The End: The Book Series

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PNW Sponsored Partner - Christian Author J.L. Robb
Dear friend,
Hollywood has made its share of end-of-the-world movies over the years. The Bible has a story about that subject, and all the special effects in the world could not portray the horror and the terror of those days.
The End: The Book: is a 7-part fictional series that follows Jeffrey Ross and a group of senior citizen friends and ex-military as Islamists take their war to the Bible-Belt, and Atlanta suffers the first nuclear strike on U.S. soil.
After a break in at CDC, the Spanish flu virus is released on the world, and millions die as the virus mutates. A hijacked nuclear submarine makes its way toward the United States, and Jeff begins to wonder if the end really is near.
Get Part One Or The Entire Series.  Available in Hardcover, Softcover or PDF which is great for our Intl friends so no shipping costs or wait times.

Click here to watch an intro trailer to the series.

Click here to view some Amazon reviews.

Available from our website here - sample chapters available.

Or At here

I trust you will enjoy this series as the news headlines of today bring end time fiction to life.

J.L. Robb

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