Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

�� Last post before going dark? Re: [PP]? What events followed that post? Coincidence? Anons understand. Q �� & What’s wrong with Nancy P.?

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 01:24 PM PST

What's wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

"She totally pulled the crazy eyes"

To Boot Democrat Rep.Kathy 'Infanticide' Tran From Office "It finally sunk in. It's not just self-serving power and money (they) are after. They have targeted women and children for actual tissue to sell to power players for unspeakable wealth and Luciferianism. Great post, anon. I just thought they were sick perverts. And they want the babies to feel pain!!! If the baby feels pain, the blood is more valuable to them. Oh my God. I'm sick. Fuck New York." middlechild

meanwhile: Virginia Democrat governor Ralph 'Infanticide' Northam

Class action lawsuit in NY for all future unborn citizens - Stay of execution in Virginia

Candlemas Eve of the Feast of the Purification

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:53 AM PST

Candlemas is the conclusion of the Advent/Christmas cycle. We are 40 days from the Nativity of our Lord. Liturgically, the Marian Antiphon and response changes. We have been singing Alma Redemptoris Mater since the beginning of Advent. This ends on Candlemas. Hereafter we sing Ave Regina Cælorum through Lent until Spy Wednesday of Holy Week.

Night Sky Guide for February 2019

STILL SPRAYING!! The Masks Are Coming Off: Diabolical Speed of Evil, Arizona Child Sex Trafficking, tyranny of snowflake minority, wireless devices' EMR Effects on Wildlife, Monsanto’s Manipulation Of Science, Infanticide

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:23 AM PST

But woe to you, O earth & sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short. (Rev 12:12)

the current state of where evil is moving, who it is moving against, and how it is manifesting right before our eyes

Virginia Pushing for Abortions While Mother is in Labor

edging right into infanticide; he further deceives many into calling this good and something to celebrate.

"The Admiral of the Ocean Sea is apparently too afflicting for the students at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana to see without "triggering" them into a woke cataleptic state. Or so says the school — at the behest of a handful of students. The tyranny of the snowflake minority wins again."
Wireless Devices & Wildlife The effects of EMR from wireless devices on wildlife: Excerpts and Resources from An Electronic Silent Spring The radiofrequency (RF) signals that cellular antennas, mobile devices and "smart" utility meters require to function are now ubiquitously and continuously emitted. How do these signals affect wildlife? Scientists report that RF fields emitted by cellular antennas alone potentially cause the decline of animal populations, reduction of some species' useful territory, and deterioration of plant health. Some species may experience reduction of their natural defenses, problems in reproduction and aversive behavioral responses. 
This documentary is dedicated to everyone who wants to fight for truth and life on planet Earth.
Monsanto's "Malicious Conduct" & "Complete Manipulation Of Science" Regarding Roundup® Finally Exposed By Attorney Brent Wisner

Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? Why does Arizona Take the Highest Percentage of Children from their Homes? .


Posted: 01 Feb 2019 09:21 AM PST

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, & All Good Souls, Greetings on a bitter cold morning. 1 degree this morning & the NorthEast is being chemtrailed to DEATH ... meanwhile, the New England Forests are still being cleared to put up Solar!!!  Many of you, like us, have come to Consecrated Vows after having led lives scourged by the enemy ... we know this Battle up front & personal ... to arms then, & God's Speed! Yours in Jesus & Mary, the little brother

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