Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Covington Catholic Lawyer Interview, #RussianHoax #VeryFakeNews #UniParty WarMongers, But the most amazing part of all is, somehow… Trump won a rigged election.

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 04:25 PM PST

VENEZUELA, THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL. Hillary's 'unfortunate Scare rhetoric' 2016 IS Reality 2019, THE WALL U.S.C 284, #FakeNews Takes the Bait, Brazil SEX SLAVE FARM

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:18 PM PST

And, once again, the American media took the bait & ran with the unsubstantiated & ludicrous allegations by a vocal Trump-hating leftist.

Moral of the story: Never Trust a NeverTrumper….

"it's not about politics - it's about security for OUR nation"

Roger Stone: Mueller Is Trying To Give Me A Death Sentence

House Dems Reject GOP Proposal to Block Raises for Federal Employees Guilty of Sexual Misconduct. Vote was chaired by Democrat Tony Cardenas, who is accused of drugging teenage girl

DOD confirms President Trump can build the wall without declaring emergency or Congress approval using federal law 10 U.S.C 284!


A wall is immoral but letting a baby die on the table is is not immoral ~ The Left has moved from aborting "a clump or cells" to murdering full term babies ~ Idaho seeks to make abortion murder

any ???: Donations to Democrat Lt. Governor Ralph Northam from Planned Parenthood Va

hypocrisy? Same day, same delegate, 2 separate bills. One to kill babies, one to save insects.


STANDING WITH THE VENEZUELAN PEOPLE: President Trump stands with the people of Venezuela as they demand democracy, human rights, and prosperity denied to them by Maduro.


Crime fighting billionaire playboy?:
"Mr. Trump," he said, aiming the camera at his benefactor.
"Yes," Trump said, pulling on the lapels of his jacket.
"Are you Batman?" the boy asked.
"I am Batman," Trump said.

"The guy with the bat looked at me, and I said, 'Look, you've gotta stop this. Put down the bat,' I guess he recognized me because he said, 'Mr. Trump, I didn't do anything wrong.' I said, 'How could you not do anything wrong when you're whacking a guy with a bat?' Then he ran away."

"I'm in the White House, & they're not!"
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