat and saturated fat can easily increase cholesterol level that can result to blood clot.

Moronkola said: "Clotted particles in the blood can block a blood vessel in the brain or heart which are the organs with the smallest blood vessels, hence leading to a stroke or heart attack.

"Some of such attacks may not be redeemable and fatal. People should guard against eating food with high cholesterol content.''

He said that a survey had indicated high rate of distress calls on stroke related issues at festive activities, parties adding that people should always consume meals that would not put their health at risk.

He, therefore, called on event planners and organisers to prioritise health of the attendees when making provision for delicacies and drinkables.

"People should not expose food items that increase cholesterol level and blood pressure during parties and festivities,'' he said.

The cardiologist called on the Federal Government to intensify regulation and monitoring of food processing as well as the usage of processed food seasoning by food sellers, companies and fast food eateries.

Here is how to make tasty basmati fried rice

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 11:30 PM PST

Basmati is a variety of long, slender-grained aromatic Indian rice and fried rice is an oriental dish.

Basmati fried rice is a delicious combination of cultures.

Cooking time
50 minutes

Recipe category
Main dish

Recipe cuisine

Cooking method

Recipe Yield
4 servings

3 cups of good quality basmati rice
1/4 cup of vegetable oil
2 seasoning cubes
1 tsp salt (to taste)
2 tsp curry
1 tsp thyme
Carrot, peas, cabbage, sweetcorn (to desire)
¼ cup chopped spring onion
1 cup precooked shrimps or chopped chicken (optional)
½ teaspoons crushed red pepper/ black pepper

Pour 2 cups of water and a little oil into a pot and bring to boil. Sprinkle in a seasoning cube, some salt, curry powder and thyme.
Wash rice until water stops being cloudy.
Reduce heat and add the rice into the pot. Allow to cook for 18-20 minutes, depending on how soft you like your rice. Turn off heat, fluff the rice with fork to separate the grains and set aside to cool.
In a big pan or pot, add remaining cooking oil, diced onions, minced garlic and ginger and saute until fragrant and translucent.
Add your red pepper and saute for about 1 minute, then add in your spring onions and mixed vegetables, and cook for 2 minutes.
Add in the shrimps/shredded chicken, some salt to taste and cooled rice.
Use wooden spoon to stir and cook for 3-5 minutes.
Your basmati fried rice is ready! Serve with plantains.

5 items you should never forget while traveling on a vacation

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 11:00 PM PST

Everyone loves a vacation.

Whether to the farthest country from your location, or the closest village on your country, a period away from home could be extremely therapeutic for some people. But the only flaw in this plan is not getting well prepared before the travel.

So in this article, we'll list 5 things you should never forget while going for a vacation.

1. Travel documents:

While you may not need travel documents when traveling to your village or Abuja, they are completely necessary for international travel. Make sure to pack your passport, visa (if applicable), and any other important documents you may need.

Failure to bring these items could mean being stuck at the airport or worse - being sent back home! Make sure to also have a copy of these documents stored somewhere safe in case you lose them while on vacation. No one likes sad stories.

2. Toiletries:

I've been in one too many situations where I've forgotten my toothbrush or shampoo. And trust me, it's not a fun experience. Make sure to pack all of your toiletries in your carry-on bag so you don't have to worry about it while on the plane. That way, you'll know where to find them, rather than having to search for shops to purchase them.

3. Chargers and adapters:

We all know that traveling can take a lot out of us, especially the hours before the journey. If you don't plan well, you may forget the very little things, such as chargers. Imagine climbing the plane to realize you forgot your charger and adapter. You would have to go through the entire rigmarole of getting a new one in a relatively new environment.

So make sure to pack your chargers and adapters so you can keep your devices charged and ready to go.

4. Lip balm:

This is something that I always seem to forget. And then, once I remember it, I have to buy a new one because I've used all of mine up. So make sure you pack lip balm - your lips will definitely thank you for it! If you're travelling this period of intense cold, especially to normally cold countries, you will need all the lip balm you can get.

5. Umbrella:

Imagine this: You're in a new city, it's raining cats and dogs, and you don't have an umbrella. You'll be drenched within minutes and will probably catch a cold because of it.

Make sure to pack an umbrella so you don't have to worry about this happening to you! It doesn't have to be the long, rigid ones, there are retractable umbrellas as well.

This is why you should have more of Ofada rice in your diet!

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 10:30 PM PST

Ofada rice is a type of local brown rice grown in Nigeria which is unpolished and not genetically modified.

White rice is a staple food in the Nigerian diet and brown rice is highly underrated. Here's why you should have more of Ofada rice.

Ofada rice is a local rice produced in Nigeria, it is short and has brown stripes before it is cultivated without chemicals. Though looked down upon for its unrefined, local nature, and unique smell, it contains lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. It is also high in fiber and is a good substitute for people who are supposed to stay away from white rice.

Here are more health benefits of Ofada rice.

1. Good for bone health
Essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and folate are contained in ofada rice. They also help in the absorption of other bone health nutrients required to nurture your bones and prevent bone diseases.

2. Boosts your immunity
The presence of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, and E help to make the body stronger and boost immune system strength against certain diseases. Ofada rice also contains three times more vitamin B# and 10 times more vitamin B1 and B6 than white rice.

3. Lowers bad cholesterol levels
The high amount of dietary fibres in Ofada lowers LDL cholesterol levels which are responsible for excessive weight gain due to insulin resistance.

4. Contains a lot on antioxidants
The amount of antioxidants in Ofada rice is 20-30 times more than that in white rice. Antioxidants help to prevent the damage to the system caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are produced in your cells during your own metabolism which could cause healthy cells to mutate. Intake of foods and drinks that can neutralize these free radicals are highly encouraged.

5. Fights diabetes
Due to the cellulose and fibre content of Ofada rice, it is recommended of calorie management in health conditions such as diabetes.

6. Prevents constipation
A healthy digestive system is a good thing. Ofada rice contains a whole lot of dietary fibre which fight constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and other gastrointestinal cancers such as gastric ulcers.

See five (5) ways to get rid of flabby arms

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 10:00 PM PST

Flabby arms are what we refer to as 'Christian mother arms' in Nigerian slang.

It can be disheartening when you want to show off your arms in a sleeveless shirt, but you can't because are insecure about your arms.

Here is how you can reduce flabby arms;

1. Improve your diet
You can't be eating eba at 11 pm in the night and be expecting to have perfect arms. Half of weight loss is based on diet.

Cut down the calories and eat more vegetables. Alcohol is high in calories too, so drink less

One of the best meals to eat is salmon. Salmon has anti-inflammatory qualities as well as, omega-3 acid which helps you burn fat.

2. Eat protein
Protein shakes, and protein helps you tone your muscles. Try eating more protein-based meals or protein shakes after working out for the maximal effect.

3. Use dumbbells and resistance bands

When you are exercising, use dumbbells, tie resistance bands around your arms and try bicep curls which is a way of working out with dumbbells.

4. Do cardio
Cardio includes running, jogging, swimming or any exercise that increases your heart rate. Cardio helps in burning fat generally, and that includes the arms.

5. The seated lat pulldown
This is an exercise done in a gym with a pulldown machine. This exercise helps you build the muscles in your biceps and strengthen the muscles in your shoulders.

Optometrist cautions, Artificial eyelashes detrimental to eye.

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:30 PM PST

An optometrist, Dr. Chika Ugagu, has said that the fixing of artificial eyelashes could be detrimental to the eye.

Ugagu told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Jos that recent studies had shown that artificial eyelashes

 exposes the eye to more air and dust, leading to dry eye and infection.

According to her, lengthy artificial eyelashes create a funnel that traps air into the eye and this causes tears to evaporate faster and the eyes becomes dry and less lubricated, resulting to irritation.

"This funnel can also channel dust and other foreign particles, thereby increasing the risk of an eye infection," she said.

The optometrist said that wearing of artificial eyelashes for a long period could also create a blockage to the "Meibomian gland."

"That is the tiny oil glands which lines the margin of the eyelids; it keeps the water component of our eyes from drying up," she explained.

"Besides, the adhesive used in attaching the lashes are not the proper ones.

"Some use adhesive meant for other purposes, such as glues meant for hair. This is not supposed to get close to the eye.

"This act is highly detrimental to the eye health as the eyes are sensitive and this can cause the eyes to react by causing an allergic cascade, which could result to swollen eyelids."

The optometrist advised that if lashes must be fixed they should be done by professionals.

She added that only hypoallergenic eyelashes, which had been tested were safe for use.

"It advisable that people fix eyelashes that they can remove everyday it's used," she said.

The advantages of long distance relationships

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:00 PM PST

A long distance relationship is a relationship where the physical contact of romantic couples is restricted geographically.

In other words, you don't see your partner often because you're far from each other.

Now, people always say it's difficult to overcome the turmoil of a long distance relationship, and they have good reasons for saying so. However, what they fail to understand is that long distance relationships can foster a deep emotional connection between both partners. I'll explain.

Reasons distance builds a stronger bond

For a long distance relationship (LDR) to work, both sides must maintain frequent communication. They have to communicate with each other on a daily basis and it could be through video calls, phone calls, text messages, etc.

Now, can you guess what happens when you're always talking with someone everyday? Yea, that's right, you will form an emotional bond with that person. So much so that when you haven't heard their voice in a day, you start to miss them.

This is one advantage of LDRs, that deep emotional connection.

Additionally, Seeing your partner on a weekly or daily basis may lead to a lack of appreciation for their presence. You may become bored or even tired of their presence. This is less likely to happen in a LDR.

Long-distance couples tend to value their partners' presence more. Why? Because absence makes the heart grow fonder. Rather than getting tired or bored of each other, long-distance lovers anticipate seeing each other.

Also (we can debate this), long-distance couples have better sex. Hold on, before you come for me, just hear me out. Being apart from each other heightens the sexual tension. Every fibre of your being is anticipating the arrival of your partner. This increases the intensity, thrill and ultimately the pleasure of sex.

In summary, long-distance couples = mind blowing orgasms.

Finally, the individuality and social life of long-distance lovers are enhanced. This is because the distance allows both partners to focus on their goals, meet new people and experience new activities. And so when they see each other again, they have a truckload of new experiences to share. Sounds like fun right?

Long distance relationships aren't always the end of the world. With a little patience, and commitment, you can make it work.

Little girl warns her mother – I’m leaving this house if you bring another baby home

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 08:00 AM PST

A cute little girl has sparked hilarious reactions online after she warned her mother against giving birth to another baby.

The mother had told her little daughter that she was feeling unwell and down with cold.

The little girl in her response, told her mum that the last time she felt unwell, she brought home a baby brother.

Although she said she loves her baby brother so much, she warned that she will leave home and go to her grandmother's house if another baby is added.

Reacting to this, @official_moella wrote:
"One more of him. I'll go to grandmas house."

@iam_nhyiraboateng says:
"Omg. She's so smart ….the fact that she says "I love my brother soo much" before that warning."

@jossynme wrote:
"Omoooo! These kids will just open their mouths waaaa! Mama now you know you're being watched! Better get better sharp sharp."

@antolecky commented:
"This is funny."

theonlychigul said:
"I'm done."

Watch the video below:


Reactions as Toyin Abraham’s ex-husband, Adeniyi Johnson shows off new girlfriend – “Which kin man be dis?”

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:00 AM PST

Adeniyi Johnson, the ex-husband of actress, Toyin Abraham has got tongues wagging after he took to social media to show off his girlfriend.

The actor who is currently married to his colleague, Oluwaseyi Edun flooded the gram with some dazzling photos of himself and his said girlfriend.

Adeniyi donned a matching native outfit with his 'girl' who is identified as the veteran Nollywood actress, Binta Ayo Mogaji.

Accompanying his photos with the controversial caption which raised eyebrows, he wrote:

"My girlfriend is the last slide … I no send any blogger ❤️❤️❤️😀😀"

See the post below:

Netizens also reacted accordingly;

officialcaptainpee_tgd wrote:

"If you see how i ran to the last slide enh 😂😂"

ajoseadeogunadunniade wrote:

"So funny…. Na real Girlfriend" 

Lady shares her chat with man who blocked her ahead of Valentine’s day

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 05:00 AM PST

A lady identified as Olamide has been dragged online after she shared her chat with a male friend who blocked her on WhatsApp.

Apparently, the lady asked him for a Valentine's gift, and he responded by asking her if she's doing anything intimate with him to warrant such request.

Olamide went further to remind the boy that he once said he likes her, and she wants him to show it by getting her a gift on Valentine's day.

However, the guy wasn't having it at all as he quickly blocked her on the platform.

Sharing screenshots of their conversation, she wrote:

""Guys sha! I was only asking to know so I can get a gift back and he is telling me DKMV?"

Up and coming singer, Portable dragged over claims of being inspired by Wizkid’s Ojuelegba to start doing music

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 04:30 AM PST

Fast rising singer, Portable a.k.a Zazoo Zeh master, faces baklash from social media users following claims of being inspired by superstar singer, Wizkid Balogun, to start music.

This comes days following heavy criticism that trailed the singer over videos made in Kenya with women tagged as harrassment.

Taking to the micro-blogging platform Twitter, Portable revealed that Wizkid was his inspiration to begin music following the release of his 'Ojuelegba' track in 2014.

"Wizkid Ojuelegba inspired me to start doing music," he wrote.

Portable's claim, however, was followed by mixed reactions from Twitter users who questioned the authenticity of the claim and his recent actions.

See some reactions below …

Ashmusy criticizes Lagos filling station for selling water as fuel

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 04:00 AM PST

Ashmusy, a popular Instagram skit creator, has accused a renowned Lagos filling station of selling water as fuel.

She made the claim on the status of her official Instagram account.

The popular comedianne claimed that faulty fuel caused her generator and automobile to go down, in a series of videos she uploaded.

Her car broke down immediately after she left the gas station, she claimed, and to her astonishment, other motorists leaving the same station had similar difficulties.

In addition to threatening to sue the filling station, Ashmusy posted a video of the mingled fuel in bowls.

Watch the video below:

Reactions as Tiwa Savage begins fitness regimen – “Na Davido dey motivate everybody now”

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 03:30 AM PST

Internationally recognized singer, Tiwa Savage, joins the bandwagon of celebrities working out to maintain their shape with fitness regimen.

This comes weeks after the mother of one questioned her fans about her shape before hitting the road of weightloss.

Taking to her Instastory page, Tiwa Savage shared a video of herself with her gym instructor, as she trained extensively in a jab-throwing excercise.

Fans, however, followed up with claims that Tiwa is following in the footsteps of Davido who began his fitness regimen some weeks ago.

Watch the video below …

 See some reactions below …

Onyeka Onwenu – “My marriage would have killed me, I raised my children from kindergarten to master’s degree, my husband didn’t foot any bill”

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 03:00 AM PST

Veteran entertainer, Onyeka Onwenu has spilt a bit about her past married life and how she catered for her children alone.

The mother of two in an interview with media personality, Kikilomo Atanda-Owo hinted at why her marriage crashed.

She further revealed that she didn't want her marriage to end, but couldn't take it any longer as it could have killed her if she didn't quit.

In her words:

"I went through it, it was difficult because I really didn't want my marriage to end but I couldn't take it anymore, it would have killed me. I always say that that is the truth and it was not good for the children to live in that kind of environment where the mother is depressed, the mother is carrying the weight of the whole family.

"I raised my children from kindergarten to master's degree. My husband didn't pay school fees for one day, didn't buy clothes, didn't pay for holidays, didn't give me housekeeping money but he was a nice and kind and generous man and basically, there was control where if you didn't do the things he wanted, 'well I'm not going to help you, I'm not going to give you money and I would like to say this to Nigerians, any man who has children, has a family and decides not to take care of them, you'll have to answer to God."

Up and coming singer, T.I Blaze makes insensitive statement, netizens drag him – Ever since Olamide jumped on my song, my DM has been filled with ladies finer than my mum

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 02:30 AM PST

Up and coming singer, T.I Blaze takes to the micro-blogging platform, Twitter to reveal how his life changed instantly after the popular rapper, Olamide jumped on his song.

According to the Canadian Loud crooner who hailed the legendary musician revealed that despite being an ugly boy, after Olamide featured in his remix, lots of ladies have been in his DM; ladies he described as being finer and beautiful than his mother.

Olamide as we all know has been in the habit of giving young and aspiring singers the platform to achieve instantaneous growth by featuring in their songs. Another clear evidence could be Portable's case, whom he transformed into a trending figure in Africa due to the Zazoo Zeh track.

Grateful T.I Blaze who can't contain his joy has therefore showered encomium and thanked the star for helping him attain great heights in the music industry.

Refer to the tweet below;

Netizens have also scolded the artiste for comparing his mom to ladies that he claims are camping in his DM.

See reactions below:

5 signs your office is toxic

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 02:00 AM PST

You do not even need to be told that your workplace is toxic, but in case you are looking for signs, here are some;

The place you work has such a huge impact on your life. You spend most of your time and energy doing the work.

If you do not find your job fulfilling, it can be jarring on your self-esteem, mood and cause depressive episodes.

There are instances where the workload might be much, but that is different from a toxic work environment.

In a toxic work environment, there is unhealthy competition, stress, bullying and a high turnover of employees.

The worst part of working in a toxic environment is how the toxicity affects your private life, you worry more, it damages your self-esteem and interferes with the relationship you have with your friends and family.

Here are some signs of toxicity

1. Lack of proper communication
An essential part of human relationships is communication. Even more so in the workplace, that is why the tower of Babel could not be built.

In the same vein, the goal of the company cannot be met if communication is poor and not just communication, good communication, one devoid of bullying, insults, harsh words.

Feedback and appraisal are also important.

2. There are many cliques and gossips
In a way, you cannot prevent humans from bonding with one another but no one feels good to be ostracized.

If you notice that some people band together to the exclusion of others, it is not a good workplace culture.

3. High turnover rate
If people keep leaving a company or getting fired, it means the company is disorganized, lacks direction, there is no opportunity for growth and has terrible leadership.

4. Your boss is mean
If the direct person you report to is mean and overtly critical, your life can feel like hell. If he or she constantly puts you down, cusses you out and makes you feel terrible about yourself, then your workplace is toxic.

5. Lack of innovation
You do not want to work at a place where your ideas are stifled, and they are always like; "My way or the highway" People should be able to pitch ideas, and the management should be malleable.

Apart from all these, sexual harassment, no or late payment of salaries, not having a life outside work and experiencing burnout and stress are sure signs that your workplace is toxic.

Reasons you should not wear makeup everyday

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 01:30 AM PST

Wearing makeup everyday is a bad idea.

Makeup is not a novel invention, it has been in existence since the time of Cleopatra and it has many benefits.

Makeup enhances beauty and covers imperfections. However, there are downsides to wearing makeup every day;

1. It clogs your pores
Wearing makeup every day clogs your facial pores, this can lead to acne, breakouts and other facial blemishes. Sometimes, you need to let your skin breath.

2. It may cause premature ageing
Makeup wears out your skin. If you do not wear sunscreen before applying makeup and you walk under the sun, there will be lines, spots and wrinkles on your face.

3. Makeup leads to eye infections
The skin around your eyes is one of the most sensitive parts of your face and it goes through the most stress during makeup with concealers, mascaras, eyeshadow, eyeliners and eyelashes. These things can cause severe eye infections.

4. It can cause acne and breakouts
Wearing makeup every day can cause acne because it clogs your pores and leads to breakouts. If your skin is already prone to acne, makeup makes it worse.

5. Makeup can cause dry or oily skin
Most people do not use makeup that's best for their skin. If your skin is ordinarily dry, makeup only makes it worse and if it is oily then it gets more oily when you apply makeup. It is much easier to use the best makeup for your skin type.

6 interesting facts about Lagos

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 01:00 AM PST

Lagos remains to be the most populous and a major financial centre.

Lagos, the sixth-largest city in the world by city population is known for its beach resorts, nightlife and activity.

Nigeria has 36 states and one of them is Lagos State. Though it is the smallest state in the country, Lagos remains to be the most populous and a major financial centre.

Here are facts about this megacity, some you know others you don't.

1. It has the Tallest Building in West Africa

Lagos state hosts the tallest building in West Africa, NECOM house towers and it is 160m above the city.

2. The Third Mainland Bridge which connects Lagos Island to the mainland was the longest bridge in Africa measuring 11.8 km until 1996. Built by Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, the official name of the bridge is Ibrahim Babangida Bridge.

3. Lagos Handles 80% of the Country's Imports

Lagos handles majority of Nigeria's imports. Located in the Southwest beach line of Nigeria, Lagos port is responsible for processing 80% of goods in Nigeria.

This port is also mentioned as one of the top 10 in Africa.

4. Lagos was called Eko before colonisation by locals. It served as a major centre for slave-trade, from which then Oba of Benin Ado and all of his successors for over four centuries supported - until 1841 when Oba Akitoye ascended to the throne of Lagos and attempted to ban slave-trading.

Local merchants strongly opposed the intended move, and deposed, exiled the king and installed Akitoye's brother Kosoko as Oba.

5. Lagos maintained its status as capital when Nigeria obtained its independence from Britain in 1960. Lagos was, therefore, the capital city of Nigeria from 1914 until 1991, when it was replaced with Abuja as the Federal Capital Territory.

6. Until the coming of the Benins, Lagos's geographic boundary was Lagos Mainland. Lagos Island, the seat of the Oba of Lagos, then consisted of a pepper farm and fishing posts. No one lived there. The name Eko was given to it by its first king, Oba Ado, during its early history. Lagos also saw periods of rule by the Kingdom of Benin.

Here are reasons why you should start drinking coconut water now!

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 12:30 AM PST

Coconut water is a refreshing natural beverage loaded with lots of nutrients and health benefits.

Coconut water is nature's gift to humans, with its low sugar content and refreshing properties, as well as other little-known

That clear liquid that is 95% water found in coconuts is the treasure we speak of. The coconut water or coconut milk harvested from young coconuts, about 5-7 months of age, have the most water and contain more nutrients than mature coconut milk. The health benefits range from lowering blood sugar to helping in dental care.

1. Antioxidant properties
Coconut water contains lots of antioxidants, which help prevent the damage to the system caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are produced in your cells during your own metabolism. Their production increases in response to stress or injury. Intake of foods and drinks that can neutralise these free radicals are highly encouraged, and coconut water does just that.

2. Abundance of nutrients
Coconut water is very low in calories, is rich in potassium, magnesium and copper. For the body to function properly, these nutrients are very essential. One serving of coconut water will cover about 13% of your daily potassium needs, 14% of your daily magnesium needs, and 11% of your daily copper requirements.

3. Helps lower blood sugar level
Research has shown that coconut water can lower blood sugar levels and improve other health markers in diabetic animals. A study with diabetic rats treated with coconut water showed that better blood sugar levels were maintained better than in the other diabetic rats.

4. May help prevent kidney stones
Though more research is still to be carried out, coconut water has been found to keep crystals from sticking to the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract. It also reduced the number of crystals formed in the urine. Kidney stones form when calcium, oxalate and other compounds combine to form crystals in the urine. These can then form stones.

5. Helps heart health
The calcium, potassium and magnesium content help in maintaining heart health. A 2006 study found that rats given coconut water had a decreased chance of having a heart attack. It helped decrease the total cholesterol triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol around the heart.

6. Good post-workout beverage
Coconut water is high in potassium, and such it is great for electrolyte replacement. It has even been used for IV hydration in certain emergency situations.

7. Helps reduce blood pressure
The high potassium content has also been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and lower blood pressure. A 2005 study found that when subjects were given coconut water for two weeks, their systolic blood pressure was 71 percent lower and their diastolic blood pressure was 29 percent lower than those who drank plain water.

10 sweet words every girlfriend would love to hear

Posted: 05 Feb 2022 12:00 AM PST

If you want to melt her heart, whip out one of these lines.

When it comes to relationships, language is everything.

Just as soon as the wrong phrase can set your lover off, a perfectly worded sentence can also unlock her heart.

If you're having trouble finding the right words to say to the girl of your dreams, let these quotes from young adult novels say it for you.

Pulse.com.gh brings you 10 sweet things every girlfriend would love to hear

1. I love you from the bottom of my heart

2. You are so beautiful and angelic that I feel shy taking photos with you.

3. You're the one thing I'm most thankful for having in my life.

4. I fall madly in love with you whenever you say you love over the phone.

5. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

6. You make my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile.

7. You're perfect just the way you are and I like it.

8. You have changed me into a better man and I am so glad I met you.

9. You always know how to make me happy.

10. My life is complete because I have you by my side.

Your boyfriend is a sapiosexual when you see this 4 signs

Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:30 PM PST

A sapiosexual is someone who is attracted to a person's intellect way more than their body.

Are you familiar with the dating term sapiosexual or sapiosexuality? A sapiosexual is someone who is attracted to a person's intellect way more than their body.

They get turned on by wit, intelligence, and a quick mind, and they'd rather listen to you flex your verbal dexterity than watch you flex your quads at the gym.

Here are signs that you might be dating a sapiosexual.

Bookstore over bar
Books bring the world to our feet. His idea of a perfect date is moving from one store to another or checking online bookshop to recommend books for your date to read. You might need up narrating your favorite book instead of enjoying the moment.

Great conversation over sex
Not because he doesn't love sex or a one-night stand, he always has something to talk about from feminine related issues to sports and what's buzzing in the entertainment. He is the repository of news.

Intellectual beauty over luxurious things
He doesn't rate a person's accomplishment by their physical assets with those hefty prices. He measures success by what they know and what invigorates them to personal greatness.

He is not looking for a smart narcissist; he makes acquaintances with people who have a zest for knowledge, learning, and discussion.

Quality over trends
Individual taste or preference is important. He tends to value substance over what is popular. Change is necessary but he doesn't switch his lifestyle to meet a certain standard because you proposed.

He research takes into consideration all the possible risk involved before he finally makes a decision.

Side effects of eating too many carrots

Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:00 PM PST

Carrots are crunchy vegetables that offer various benefits but has its side effects that you're probably unaware of.

Carrots have a very high nutritional profile, and they're also a common ingredient in soups, stews, salads, and slaws.

The most important nutrient is beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the human body. Carrot also contains dietary fiber, which improves stomach and intestine conditions such as diarrhea or constipation.

Studies have shown that beta carotene, which is one of the antioxidants found in carrot, is crucial for improving immunity in the body, protecting skin and eye health, and fighting free radical damage that can cause various forms of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

However, when it's over-consumed, side effects that are detrimental to your health tend to show up. According to research, sticking to three to four carrots a day should be a safe option.

Here are some of the side effects of over-consuming carrots.

1. Causes carotenemia
Carrots are very rich in beta-carotene, which is a carotenoid that gets converted into vitamin A in our body. Eating large quantities of carrots doesn't put you at risk of vitamin A overload. However, having large amounts of carotene in your blood can cause Carotenemia, which is a yellowish discoloration of the skin. No one wants that right?

2. High in sugar contents
People with diabetes should avoid the consumption of carrot due to its high sugar content. The sugar content has a glycemic index of 97, which is high for diabetic patients. The sugar gets converted into glucose and raises sugar levels in the body quickly. Diabetic people should consume steamed carrots in small amounts.

3. Changes flavor of breast milk
Carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are very important for the body. However, it has been proven that carrot changes the flavor of breast milk. So breastfeeding women should avoid drinking carrot juice in excess.

Check out home remedies for tooth decay and cavities

Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:30 PM PST

This 3 home remedies works for tooth ache on this episode of Nollywoodtimes.

Tooth decay and cavities are about the most common oral health problems as they occur in adults and young alike.

Certain factors can increase the risk of getting cavities, including foods that cling to your teeth for a long time, frequent snacking or sipping, poor oral hygiene, not getting enough fluoride, dry mouth, worn fillings or dental devices amongst many others.

It is always important to see a dentist where oral issues arise but these home remedies also help (note that its best to see your dentist if symptoms persist) Check on home remedies for tooth decay and cavities.

1. Salt
Salt can also be used to treat cavities due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It can reduce inflammation, ease pain, draw out any infection and prevent growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Swish a mouthful of this solution around in your mouth for 1 minute, concentrating on the affected tooth. Follow this treatment 3 times a day until your symptoms subside.

Alternatively, mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a little mustard oil or lemon juice to make a paste. Massage the gums gently with this paste for a few minutes, then gargle with warm water. Repeat twice daily for a few days to kill bacteria.

2. Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an age-old practice that can reduce cavities as well as bleeding gums and bad breath. It helps clean the mouth of harmful bacteria that are responsible for different types of dental problems.

Put 1 tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth.

Gently swish it around for about 20 minutes.

Spit it out. Avoid gargling or swallowing the oil.

Rinse your mouth out with warm water. Use salt water for added antimicrobial benefits.

Brush your teeth as usual.

Do this daily in the morning, on an empty stomach.

This can also be done with sunflower or coconut oil.

3. Garlic
Being rich in antibacterial as well as antibiotic properties, garlic is often recommended for tooth decay and cavities. It can also provide respite from pain and promote healthier gums and teeth.

Prepare a paste from 3 to 4 crushed garlic cloves and 1/4 teaspoon of rock salt. Apply it on the infected tooth. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing with a mouthwash. Do this twice daily for a few weeks to reduce cavities.

You can also rub garlic oil on the affected tooth to get quick relief from pain due to a cavity.

Eating raw garlic regularly can also provide effective results.

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