Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

As I announced last week on Practical Ed Tech, starting on July 6th and running through August I'm hosting a series of webinars on a wide range of edtech topics. All of the webinars will be held live and will also be recorded for those who register in ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. Seven Summer Webinars With Me!
  2. Five Ideas for Classroom Apps
  3. How to Use Custom Fonts in Google Forms to Improve Readability
  4. More Recent Articles

Seven Summer Webinars With Me!

As I announced last week on Practical Ed Tech, starting on July 6th and running through August I'm hosting a series of webinars on a wide range of edtech topics. 

All of the webinars will be held live and will also be recorded for those who register in advance. You can register for one, two, or all of them! Watch the following video or click through the list below to learn more and register for the webinars. 



Five Ideas for Classroom Apps

On Wednesday I published a post about how to create your own mobile apps for classroom use. If you read that post and wondered why teachers would ever want to take on the task of making their own apps or having students do it, here are five ideas for classroom apps. 

1. Create a mobile study guide: This was the first thing that I thought of when I discovered Glide Apps. You or your students could create an app that lists each section or unit of your curriculum. In each section you can provide videos, podcasts, or simply link to additional documents for review.

2. Create a mobile version of school handbooks: When parents have a question about your school, their first instinct is probably to pick up their phones to search your school's website or to call the office. A mobile version of your school's handbook could make it easy for parents to quickly find the answers to frequently asked questions.

3. Create a guide to your community: Are you looking for a community service project for your middle school or high school students? If so, consider having them develop a guide to the highlights your community.

4. Develop a mobile reporting system: Do you have students or parents using Google Forms for logging information about multiple goals like independent reading, outdoor play, or behavior goals? If so, consider placing links to all of those forms in one convenient app. You'd do this by placing the links to your Forms in the columns in your spreadsheet before publishing it through Glide.

5. Room Use Schedule: For many years I worked in a school that had more teachers than classrooms so it was always kind of a guessing game as to who was using which room when. Having an app that made it easy to find out who was using which rooms at which times would have been amazing! With Glide Apps you could create that kind of app.

How to Use Custom Fonts in Google Forms to Improve Readability

One of last week's most popular posts was about the news of Google adding new font customization options to Google Forms. Like all updates to Google Workspace tools, the new font customization options were immediately available to some users and not others. It took about a week for the new options to appear in my Google accounts. If you haven't seen the new Google Forms font customization options, take a look this short video I made to demonstrate how to use them. 


Applications for Education
The Lexend family of fonts is now an option in Google Forms. Lexend fonts are designed to improve the accessibility of writing by reducing visual stress. You can learn more about these fonts here and on

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