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Here's why your semen colour changes and what it means

Posted: 22 May 2022 06:00 AM PDT

Healthy semen is a cloudy white colour with a jelly consistency similar to a raw egg. Slight changes in semen colour, texture, and even smell might be normal and should pose no concern.

In some cases, semen colour changes could be a sign of an underlying issue. Possible reasons include blood in the semen or infections, both of which require medical attention.

Male fertility is influenced by a wide variety of factors – such as sperm shape, sperm count, and sperm colour. Thick, whitish liquid tends to indicate healthy sperm quality.

What if you have discoloured sperm?

There are at least 7 different colours of sperm. Each colour serves as a different indicator of your health status and fertility status.

It is important to know the meaning of your sperm colour and the colour affects your health.

Clear, white, and grey

Clear, white, or greyish sperm indicates healthy sperm. In general, sperm with this colour characteristic has a thick texture due to the high number of sperm.

However, some men have normal sperm colour yet liquidy texture – this is known as watery sperm. Watery sperm indicates a symptom of male fertility due to insufficient zinc intake.

Yellowish white

This sperm colour is usually due to age-related factors.

This condition is fairly normal as long as you do not feel pain during ejaculation or sex.

In addition, other factors can cause yellowish-white sperm colour – one of which is when you eat too many foods that contain high sulfur, such as garlic, onions, broccoli, and bananas.


Yellow sperm colour does not necessarily indicate a health disorder. It could be because your sperm fluid is mixed with urine in the urethral tract.

Sperm passing through the urethra can get mixed along with the leftover urine, giving it a yellowish colour. This condition is most common if you ejaculate shortly after urinating.

However, it should also be noted that other possibilities cause sperm colour to have a yellowish tint:

Jaundice occurs when too much bilirubin builds up in your body. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment that is created by the natural breakdown of red blood cells.
Leukocytospermia occurs when there are too many white blood cells (leukocytes) in your sperm which causes the sperm to turn yellowish. The causes of leukocytospermia can be from prostate infection, autoimmune disease, or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Prostate infection occurs when bacteria from the urinary tract enter your prostate gland – causing the sperm to change colour to a yellowish colour.


Green sperm colour may indicate an infection – either an infection that affects the bladder area or a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Factors behind this are similar to the reason causing the yellowish sperm colour. However, you will still need to be careful about the possibility of catching sexually transmitted diseases from your sexual partner.

We recommend that you consult with your doctor to identify the reason why you have green sperm colour.

Red, brownish

A reddish tinge usually indicates fresh blood. Meanwhile, a brownish tinge indicates old blood – as blood colour change can occur after exposure to oxygen.

Red or brownish sperm may be due to:

Prostate biopsy or surgery is done by taking tissue samples from the prostate gland. This procedure involves cutting the tissue that can enter blood into your urinary tract or ejaculatory tract. The blood may leak, causing the sperm to turn red or brown.
Abnormal masturbation. In some cases, men who ejaculate often have bloody sperm. This condition may occur when you don't have an orgasm for a long time or stop yourself before ejaculating.
High blood pressure (hypertension) causes blood to get mixed with sperm, especially if left untreated.
The black sperm colour is usually associated with a hematospermia disorder.

Hematospermia is generally associated with inflammatory conditions of the seminal vesicles. Blood that gets mixed together with sperm has been exposed to oxygen – which leads to the black sperm colour.

Another condition that can cause black sperm colour is spinal cord injuries.

This condition is associated with damage to the seminal vesicles. These glands produce several substances that form dark brown to black sperm colour.

Restoring your sperm colour to normal

When you deal with discoloured sperm, there is also a possibility of male fertility problems.

There are many things you can do to improve sperm quality and return the colour to normal, such as:

Exercise regularly
Exercise is not only for maintaining your ideal weight but also increasing your testosterone levels. People who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels and improved sperm quality. Keep in mind that you do not have to exercise over rigorously as it might have the opposite effect – which is reducing testosterone levels.

Avoid stress
Stress can lower levels of sexual satisfaction and affect your fertility. The hormone cortisol, which functions to control stress, plays an important role in this. Chronic stress will increase levels of the cortisol hormone which has a negative impact on testosterone. An increase in cortisol levels will make testosterone levels drop. Practice stress management by meditating, exercising, or seeing a psychologist to find the best solution and the right treatment for your condition.

Lose weight
When undergoing a pregnancy program with your partner, it is a good idea to go on a diet plan. However, consult your doctor first to determine the most suitable diet plan for you. Losing weight can prevent obesity. Obesity is considered to be one of the causes of decreased sperm quality and quantity.

Balance your zinc levels
Zinc is an important mineral that your body needs. It can also affect your sperm health. Zinc can be found in animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and shellfish. Moreover, you can increase fertility with foods that are high in zinc.

5 types of skin diseases

Posted: 22 May 2022 05:30 AM PDT

Skin disease is any kind of disorder that affects the human skin.

Skin disease encompasses a wide range of ailments that affect the skin, including infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergic reactions, skin malignancies, and parasites. These diseases can be genetic, and they are also capable of causing rashes, inflammation, itches, and other skin changes.

Skin diseases are caused by some underlying health conditions and certain lifestyle factors. Some of which include:

Fungus or parasite in the skin
Peeling skin
dry or cracked skin
loss of skin pigmentation
Here are five common types of skin diseases:

1) Eczema (Atopic dermatitis)

Eczema is an itchy inflammation of the skin that makes the skin red, dry, and itchy. Eczema usually develops at an early age, but it can also occur at any age. Although the cause of eczema isn't known yet, studies show that it's probably triggered by an overactive immune system. Eczema can affect any part of the body, but it mostly affects the arms, knees, and scalp. Eczema can be treated with medications like oral over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines and also therapies.

2) Sunburn

Sunburn is a type of skin disease caused by too much exposure to sunlight. Skin burns cause pain and burning to the skin. Studies show that skin burns can also increase the risk of skin disease, brown spots and freckles. Sunburn symptoms and indicators usually occur within a few hours of exposure to the sun. However, determining the severity of the sunburn may take a day or more.

3) Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin disease that causes redness and pus-filled bumps on the face. Rosacea is sometimes mistaken for acne, but the difference is that while the redness of acne is located just around the pimple, the redness of rosacea usually covers a large area. Although rosacea can affect anyone, it's mostly common in middle-aged women.

4) Diaper rash (irritant diaper dermatitis)

This is a skin disease commonly associated with babies. It is a skin disease that appears as a patch of inflamed, bright red skin on the buttocks. It's often caused by irritation from stool and urine, bacterial or fungal infection, or antibiotics.

5) Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis)

Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection that occurs on the toes and feet. It is most common in people who have sweaty feet from wearing tight-fitting shoes. Athlete's foot can occur on one or both feet. Common symptoms of athlete's foot include peeling or cracked skin between the toes and itchy blisters.

9 side effects of being addicted that is taking a toll on your life

Posted: 22 May 2022 05:00 AM PDT

Do you want to know how being addicted can affect your lifestyle? Then, you have come to the right place.

Addiction to any drugs or substances, whether illegal or legal, can lead to severe health conditions. However, unfortunately, the aforesaid problem has already reached epidemic status in the USA, which makes it extremely difficult to control.

For instance, according to a report, around 11.2% of people (aged 12 or over) consumed an intoxicating drug at least once.

Now, here's the thing.

We're not saying using a substance once does not take a toll on your health. But, once you begin using it incessantly, it becomes a crude danger to your life.

However, there's no need to worry, though.

Don't fall into the trap of social stigma and avoid seeking any medical help. Instead, we'd actively encourage you to visit a detox program like drug addiction recovery by Gallus Detox today. Trust us; it'll do you a world of goods.

Effects Of Addiction - Psychological Problems

Going through addiction can affect both your physical and psychological health. However, in this section, we will talk about the latter, as it's more prominent in teenagers and younger adults. So, let's begin, then.

Problem - 1: Depression

Using a recreational drug, such as cocaine or marijuana, can directly affect your brain's neurochemical part. Hence, whenever you don't get to experience the same feeling, you may experience a sense of depression. It can also lead to an acute anxiety disorder or considering suicidal thoughts in severe cases.

Problem - 2: Behavioral Changes

A person suffering from a substance abuse disorder can show various behavioral changes. For example, they can suddenly stop going to school or college and start staying cooped up in their room alone. Avoiding social meetings and gatherings can also become a part of their life. Besides, they may also exhibit suspicious or secretive behavior.

Problem - 3: Mood Swings

As mentioned before, people with drug addiction tend to be anxious or depressed all the time. Thus, it becomes almost impossible for them to manage their mood correctly. For example, you might find them to be angry at a time, while in the next minute, they'll start crying out of nowhere. This problem is more common in people using inhalants than anyone else.

Effects Of Addiction - Physical Problems

Aside from your psychological health, drug addiction can have a massive negative impact on your physical well-being as well. Here's how it can affect you.

Problem - 1: Cardiovascular Ailment

Using a stimulant can increase your heart rate massively for a brief period. But, this small duration of time is enough for the drug to damage your blood vessels from within. It, in turn, can increase your risk of experiencing an ischemic injury, internal blood clot, and other issues like coronary arterial or aortic dissection.

Problem - 2: Damage To Immune System

Drugs, which are taken intravenously, can carry a substantial risk of internal infection, such as Hepatitis, HIV, bacterial infections, and so on. Besides, consuming drugs regularly might also increase the level of intoxicating substances in your blood. It, sequentially, can also impact your immune system's ability to curate new white blood cells to some extent.

Problem - 3: Respiratory Issues

Smoking a recreational drug, such as marijuana, can damage the alveoli in your lungs directly and make them more susceptible to infection. Additionally, some CNS depressants, like opioids, can slow down your breathing capability and make it irregular or shallow. In case you end up overdosing on such a drug, it might also lead to death due to lower oxygen intake.

Problem - 4: Gastrointestinal Imbalance

Substances that are orally ingested, like opioids, alcohol, or an ADHD medication, can affect your digestive system directly. For example, opioids can reduce the hydration of your body and lead to chronic constipation. It might also lead to indigestion, which, in turn, can also cause nausea, stomach upset, and vomiting.

Problem - 5: Liver Damage

Our liver primarily focuses on nutrient metabolism, but it also helps in detoxifying our body from various intoxicating substances. But, if you keep drinking alcohol or intaking drugs regularly, the organ might become overwhelmed by its metabolism duties. In some cases, its tissues and cells might get damaged and lead to liver cirrhosis or cancer.

Problem - 6: Kidney Problem

Like your liver, your kidney can get affected due to the continuous intake of drugs or alcohol. If you don't stop your drug-seeking behavior quickly, the problem can get even more severe and result in kidney damage. In some cases, it may also lead to renal failure, which would require dialysis or kidney transplantation to manage appropriately.

How Do You Recover From Drug Addiction?

As per a report by NSDUH, almost 19.7 million adults in the USA get entangled in the trap of addiction every year. Hence, if you thought you were the only one getting tagged by this social stigma, you're not alone. There are many like you going through the same problem.

Fortunately, although addiction is a severe health complication, you can take care of it either alone or through a rehab program. Here's how you can do it.

Communicate to someone close to you. Tell them how it began and what you're going through right now. Talking your heart out with a close person can help you get out of the sense of depression and be more confident.
If it's your children suffering from the ailment, be sure to stay with them all the time. Please offer your support and appreciate them whenever you can. Being a good listener can sometimes go a long way when it comes to helping someone with drug addiction.
Join an official support group for addiction as soon as possible. Attend their seminars to know how you can subdue your urge to use drugs or consume alcohol. Besides, you can also talk with people who've been on the same footing as you.
Avoid an invitation or an event where drugs or alcohol are involved. When it comes to taking care of your addiction, staying as far as possible from the stimulants will be the way to move forward for you.
Try to make a change to your diet plan. Avoid going to McDonald's and opt for fresh fruit or veggies. Consuming ginger-infused drinks can also be beneficial for you; it can help cleanse your liver or kidneys.
Staying Clean And Away From Addiction

Recovering from drug addiction doesn't end within a month. This is a lifelong procedure that has to be managed till you get old.

Now, many people consider joining a support group to have someone listen to their problems and tackle their hardships properly. Conversely, others find it better to go through the 12-step program and stay clean through a spiritual awakening.

Hence, if you want, you can opt for either of these options and see what's best for you. In case you need any other suggestions, we'll also ask you to talk to us through the comment section. We're always here for you.

What to do when someone says they want s*x without commitment

Posted: 22 May 2022 04:30 AM PDT

The advisable things to say and do when a man or woman's interest in you is expressly sexual and nothing more.

Because there seems to be a willingness on the part of everyone [women, especially] to hear a clear expression of intent when someone starts hovering over their space, it's becoming commoner by the day to see people open up about their real interests even when these do not really toe the line of the traditional relationship that society is familiar with.

So, while a guy's interest in a babe would 'normally' be to woo her, date her, get her into a relationship with him and do relationship things with the intention of getting married somewhere down the line, things are not very much the same anymore.

While there are still relationships like this, we're seeing more people being just content to do all these relationship things, including sex, without any intention to be committed to each other in any way, let alone marry.

Whether they call it chilling, casual sex, one night stands, sare wa gba's, friendship with benefits or some other voguish word, the essence remains the same – some people no longer need exclusiveness or the promise of commitment to initiate a 'relationship.'

However, this only works best when both the guy and the babe are on the same page about the whole thing from the onset. If one person, say the guy, wants to just enjoy the carnal pleasures of a 'relationship' while the woman, desires the whole nine yards – exclusiveness, commitment, deep conversations and all – such relationship is bound to fail and should not even be begun in the first instance because of the massive difference in the desires of both the guy and the babe.

Mind you, not all guys will express their real intentions especially if they know it won't get them what they want. [Sorry, guys. We all know it works this way more times than it does the other.]

So, when a guy, spurred by the desire of women for complete honesty of intentions nobly asks you for a purely sexual relationship, what should your response be?

Of course, depending on the phase you're at and what you desire from relationships at that particular time, your answer should be one of the following:

Say yes
If you're at your savage phase or any other stage where sexual experimentation and 'shallow' relationship suits you, of course you would want to say yes provided that you're attracted to the guy in question among other factors. And that's just fine.

Say no
If you don't want such affairs, of course the answer will have to be an unequivocal no. While this kind of unconventional honesty may feel refreshing, don't be moved into giving him an inch. Don't think that honesty qualifies him as good friendship material. If he's already expressed a desire to get into your panties and you're not cut out for such casual sexual relationships, run. Keeping him close might really not be healthy for your decision.

What you shouldn't say
If you don't want to have sex with a guy don't tell him it's because you're not in a relationship with him. If you do this, you give him a cheat code and he'll explore it to your detriment. He will likely fake a relationship with you just to get what he wants before ghosting so neatly on your naïve a**

Tell him that your refusal in casual sex is because you are not interested at all, regardless of the relationship status. Whether you're dating or not, you don't want sex. That's the way to go.

Reasons why you should avoid skipping meals

Posted: 22 May 2022 04:00 AM PDT

Sometimes, it feels like the easiest way to lose weight is just to skip meals.

It feels like the occasional skipping of breakfast, lunch or dinner can do no harm. This is not true. Whether you need to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, having a regular, consistent meal schedule is important. A lot of things happen to your body when you skip meals and here are some of them:

1. You're missing out on the nutrition you need

Eating is not just about filling yourself with food to satisfy your hunger. When you eat, you also give your body viral protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and every other nutrient it needs for a healthy lifestyle. Skipping meals simply mean you're missing out on these nutrients and it can have negative effects on your general body function.

2. You tend to overeat your next meal

Skipping a meal makes you feel extremely tired and hungry. You lack the energy to function properly and you will most likely overeat at your next meal to fill the void you have created earlier.

3. Your metabolism slows down

Skipping meals can have the opposite effect on your weight loss plan. When you skip meals, your body doesn't act as efficiently as it should and your metabolism slows down. So what was intended as a weight-loss plan might not be effective as you want. When you eat regularly, your body has the energy it needs for a faster metabolism, which can result in a healthy weight loss.

4. You have an increased risk of diabetes

Instead of losing weight, what you get from skipping meals is diabetes. Going without lunch daily can increase the risk of developing diabetes due to the surge in blood glucose levels.

5. It can cause hormonal changes

When you don't eat meals regularly, the level of cortisol- the stress hormone- increases in the body because your body starts to think you're starving. This can have adverse effects on your health because an increase in the level of cortisol can cause weight gain, impaired immune function, increased disease risk, and blood sugar imbalances.

6. It messes with your mood and concentration

Your brain needs glucose to function properly. When you don't get that, you might get moody and have a hard time concentrating on simple tasks.

7. It makes you feel tired and sluggish

Food is literally what fuels the body and gives us energy. Without it, you can't function properly and you will feel exhausted no matter how much you sleep.

7 breathtaking black sand beaches in the world

Posted: 22 May 2022 03:30 AM PDT

Beach vacations are the best, especially if the silky, soft sand you're lounging on is jet black.

Black sand beaches often intrigue travelers with their beauty and mystery. They form over time by the erosion of volcanic minerals and lava fragments combined with the ebb and flow of the ocean's tide. Black sand beaches are usually both inspiring and picturesque. Here are some beaches with black sand across the world:

1. Lafayette Beach, Tahiti

Located in Tahiti, Lafayette beach is known for its cool, black base and verdant cliffs. The black sand is so soft, that your feet will sink right in. It is also a phenomenal backdrop for photos. Lafayette beach is a place to lounge the day away with the warm enticing waters.

2. Karekare Beach, New Zealand

Karekare beach is a jet-black beach located in Waitakere Rangers Regional Park, a wilderness area on the West coast of New Zealand. It is a remote beach known for its powerful surf and strong riptides. The black sand on the beach sparkles in the sun, while on overcast days, the volcanic base gives off an eerie, otherworldly glow. It is a good spot for surfers due to the epic and strong waves, however, swimming isn't safe there.

3. Kahena Beach, Hawaii

Kahena beach was formed by the lava that flowed down the sea cliffs and into the ocean from the Kilauea volcano in 1955. It is located on the East coast of the Big Island in Hawaii and the locals call it Dolphin beach because spinner dolphins are often spotted along the coast. There are ironwood trees and coconut palms along the narrow shore that provide shade for sunbathers.

4. Lovina Beach, Indonesia

Situated in Bali, Lovina beach is a true gem that's totally worth exploring. This 12-kilometre stretch of black and grey volcanic sand is both wide and vast. Snorkeling and diving are popular pastimes at Lovina beach with all of the incredible marine and underwater life. The waves at Lovina beach are not so strong which makes swimming fun.

5. Blacksand Beach, California

Located within San Francisco's Golden Gate Recreation Area, the dark sand of this beach was formed from iron minerals that surround the 20 miles long coastline. The coastline's picturesque setting and rugged beauty set against the rocky black beaches are best observed from afar. The waters are too dangerous for surfers and swimmers.

6. Panaluu Beach, Hawaii

The exotic dark sand of this beach comes from basalt and lava flooding into the ocean. It is truly a sight worth seeing and totally breathtaking with the backdrop of flowing turquoise water against the shiny coal-black base. The sand can be a bit rocky and the current is quite strong.

7. Diamond beach, Iceland

Diamond beach is one of the most beautiful black sand beaches in the world. It is amazing and will make you feel in a magical world. The ice shaped uniquely makes the beach look like there are diamonds all around. While some ice melts, new ones are forming every time and the place never looks the same, thanks to the natural phenomenon.

5 Ways To Make Money Through Travelling

Posted: 22 May 2022 03:00 AM PDT

You can make a lot of money from travelling, but you have to be intentional about it.

For most people, travelling is usually only considered a hobby; something recreational, fun and not taken seriously. But the truth is, travelling can also be beneficial to your career and your bank account. Here are five ways you can make money from travelling:

1. New perspectives and new ideas

Travelling broadens the mind, it is a great way to see things from a different perspective. When you travel a lot, you'll be exposed to new experiences, which can inspire you in ways you wouldn't expect. Travelling can help you find business ideas that you never knew existed, it allows you to encounter different ways of doing things, and this can open your eyes to new opportunities. There may be ways that other people do something that are better or cheaper than the way you currently do it, and this could make you a lot of money.

2. Networking

The saying: "your network determines your net worth" is true. Networking is important in business, it opens doors for you and helps you get noticed by the right people. The good news is, travelling makes networking easy. Travelling gives you a chance to meet people from different industries, who may become valuable contacts later on.

In addition to making new friends in different industries (whom you might have never met if it weren't for your travels), travelling promotes intercultural understanding and respect, therefore it's no surprise that many of the friendships formed on trips help to correct the narratives that lead to ethnic warfare, which have an impact on businesses.

3. You can learn languages

When you travel often, you're likely to learn different languages. You might think this is irrelevant but learning languages has so many benefits for your life.

Being able to speak a language can help you get a job, do business with people in other states, start your own business and live in another country.

4. Travelling can give you the chance to try new things, which may end up being profitable

You never know what will be successful until you try it. As you travel, you might find a passion or talent in something that wasn't even on your radar before. Maybe you'll discover an interest in writing, or art, or becoming a travel photographer - or maybe even all three. Travelling helps you rediscover yourself.

5. Prospects

Travelling is a great way to find new business opportunities, it can help you discover new markets and advantages for your business, especially if you're looking for investors or customers. If you travel often, it's easy to keep your eyes open for companies that might be interested in hiring or partnering with you.

Here are 5 signs that you're consuming too much salt

Posted: 22 May 2022 02:30 AM PDT

According to Wikipedia, Salt as a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride, a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts.

Salt is used as a flavoring and a preservative. It is also used in the production of ties and dyes, pottery, soap, and chlorine. It is mostly used in the chemical industry. The body needs salt for fluid balance and nerve function, but too much salt can be dangerous to the body.

Salt contains 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. Too much sodium can cause high blood pressure, kidney stones, and cardiovascular disease. Too little sodium can cause dizziness and hyponatremia.

According to the World Health Organization, your daily intake of salt should not exceed 1.5g, or over half a teaspoon of table salt. When you take more than the recommended amount, it can be dangerous for your health. Here are five signs you're consuming too much salt:

1) Feeling thirsty constantly

Studies show that foods with high sodium content can affect the body's fluid balance. When you consume too much salt, you're likely to feel thirsty most of the time. Drinking enough water is the best method to correct this. Your body continues to indicate that it requires more water in order to restore salt balance. It is also suggested that you avoid processed foods and instead opt for vegetables and fresh fruits.

2) High blood pressure

Excessive salt consumption can raise your blood pressure. High blood pressure is caused by the increased amount of blood pushing against the blood vessel walls. Sodium is predominantly found in human blood, where it attracts water. As a result, if you consume too much sodium, your bloodstream will absorb more water.

3) Bloating

Consuming too much salt can make you feel bloated because sodium attracts water. When you consume too much salt, you're likely to experience fluid retention and swelling in strange places, e.g., fingers or toes.

4) Mild headaches

When you consume too much salt, you're likely to experience mild and constant headaches. Salty foods can trigger migraines and also cause blood vessels in the brain to expand, which can lead to painful and frequent headaches.

5) Frequent urination

One of the most obvious signs of excessive salt consumption is frequent urination. Sometimes, drinking too much salt might not be the cause of your frequent urination. Eating too much salt can also be the cause. In order to stop this, it's better to cut your salt intake of salt and also drink plenty of fluids in order to get rid of the excess salt.

Reasons why you should avoid boat rides in Lagos

Posted: 22 May 2022 02:00 AM PDT

In movies and music videos, boat rides seem to be very merry and exciting, but are they?

You've probably heard that boat rides in Lagos are the best way to travel. However, in reality, these short trips can be a nightmare for you and your friends. Here are five reasons why you should avoid boat rides in Lagos:

1. Many of the boats do not pass the safety test

Many of these boats are old and poorly maintained, as well as overcrowded. The boats are also not designed for the water conditions in Lagos, which can often be rough with strong winds and high waves that can capsize a boat if it is overloaded or poorly constructed.

To add to that, when the boat overturns due to strong winds or poor visibility at night, many people drown because they don't know how to swim or don't have access to life jackets because the boat owners tried to cut costs.

2. Inexperienced boat operators

When disaster strikes, it's important for everyone involved to stay calm and follow instructions from the boat operator. Sadly, many operators do not have enough experience on the water to know what to do during an emergency situation. These operators have never had any kind of training in water safety, so if something goes wrong, they may panic and make things worse, or even abandon ship without thinking about their customers' safety first. This can lead to serious consequences for all passengers aboard.

3. You could be stranded for hours

A boat ride in Lagos is not like a bus or train where you can check the timetable and know exactly when to board. This is because boats are not scheduled and you cannot be sure when you will get to your destination. Sometimes, the boat will leave only after it has been filled with passengers; other times, it may be delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions.

In some cases, the trip may have already begun, only for the boat to run out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, leaving you stranded until another boat arrives, which might take up to one hour or more.

4. No toilet facilities

Some of the boats don't have adequate toilet facilities; some don't even have toilets at all and you don't want to get stuck on boats like that.

If you must go on boat rides, then make sure to carry a hand sanitizer with you at all times. Also pack some wet wipes so when there is no access to clean water or soap, at least your hands will be clean after using the bathroom (or not).

5. Seasickness

If you suffer from sea sickness, or if you're prone to it, there is no way that a boat ride will be a pleasant experience for you. Even if you take medication, you may still get sick on the water.

As a matter of fact, If you have motion sickness or motion intolerance, then you should perhaps consider skipping boat rides entirely, especially if there's an alternative means of transportation available.

Teni Speaks —Check On Your Friends, Don’t Be Writing Nonsense Story When Something Happens To Them

Posted: 22 May 2022 01:30 AM PDT

Nigerian musician Teni has counselled her fans on social media on how to be better friends.

The 'Case' crooner gave the advice to her fans in one of her recent posts shared on micro-blogging and social media platform, Twitter.

Teni recommended they should check on their friends and pray for them from time to time to avoid writing epistles about their relationship when something, perhaps negative, happens.

"Check and pray for your friends. Don't be writing rubbish story after something happens to them," Teni wrote.


She implied that they will be in the know whenever their friends are going through anything in life. Also, they will be aware of whether their friends need help or are in a pleasant state.

Actress Yvonne Jegede Recounts Scary Experience With Traffic Robbers – They Target People Driving Alone

Posted: 22 May 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actress, Yvonne Jegede has narrated a frightening experience she had with robbers.

The actress recounted how she was almost robbed at about 9pm as she was stuck in traffic on the third mainland bridge.

According to Yvonne, the guy jumped from under the bridge and targeted her car since she was alone. Luckily for her, the traffic was light, so the guy took off when he realized that the traffic had eased.

Yvonne Jegede called for the bridge at Oworonsoki to be sanitized. The dark-skinned actress warned her fans to be careful of how they drive at night especially when they are alone. She wrote:

"Last night about 9pm, one guy almost robbed me on 3rd MB. I was lucky the traffic moved a bit so I moved my car and then he took off. Under the bridge at Oworonsoki needs to be sanitized. The guy jumped out from under the bridge. They target people driving alone. Be safe guys".

NOLLYWOODTIMES recalls Yvonne Jegede had shared her flight experience while travelling from Lagos – Abuja, on Wednesday, May 4th after late-night filming.

Sharing her experience, the seasoned role interpreter, appreciated the pilot for getting them through the 'mighty cloud'.

According to Jegede the plane kept dropping from the sky and this frightened people as they fervently prayed to God to save them. But the actress said rather than being scared, she saw nothing but beauty in the sky, and when they finally landed a large number of people in the plane came to her to share their videos, making her a 'turbulence celebrity'.

Alexx Ekubo, Others React To Uduak Isong’s Alleged Money Laundering –I Knew Your Long Money Wasn’t Pure

Posted: 22 May 2022 12:30 AM PDT

Nollywood actor, Alexx Ekubo and other movie stars have reacted differently to a recent Money Laundry accusations made against filmmaker Uduak Isong by a random Twitter user by name @obynotony_ .

According to the Obynitony_, Isong must be into money laundering because she often casts A-list actors in her YouTube movies which has only few subscribers.

The critic further wondered how Isong recovers the funds she put into making such movies with A list actors. The tweep wrote:

"All these Nollywood filmmakers like Uduak Isong, who shoots 1hr + movies with established actors and posts on YouTube, how does she make her money? She barely gets up to one million YouTube views and I doubt if that's up to what she spent…Smells like money laundering.. Hehehe."

Reacting to this after Isong posted it on Instagram, Alexx Ekubo wrote, "Oshe money launderer. I knew it! I knew your long money was not pure."

Monalisa Chinda wrote, "The amount of crab on Twitter eehn. Misinformed, uneducated people who just tweet without thinking. Fragments of their imaginations. Money launder."

See other reactions below:

Uduak Isong Oguamanam is an established Nollywood movie director, scriptwriter and producer. She hails from Akwa-Ibom state.

In 2015, Uduak produced her first movie "Falling" under her self-owned production company "Closer Pictures". Isong, recently bagged a Master's degree in Film from the University of Kent, United Kingdom.

She is a graduate of Communication Arts and Russian languages from the University of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria and has continued to give the men in the industry a run with her blockbuster movies.

Nigerian lady says as she finally gets set to wed lover after dating for 13 years –“Destiny cannot be denied”

Posted: 22 May 2022 12:00 AM PDT

A Nigerian lady identified as Juliet Urch has shared her love story as she finally gets set to tie the knot with her lover, Samuel Uchenna.

Reports gathered that the couple have been dating for 13 years ever since they met themselves at a bank in 2009.

The excited bride-to-be shared their pre-wedding photos on Facebook and narrated her love story.

Their wedding is slated to hold on Saturday, May 28th in Umuahia, Abia state.

She wrote:

"E choke, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Destiny can't be denied, because whatsoever that is predestined by divinity must surely come to pass..

13yrs ago when we first met each other June 7th 2009 to be precise, I was only a teenager then when I went to his working place the now defunct oceanic bank to open an account, I was a jambite then lol 😂 🤣🤣🤣😂😂

The way he attended to me and assisted me in filling the necessary documents to enable me open my account and I left without him asking for my digits..🙄🙄

Fast forward to June 13th that same week on a Sunday coincidentally we sat close to each other in church(Winners Chapel)lol 😂😂 na there guy man ask for my number 😋😋 we exchanged contacts, started communicating and getting to know each other..

Our journey of love which would have been mistaken for a mirage was indeed a journey of destiny amidst the relationship turbulence and wagging tongues of men, we weathered both and came out stronger maka Mmadu Abughi Chi ibeya (Man no be God) 🙌🙌

It's been 13yrs of the good, the bad and the ugly but here we are today waxing stronger in understanding and love..💪💪

Thank you buddy for loving me unconditionally despite what people have uttered..Thank you for correcting and tolerating me because I know say my head sabi spark like nepa light most times..🤣🤣🤣🤣

Truly it was worth the wait 🙌🙌🙌🙌Friends join us as we seal our love of 13yrs come 28th May 2022″.

Lady recreates kindergarten graduation photo with her dad as she graduates from Law school

Posted: 21 May 2022 11:30 PM PDT

A lady has sparked emotions on social media after recreating an old photo with her dad to celebrate her graduation from Law School.

The young lawyer, identified as Brittney Jones, took to Twitter to share a throwback picture she took with her dad at her kindergarten graduation.

She also shared a recent photo which was taken at her graduation ceremony from Law School on Monday, May 15.

In the throwback picture which she posted online, her father held her up as she showed off her kindergarten certificate.

They also repeated the same photo style during her graduation from law school. Sharing the photos via Twitter, she said:

"From Kindergarten to Law School; We did it dad!" she captioned the photos.

Yul Edochie’s second wife, Judy Austin, hails herself as she shares new video

Posted: 21 May 2022 11:00 PM PDT

Judy Austin Muoghalu, second wife of popular actor, Yul Edochie, has showered praises on herself in a new video.

The new wife while sharing a video via Instagram, referred to herself as "nwunye odogwu" which means 'the wife of a great man.'

"Nwunye odogwu", Judy said in her caption.

This is coming weeks after her husband Yul introduced her to the public as his second wife on the 27th of April, 2022.

Yul also shared an adorable photo of his first issue with her via his social media handle. Although their decision to get married has caused an uproar online, the couple do not seem to care.

Fans console Don Jazzy as he finally reacts to Rihanna’s childbirth –“Sorry oo, we know it hurts”

Posted: 21 May 2022 10:30 PM PDT

Music mogul, Don Jazzy, believed to be having a crush on Barbadian singer, Rihanna, may just have to kill the feelings after the latter welcomed her first child with her boyfriend, A$AP Rocky, on May 19th, 2022.

News of the international singer's childbirth had overwhelmed the Nigerian social media space on Thursday, with many reacting with congratulatory messages.

On the part of Don Jazzy, fans gave Interpretations to his Instagram post he made to celebrate the female singer.

The Marvin boss, who had Nigerians on social media anticipating his reaction shared a photo of Rihanna with her baby and wrote: "it's a boy".

Meanwhile, comments from his fans thronged the post as many tried to console him on the grounds that his dreams to date the singer may have just gone south.

@Jerry wrote: "Jazzy, we know it hurts..sorry oo."

@Marjenson De: "This is exactly what happened to me. Don Jazzy is in my shoes and I understand how it feels. Move on boss." 

“Frank Edwards told Nigerians that Osinachi is singing at night from the mortuary” – Kemi Olunloyo drags singer – “Frank Edwards told Nigerians that Osinachi is singing at night from the mortuary”

Posted: 21 May 2022 10:00 PM PDT

 Retired journalist, Kemi Olunloyo has dragged the popular gospel artist, Frank Edwards once again following the death of his colleague Osinachi Nwachukwu.

In a tweet she recently shared, the controversial personality accused Frank Edwards of feeding the public with lies by saying that late Osinachi usually sings at night in the mortuary.

She went on to cite a recent statement made by the National Hospital where they dismissed such a claim.

According to her, 'religion is the biggest lie to mankind'.

This accusation leveled against Frank Edwards by Kemi Olunloyo comes after she also alleged that he was Osinachi Nwachukwu's lover.

She wrote:

"#Kemified𓃵 Frank Edwards had told Nigerians that Osinachi is singing at night from the mortuary. The National Hospital says it's not possible and that she's DEAD. Religion is the biggest lie to mankind. We're still waiting for Aunty Joy's version 🙄"

See tweet below:

She wrote:

"#Kemified𓃵 Frank Edwards had told Nigerians that Osinachi is singing at night from the mortuary. The National Hospital says it's not possible and that she's DEAD. Religion is the biggest lie to mankind. We're still waiting for Aunty Joy's version 🙄"

See tweet below:

Give us "Peter Obi" Nigerian Youths demands in #1MillionMarch4PeterObi

Posted: 21 May 2022 05:00 PM PDT



A marmot crowd of Nigerian Youth were seen today along Oba Akinjobi Street, GRA, Ikeja.

The Youths who gathered at Arch Bishop Vinning Memorial Church for a #1MillionMarch4PeterObi were heard chanting some songs in support of the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential aspirant, Mr. Peter Obi.

#icir #theicir #peterobi #PeterObi4President2023 #PeterObi4President

Watch video below:





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