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The 7 deadliest water bodies on Earth

Posted: 22 May 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Earth isn't all about rainbows and sunshine. There are lots of beautiful places that are pretty dangerous, deadly even.

Some water bodies look inviting enough for you to take a dip. What might seem like a serene place to go for a swim may actually be one of the most dangerous bodies of water. The bizarre thing about these lethal bodies of water is that many of them seem like regular swimming holes.

Here are 7 of the deadliest water bodies you need to steer clear of:

Frying Pan Lake, New Zealand

A name like this is enough to scare off even the most daring waterbug. Frying Pan Lake is located in New Zealand's Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley. This lake gets so hot to a temperature of around 45 to 55 degrees Celsius. It is located in a portion of a volcanic crater known as Echo Crater. The eruption that created the crater killed over 100 people in 1886, so the lake has a pretty grim history.

2. Lake Kivu, Rwanda

Lake Kivu is a beautiful lake with scenic and breathtaking landscapes and a hub for tourists and locals. Despite its allure, Lake Kivu is a major catastrophe waiting to happen. The lake holds around 12 cubic miles of carbon dioxide and 16 cubic miles of methane at the bottom, it could literally explode at any moment. When it does, it won't just expel water, but tons of this carbon dioxide and methane it stores. It will destroy everything on its path.

3. Jacob's Well, Texas

Jacob's Well is a beautiful and alluring swimming hole located in Texas. Just by looking at it, you'd never know it has claimed the lives of at least 8 people over the year. Jacob's Well looks like a perfect place to go for a swim, and it actually is, as long as you can stay afloat. The real danger lies in its attraction to divers. The mouth is a 30-foot deep natural well that opens up at the bottom to a broad network of dangerous caves that many inexperienced divers may never leave.

4. Boiling Lake, Dominica

Swimming is strictly prohibited in this lake because the water can reach boiling temperatures in a matter of seconds. This lake will literally boil you alive. With bubbling greyish-blue water that is usually enveloped in a cloud of steam, the Boiling Lake looks like a giant pot of water cooking on a stove.

5. Lake Natron, Tanzania

Lake Natron is a red water lake with high alkalinity that reaches close to 12, enough to harden animals and humans into stone. This lake is covered in a red salt crust. Coming into contact with the water can burn the skin and eyes because of how caustic it is.

Like Jacob's Well, the Great Blue Hole Well, the Great Blue Hole looks alluring to divers. Beneath the surface of the beautiful deep blue colored water is a complex series of tunnels. The most dangerous part of diving into this hole is that scientists discovered that as they descended into the hole, signs of life become scarce. There's a thick layer of hydrogen sulphide spanning the entire width of the home, underneath which there is no oxygen.

7. Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious location responsible for the disappearance of countless ships and planes. To this day, scientists and theorists don't have a clear answer to why ships and planes simply disappear around this body of water.

Foods that helps boost your mood

Posted: 22 May 2022 08:00 AM PDT

Research shows that there is a relationship between nutrition and mental health.

Sometimes, your mental health may be affected by the food you eat. Certain foods can help improve your emotional and mental well-being.

Here are five foods that can help boost your mood:

1) Oily fish:

Oily fish such as salmon and sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids. They can help lift your mood, whether you're depressed or simply in a bad mood. Studies show that there is a link between the low blood levels of Omega-3 and a host of psychological conditions like depression and bipolar disorder. People with low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are likely to have moderate symptoms of depression and mood swings. Research also shows that omega-3 has a significant impact on human health, so it's suggested that you eat at least two servings of fatty fish every week.

2) Bananas:

Bananas contain vitamin B6, which aids in the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Bananas also contain prebiotic fibre, which allows the body to have a stable blood sugar level and better control. Furthermore, bananas are rich in vitamin B-complex, which aids brain functioning and reduces depression.

3) Oats:

Oats are high in tryptophan, which can boost your mood. Oats also contain fibre that helps regulate your blood sugar and boost your mood. In addition, they're high in iron, which may boost the mood symptoms of people with anemia. You can enjoy oats in different forms, such as oatmeal and granola.

4) Nuts and seeds:

Nuts and seeds supplies omega 3 fatty acid and antioxidants to the brain. These acids and antioxidants are capable of boosting mental health. Nuts and seeds rich in zinc and selenium can also help lower your risk of depression. Sources of nuts and seeds includes, walnuts, cashew nuts, peanuts, pumpkin and flax seeds.

5) Eggs:

Eggs are rich in protein, vitamin D, and B12. They also contain choline, which supports the neurological system, boosts mood, and aids in the production of neurotransmitters, as well as selenium, an antioxidant. There are several ways you can eat eggs, some of which include eating boiled eggs as a snack, adding them to your salad, scrambling them with some vegetables and using them in baking.

Things you should know about law that says men must marry 2 or more wives

Posted: 22 May 2022 07:00 AM PDT

There's an African country where polygamy is a must for men.

In case you are wondering what this law is about, here are 5 things to know about the compulsory polygamy law in the small African country known as Eritrea.

In a world where polygamy is shunned in some parts, it has become legal to practice polygamy in other parts.

In case you are wondering what this law is about, here are 5 things to know about the compulsory polygamy law in this small African country.

1. It's now a crime for men to practice monogamy in Eritrea.

2. It was learnt that the mandatory polygamy was put in place by the country's government, a memo was circulated by activists who alleged that the government asked men to marry two wives due to shortage of the menfolk caused by casualties during the civil war with Ethiopia.

3. Citizens in other countries like Kenya are said to be excited about the news because they can change citizenships and marry beautiful Eritrean women.

4. The government wholly supports polygamous marriages now in Eritrea

5. The penalty for refusing to marry at least two wives is life imprisonment with hard labour

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