Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

They Are Terrified, Tommy Robinson is Home!

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 03:32 PM PDT

"They've activated their corrupt MSM assets to discredit Q, They're terrified"

Reminder: Hannity Has Long Been An Establishment / Neocon Shill

BOOM Question asked!!! You are now mainstream. Handle with care. Q, We are witnesses to something 10x bigger than Watergate.

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 12:29 PM PDT

OrzeÅ‚ BiaÅ‚y / White Eagle “Warszawskie dzieci, pójdziemy w bój”

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 10:52 AM PDT

Orzeł Biały miał grób na Ceglanej / White Eagle had a grave on Ceglana Street
W bramie była Maryi figurka / Virgin Mary watched from the gate
Krzyż Virtuti przyznany zostanie / The Virtuti Cross will be awarded
Wszystkim Dzieciom z Naszego Podwórka / To all of the children from our courtyard
White Eagle

DEAR WORLD, WWG1WGA!: Q in Denmark, Putin on Don John, TOMMY ROBINSON FREED!, #HollywoodPedos Ask Steven what happened to Heather, MILITARY TRIBUNALS, Soros Puppet OCASIO-CORTEZ, #MAGA CRITICAL MASS

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 01:37 PM PDT

Reaching critical mass @ MAGA rally

Q in Denmark 

Q Drop-Specific Posts: History unfolding before our eyes!  

They are very definitely panicked. 

MSM will never report on this

C_A / WAPO Calls US a 'Deranged Conspiracy Cult' / We're Coming for You Podesta & Bezos!! "they contacted Spielberg and Hanks (no comment yet)." "The comments are priceless. 100% bots & #resistards. Maybe they'd like to take a swipe at explaining the "walnut sauce"?" Blacksmith21

Q post - Walnut Sauce, Haiti, PIZZAGATE

Klaus Eberwein murdered before he was going to testify against Clinton Foundation and their crimes in Haiti

FB & Twit are government funded projects: "So by now most of you know that FB & Twit stock both tanked over 20% in the last few days, but many of you may not understand why. This article is the 'public' reason- but this is NOT reality."  

🔥🔥🔥Tom Steyer accused by Trump supporter: 'embedded' NEED2IMPEACH petition signed her on when she joined humane society off of email from his org

MILITARY TRIBUNALS: "While everyone was once again distracted and not paying attention, our President was finishing up a few more things in preparation for what is to come. The ides of March are upon us."


Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson pictured leaving prison after judges quash contempt ruling 
Our British Patriot Tommy Robinson emerges from 2 months solitary confinement emaciated and unrecognizable

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